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August 1

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Embrace the Glow: The Aquarius Supermoon 2023 & Your Zodiac Sign
By Webby / / Astrology /
Mark your calendars for a celestial spectacle as the Aquarius Supermoon 2023 lights up our skies. Uncover the transformative lunar energies and their unique implications for your Zodiac sign.
Guarding Your Golden Apples: Draco’s Wisdom in Today’s Horoscope (08-01-23)
By Webby / / Horoscope /
Journey through the night sky to the constellation of Draco, as we apply the dragon's guardian wisdom to our daily horoscope. Understand how this celestial guide helps us guard our personal treasures and navigate life's challenges, from Aries to Pisces.
Janus’ Wisdom: A Dual Gaze into Today’s Tarot Insights (08-01-23)
By Webby / / Tarot Reading /
Step through the gateway of understanding with our daily tarot insights, today guided by the Roman god of transitions, Janus. Explore the dual nature of The Emperor, Page of Cups, and The Devil, empowering your decision-making and finding the strength to navigate life's challenges with Janus' unique two-faced wisdom.
Embrace the Harvest: Celebrating Lughnasadh with Unforgettable Rituals
By Webby / / Sabbats - Esbats /
Step into the spirit of the Lughnasadh season with 3 rituals that help tap into the energies of abundance and prosperity. From creating your own herb pouch to crafting a magic mist for good luck, these rituals will enrich your celebration and deepen your connection with the harvest season.
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