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Embracing Change and Healing: A Tarot Journey with Thetis (02-10-2024)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In today’s tarot reading, we traverse the realms of emotional depth and transformation under the guidance of Thetis, the sea goddess. From the introspective reversal of The Fool, through the loving embrace of the Ace of Cups, to the poignant acceptance required by the III of Swords, Thetis's wisdom illuminates our path towards healing and understanding. Join us as we delve into the messages these cards hold for our journey ahead.
Selene’s Guidance: Embracing Change with the Tarot’s Wisdom (02-04-2024)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In today’s tarot reading, we are graced by Selene, the goddess of the moon, who brings her clarity and intuition to our cards: The Magician (reversed), The Hanged Man, and the King of Cups. Each card, under her guidance, offers profound lessons in rediscovering our inner magic, embracing new perspectives, and leading with emotional intelligence. Join us as we delve into the moonlit mysteries of tarot for enlightenment and guidance.
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