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August 2

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Unlocking the Power of Pendulums: Dowsing for Spiritual Insights
By Webby / / Pendulum /
Pendulum divination has long been used as a spiritual tool, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and make important decisions. This article will take you on a journey through its intriguing history, from its earliest recorded uses to its contemporary application in spirituality and personal development.
Embracing the Present: Verdandi’s Wisdom and The Tarot (08-02-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Journey with me as we uncover the wisdom of the Norse goddess Verdandi. In the light of The Hanged Man, III of Swords, and V of Cups reversed, we learn about surrendering to the unknown, healing through acceptance, and finding hope in future possibilities. Embrace the teachings of Verdandi as she spins the threads of our present.
Horoscope Wisdom: Guided by the Greater Dog – Canis Major (08-02-23)
By Webby / / Horoscope /
In this edition of the daily horoscope, I draw inspiration from Canis Major, the Greater Dog. Discover how its lessons of determination, loyalty, and unyielding pursuit can guide your journey. Whether overcoming professional challenges or embarking on a spiritual journey, let the steadfastness of this celestial hound guide you.
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