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Navigating Life’s Seasons with Arianrhod: A Tarot Perspective (08-05-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Dive into the wisdom of the Celtic goddess Arianrhod, as I use tarot to navigate the seasons of our lives. Through the X of Swords, III of Cups, and King of Cups, we discover the transformative power of adaptation, the joy of shared celebrations, and the strength in emotional resilience.
07-01-2023: Daily Tarot
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Today's Daily Tarot Reading draws you into a heartwarming tapestry woven from community, wonder, and belonging. With the III of Cups (Reversed), Page of Wands, and V Hierophant as your guides, embrace the whispers of the universe.
06-21-2023: Daily Tarot
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Begin your day with a warming and inviting daily tarot reading for June 21st. Revel in the joy of community with the III of Cups, let love guide you through The Lovers card, and find liberation in the X of Swords. Embrace the messages and let your spirit soar.
Weekly Tarot Reading: June 18-24
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Unveil the secrets of the cosmos as you venture into our Weekly Tarot Card Reading and Horoscope Guide. From matters of love to career insights, let Tarot and the zodiac signs be your compass in navigating the waves of life. Whether you’re a fiery Aries or a dreamy Pisces, this guide brings you closer to your higher self and the mysteries of the universe.
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