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Imbolc Revelations: Unveiling Your Path with Brigid’s Tarot Guidance (02-02-2024)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
As the light of Imbolc pierces through the winter's shadow, we seek the wisdom of Brigid - goddess of the hearth and sacred keeper of eternal flames - to guide our tarot journey. Today's spread, featuring The Fool, The Hierophant in reversal, and The High Priestess, serves as a beacon of inspiration, challenging us to embark on new beginnings, question the foundations of our beliefs, and tune in to the whispers of our inner wisdom. Join us as we explore these powerful messages, complemented by affirmations that resonate with Brigid's transformative energy.
Harnessing the Power of Balance: Tarot Insights with Maahes (10-27-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Dive deep into the Tarot with insights inspired by Maahes, the lion-headed deity of ancient Egypt. This article explores the intricate messages from The Devil, VIII of Wands, and the Hierophant, guiding us through challenges and towards inner harmony.
Finding Your Inner Beacon: A Tarot Exploration (10-01-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Unlock your inner wisdom with the cards of the Hierophant, VIII of Swords, and the Star. Guided by the deity Aengus, learn how to seek wisdom, break free from self-imposed restrictions, and become a beacon of hope.
Tarot Insights: Embracing Transformation with the Wisdom of Cernunnos (08-31-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Today's reading explores the themes of transformation and harmonizing contrasts with the wisdom of the Celtic deity Cernunnos. Our chosen cards are the IV of Cups, suggesting overlooked opportunities; XVI The Tower, symbolizing jarring but liberating changes; and V Hierophant, emphasizing the balance between tradition and personal wisdom. Allow Cernunnos to guide you through this spiritual journey.
07-01-2023: Daily Tarot
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Today's Daily Tarot Reading draws you into a heartwarming tapestry woven from community, wonder, and belonging. With the III of Cups (Reversed), Page of Wands, and V Hierophant as your guides, embrace the whispers of the universe.
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