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Queen of Wands (reversed)

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Nurturing Wisdom: Tarot Insights with Gaia’s Guidance (08-27-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In this enlightening exploration, we align with the wisdom of Gaia, the primal Earth goddess, to interpret the messages of the II of Swords, Queen of Wands (reversed), and VII of Pentacles. Discover how her nurturing energy can provide clarity, reignite passion, and emphasize patience in our personal journeys.
07-11-2023: Daily Tarot
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Join us in exploring today's tarot reading - a journey encompassing determination, new ventures, and restoration. The cards of the day: reversed Queen of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, and IV of Swords, hold unique lessons that can help us navigate the intricacies of life with resilience and peace.
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