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Rhiannon’s Resilience: A Tarot Guide to Overcoming Challenges (10-28-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In this enlightening exploration, we tap into the powerful lessons of the IX of Swords, IX of Wands, and the enigmatic High Priestess. Guided by the Celtic goddess Rhiannon, discover the secrets to navigating life's complexities with resilience and grace.
Cerridwen’s Cauldron: Illuminating Tarot’s Deep Mysteries (08-11-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Guided by the enchanting Cerridwen and her cauldron of transformative brew, this tarot exploration dives into the depths of the Queen of Cups, the IX of Wands, and the XIII Death card. Together, they weave a story of change, intuition, and the ever-evolving dance of life.
Embracing Wisdom with Brigid: A Tarot Perspective (07-31-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Join me in a Tarot journey illuminated by the wisdom of the Celtic goddess Brigid. Learn from the Hierophant, move on from disappointments with the V of Cups, and nurture your emotional self with the Queen of Cups.
Celtic Deity: Dagda
By Webby / / Deities /
In the lore of Celtic Paganism, the tale of Dagda stands tall. Known as the 'Good God', Dagda's story is a reflection of ancient Celtic values - unity, balance, and reverence for life's cycles. Explore his tale and discover the profound wisdom hidden within.
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