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Tarot’s Flames of Challenge: Prometheus’s Enlightening Embrace (11-04-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In the presence of Prometheus's illuminating fire, the IV of Cups challenges us to seek deeper fulfillment beyond apathy, the XV The Devil urges us to confront our bindings and reclaim our power, and the IV of Wands celebrates the communal achievements and foundations we've built. Like Prometheus's daring gift of fire to humanity, these cards compel us to kindle our inner flames and rise from complacency to take control of our destinies.
Rhiannon’s Resilience: A Tarot Guide to Overcoming Challenges (10-28-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In this enlightening exploration, we tap into the powerful lessons of the IX of Swords, IX of Wands, and the enigmatic High Priestess. Guided by the Celtic goddess Rhiannon, discover the secrets to navigating life's complexities with resilience and grace.
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