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The Hanged Man

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The Hanged Man Keywords

Sacrifice, Letting go, Suspension, Waiting, Uncertainty, Lack of Direction, Perspective, Contemplation


Card Lesson:

The XII The Hanged Man card embodies the necessity to pause and potentially halt a specific course of action, often leading to a phase characterized by indecision.


Historical description of The Hanged Man

The gallows from which he is suspended forms a Tau cross, while the figure— from the position of the legs—forms a fylfot cross. There is a nimbus about the head of the seeming martyr. It should be noted (1) that the tree of sacrifice is liv- ing wood, with leaves thereon; (2) that the face expresses deep entrancement, not suffering; (3) that the figure, as a whole, suggests life in suspension, but life and not death. It is a card of profound significance, but all the significance is veiled. One of his editors suggests that Eliphas Lévi did not know the meaning, which is unquestionable—nor did the editor himself. It has been called falsely a card of martyrdom, a card of prudence, a card of the Great Work, a card of duty; but we may exhaust all published interpretations and find only vanity. I will say very sim- ply on my own part that it expresses the relation, in one of its aspects, between the Divine and the Universe.
THE HANGED MAN.—Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. Reversed: Selfishness, the crowd, body politic.
(source: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - Arthur Edward Waite)


Understanding the XII The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man, the twelfth card in the Major Arcana, presents an intriguing dichotomy. On its surface, the card reveals a figure dangling upside-down, tethered by one foot, yet his expression is one of tranquility, even serenity. This card urges us to pause, take a step back, and see our lives from a fresh perspective. There are times when we must surrender to the unknown and let things unfold naturally.

In this fascinating card, we see a man suspended upside-down, hanging by his foot from the world tree that reaches deep into the underworld and holds up the heavens. Despite the seemingly precarious situation, it appears the hanging man is in this position of his own accord, a notion supported by the serene expression on his face. His right foot is bound to the tree's branches, while his left foot remains unbound, implying a balance between constraint and liberation. He holds his hands behind his back, creating an inverted triangle, suggesting the reversal of conventional perspectives.

The Hanged Man's attire adds depth to its symbolism. His red trousers denote the physical body and human passions, while the calm, serene blue of his shirt is a color commonly associated with saints, signifying peaceful emotions. The intellect is represented by the yellow color of his shoes, hair, and the halo that graces his head.

The Hanged Man understands his position as a necessary sacrifice for progression. Whether it's penance for past missteps or a tactical retreat to rethink his path, his time spent in suspension is far from wasted. Rather, it forms a crucial part of his forward journey. His inverted state echoes the feelings of those who tread a spiritual path, viewing the world differently than most. Where others might fail to understand the necessity of his sacrifice, those walking their individual paths see things differently, recognizing this as a natural course of action.

The Hanged Man also embodies the need to suspend particular actions, signaling a period of indecision. Thus, it insinuates that certain actions or decisions that need careful implementation might be put off, despite the present urgency to act. In fact, it may be beneficial to delay some actions to allow more time for reflection and decision-making. This card primarily leans towards the notions of waiting and suspension, implying that sometimes, success may require patience or the right opportunity. It serves as a reminder that immediate action isn't always the best course, and in certain instances, holding back can yield just as much, if not more, rewards.


  1. Sacrifice and Letting Go When, The Hanged Man appears in your reading, it often signifies the need for sacrifice or letting go. It might be a situation or an idea that you are holding onto, but it’s time to release it. This card encourages you to release control, to surrender to the natural course of events, and to trust the universe's plan.
  2. New Perspective, The Hanged Man is all about seeing things from a new perspective. When hanging upside down, the world may look different, but it's the same world viewed differently. The card urges you to break free from your conventional ways of thinking and to challenge your preconceived notions.
  3. Suspension, being in a state of suspension is another key theme of this card. It represents a time when action is not the right path, rather it’s a moment for reflection, patience, and observation. This is not a state of helplessness but a conscious choice to pause, rethink, and reevaluate.
  4. Zodiac Affiliation and Elemental Energy, The Hanged Man card is deeply associated with the element of water, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and inward journeys. It is also linked with the zodiac sign Neptune, which is known for its spiritual, dreamy, and introspective qualities.
  5. Embracing Acceptance, The Hanged Man is a call to accept that not everything in life can be controlled. It’s about embracing the uncertainty and finding peace amidst chaos. It encourages acceptance of the current circumstances, and the understanding that sometimes surrender leads to liberation.


Interpretation Extended: Astrology and Beyond

The Hanged Man, being the twelfth card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, carries an astrological correspondence with the planet Neptune, known as the planet of illusions, dreams, and intuition in astrology. Neptune's association with this card emphasizes the card's focus on introspection, surrender, and the cultivation of a new perspective.


Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, a zodiac sign known for its intuition, empathy, and willingness to go with the flow. This mirrors the Hanged Man's message of surrendering to the circumstances and seeking wisdom in non-action and introspection. Thus, the astrological connection of the Hanged Man to Neptune and Pisces further underscores the themes of sacrifice, letting go, and seeing things from a fresh perspective.


In terms of numerology, the Hanged Man card carries the number 12, which reduces to 3 (1+2) in numerological calculations. The number 3 often symbolizes creative self-expression, communication, and the synthesis of opposites to create something new. This reflects the transformative aspect of the Hanged Man, as it often points to a period of stagnation or pause that leads to a new understanding or perspective.


Overall, the connections between The Hanged Man and these forms of divination deepen the layers of interpretation for this card. Whether it's the ethereal and introspective energy of Neptune and Pisces or the creative transformation suggested by the number 3, these relationships reinforce the card's central themes of voluntary surrender, introspection, and personal transformation.

Love Implications

When it comes to matters of the heart, The Hanged Man urges a period of introspection and evaluation. It may signal a season of patience or the necessity to perceive the relationship from an altered vantage point. This card encourages deep contemplation of your feelings and emotional responses.

In broader strokes, The Hanged Man is a messenger of sacrifice, new perspectives, and the wisdom of waiting for the opportune moment. For those unattached, an upright Hanged Man in a tarot love reading underscores that matters of love can't be hastened. Regardless of how passionately you engage in your romantic pursuits or how precisely you craft your messages to your potential partner, if they aren't ready, your efforts may not bear fruit. Rather than attempting to force a relationship into being or exert undue pressure, utilize this phase to observe how your perspectives shift when you're alone. This insight holds true within established relationships as well. Timing can play a pivotal role when it comes to engaging in significant discussions or advancing the relationship to the next phase.

In another vein, the concept of sacrifice could become significant in your current or prospective relationships. There might be times when help is needed, and these moments can test your dedication. However, they also have the potential to bring you and your partner closer together. The Hanged Man reminds us that love often involves a measure of sacrifice, and it's in these moments of surrender that we might find the most profound connection and understanding.


Career Implications

When viewed through the lens of career, The Hanged Man can symbolize a phase of ambiguity or stagnation. Yet, it's crucial to understand that this card also signifies a time for introspection and reevaluation. It might be suggesting that you need to release a particular professional trajectory or reconsider your career objectives.

In the realm of work, The Hanged Man can echo a sense of waiting or uncertainty about your next course of action. Your projects might be on standby, compelling you to take a respite, or you might find yourself in a state of contemplation, pondering your subsequent professional move. There's an inherent wisdom within this card—it's a reminder that at times, despite our best efforts, we can't force decisions or bring about change before it's due. There are moments when we need to embrace patience and realize that what we've been striving for—be it a response from a business partner or colleague, a decision from a client, or clarity on a career change—will materialize in its own time. The advice here is to relax and simply be.

In another scenario, you might find yourself in the midst of a significant career transition. What might seem like a regressive step could actually be a deliberate strategy to recalibrate your professional journey, aligning it more closely with what truly fulfills you. The Hanged Man teaches us that sometimes, what appears as stagnation or regression is a necessary pause to gather our thoughts, reassess our goals, and eventually emerge with a clearer, more focused vision for our professional lives.


Financial Implications

On the matter of finances, The Hanged Man typically signifies a phase of limitations or sacrifices. This might not be the most opportune time for heavy investments or significant financial decisions. Instead, it's a period to scrutinize your financial circumstances and possibly make sacrifices that would benefit you in the long run.

The Hanged Man, in this context, can also indicate that a shift in perspective could be beneficial. If you've been experiencing stress over monetary issues, you might discover that a temporary pause could lead to a fresh viewpoint. This card challenges us to transform seemingly negative situations into opportunities for growth. Could you turn a financial setback into a learning experience? Could your financial worries be more of a perceived crisis than an actual one? The Hanged Man prompts you to look at your financial situation from a different angle, encouraging you to identify potential opportunities amidst financial difficulties. It serves as a gentle reminder that sometimes, our worries are more rooted in our perceptions than reality, and a change in perspective can often lead to novel solutions and paths forward.


Final Thoughts

The Hanged Man, while seemingly paradoxical, is a card of deep introspection, acceptance, and perspective shift. It encourages you to look at things from a different angle, to embrace uncertainty, and to understand the value of sacrifice. The journey of The Hanged Man might be uncomfortable, but it’s through this discomfort that growth and deeper understanding often emerge. Allow the wisdom of The Hanged Man to guide you towards a new way of thinking, and to surrender, trust, and accept life's flow.

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