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August 4

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Embracing Balance with Hestia: A Tarot Reflection (08-04-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
In this insightful tarot journey, we turn to Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth, for wisdom and guidance. Drawing lessons from the Page of Wands, the reversed V of Cups, and the reversed King of Wands, we explore themes of new beginnings, letting go of past disappointments, and the importance of balance and patience.
The Crab’s Constellation: Unveiling Life’s Battles in Today’s Horoscope (08-04-23)
By Webby / / Horoscope /
Today's horoscope brings us face-to-face with the Crab's constellation's wisdom. This tale of commitment and bravery offers a mirror to our life's battles, reminding us that every challenge we face is a stepping stone towards growth and transformation. Embark on this journey of celestial insights, guided by the courage of the Crab and the wisdom of our horoscope.
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