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Tarot Insights: Embracing Transformation with the Wisdom of Cernunnos (08-31-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Today's reading explores the themes of transformation and harmonizing contrasts with the wisdom of the Celtic deity Cernunnos. Our chosen cards are the IV of Cups, suggesting overlooked opportunities; XVI The Tower, symbolizing jarring but liberating changes; and V Hierophant, emphasizing the balance between tradition and personal wisdom. Allow Cernunnos to guide you through this spiritual journey.
Embrace Change and Reassess Opportunities: Today’s Tarot Insights (07-17-2023)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Step into the realm of profound insights as we explore today's guideposts for transformation, discernment, and passion. Learn how to let go of what's not serving you, discern real opportunities, and harness your fiery energy for constructive purposes.
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