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The Chariot

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The VII The Chariot Keywords

Willpower, Success, Control, Ambition, Determination, Self-discipline, Focus


Card Lesson:

When The Chariot presents itself, it signifies the need for you to forge ahead with your plan in a systematic and well-organized manner.

Historical description of the VII The Chariot. 

An erect and princely figure carrying a drawn sword and corresponding, broadly speaking, to the traditional description which I have given in the first part. On the shoulders of the victorious hero are supposed to be the Urim and Thummim. He has led captivity captive; he is conquest on all planes in the mind, in science, in progress, in certain trials of initiation. He has thus replied to the sphinx, and it is on this account that I have accepted the variation of Eliphas Lévi; two sphinxes ;thus draw his chariot. He is above all things triumph in the mind.


It is to be understood for this reason (a) that the question of the sphinx is concerned with a Mystery of Nature and not of the world of Grace, to which the charioteer could offer no answer; (b) that the planes of his conquest are manifest or external and not within himself; (c) that the liberation which he effects may leave himself in the bondage of the logical understanding; (d) that the tests of initiation through which he has passed in triumph are to be understood physically or rationally; and (e) that if he came to the pillars of that Temple between which the High Priestess is seated, he could not open the scroll called Tora, nor if she questioned him could he answer. He is not hereditary royalty and he is not priesthood.
THE CHARIOT.—Succour, providence; also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble.
(source: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - Arthur Edward Waite)


Understanding VII The Chariot Upright

As The Chariot, card number VII, gallantly strides into your tarot reading, what stories and lessons does it illuminate? Contrary to its reversed self, which echoes of obstructions and a sense of losing control, the upright Chariot rides forth as a powerful emblem of resolve, triumph, and a confident grip on the reins of existence. Together, let's journey into the dynamic, unyielding energy of The Chariot and uncover how it can inspire and drive us on our unique life paths.

Symbolically, The Chariot is a beacon of pure determination and mastery. The image showcases a charioteer, steadfast and prepared for the battles life may throw his way. He holds the reins of two sphinxes, one black and one white, signifying life's inherent dualities. The Chariot urges us to channel our inner strength and tenacity to unite these conflicting forces and guide them toward our ultimate goals.

Let's look closer at the imagery on the card. Our charioteer sits securely within a carriage, guided by the two contrasting sphinxes. The card is awash with celestial motifs; our figure rests under a canopy of bright blue, studded with gleaming white stars. Crescent moon symbols grace his shoulders, indicative of the spiritual influences guiding his journey. Crowned, he signifies enlightenment and purity of intent, while the square emblazoned on his chest, an emblem of earth and the physical realm, keeps him grounded and centered in his actions.

The juxtaposed black and white sphinxes symbolize opposing forces, waiting to be tamed and guided by the charioteer. Their energy is subdued for now, but they often struggle, seemingly intent on pursuing separate paths. Our charioteer's mission is to steer these dichotomous forces towards a shared destination, one shaped by the cosmic influences he embodies. Notably, The Chariot holds ties to the astrological sign of Cancer.

Now, let's consider the upright meaning of The Chariot. This card embodies the spirit of surmounting challenges and celebrating victory through maintaining control over one's environment. This flawless mastery and self-assuredness empower the charioteer to triumph over any situation that arises. His strength and willpower are the tools required to conquer the hurdles blocking his path. The Chariot's message strengthens your resolve and determination as you ardently work towards realizing your aspirations.

A crucial message imparted by The Chariot is the importance of maintaining focus, confidence, and perseverance, especially when you're traversing a journey filled with twists, turns, and unforeseen detours. Should you find yourself doubting a plan or project, The Chariot encourages you to follow through with a well-structured and systematic approach. Your audaciousness and well-guided determination will help secure your success. So hold those reins firmly, and stride forth with unwavering purpose.


  1. Determination and Willpower, the Chariot card in your reading is a clear signal of your determination, willpower, and ability to overcome obstacles. This is a card of victory achieved through maintaining control over opposing forces. It can indicate a time when you're making significant progress in your goals due to your sheer determination and drive.

  2. Success and Achievement, this card also stands for success and achievement, particularly in the face of adversity. When The Chariot appears, it could mean that you're on the path to victory. It indicates overcoming challenges and reaching your goals.

  3. Control and Balance, the Chariot underscores the necessity of balance and control in your life. It could represent your internal struggle—balancing your ambition with your sense of well-being. The message is to stay focused on your path, but maintain balance and control over your thoughts and emotions.

  4. Zodiac Affiliation and Elemental Energy, the Chariot card is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer, known for its tenacity and determination. Just as a Cancerian can retreat into their shell, yet also strive forward when necessary, The Chariot too, symbolizes the balance between action and introspection.

  5. Embracing Ambition and Perseverance, the Chariot invites you to harness your willpower and determination to overcome life's challenges. It’s a call to stay focused on your goals, remain resilient in the face of obstacles, and march forward with confidence.


Interpretation Extended: Astrology and Beyond

In the cosmic world of Astrology, The Chariot bears a strong association with the nurturing, cardinal-water sign of Cancer. This connection is not arbitrary, as it unfolds layers of The Chariot's meaning, revealing its intimate ties to the qualities encapsulated by Cancer.


A cardinal sign, Cancer, is recognized for its initiatory nature, propelling the beginning of a season – much like the driving force that The Chariot represents in a tarot reading. Further, as a water sign, Cancer is deeply connected with emotions, intuition, and the subconscious, which corresponds to the emotional drive behind the willpower and determination portrayed in The Chariot.


Cancer, being governed by the Moon, the celestial body that rules emotions, inner selves, and our instinctive reactions, illuminates the emotional undertones and internal landscapes that The Chariot traverses. This moon influence further underlines the dichotomy of conscious and subconscious forces at play – echoing the theme of balancing opposing forces depicted by the black and white sphinxes in the card.


Aside from Astrology, The Chariot resonates with certain concepts in Numerology as well. Bearing the number seven, The Chariot is linked to the vibrational essence of this number, signifying introspection, wisdom, and spiritual growth. This connection to number seven adds a deeper spiritual dimension to the themes of control, determination, and victory that are inherent in The Chariot card.


In essence, the relationship between The Chariot and various divination systems such as Astrology and Numerology offers a broader, more nuanced perspective on the card's symbology, empowering us to delve into a deeper understanding of the wisdom that The Chariot offers.

Love Implications

Within the realm of love, The Chariot card stands as a beacon of drive and unwavering determination. It typically signifies a relationship where both parties, fuelled by a shared vision, are committed to working tirelessly and overcoming obstacles to ensure the partnership thrives.

Let's steer this discussion deeper. It's time to seize the reins and gain a lucid understanding of your desires and aspirations in love and romance. Once your destination in the realm of the heart is clear, The Chariot urges you to embark on that journey. By taking charge of your love life and steering it with resolution and courage, you'll likely witness the blossoming of your desires. The energy of confidence, courage, and drive, championed by The Chariot, paves the road to triumphant love.

However, as you ardently pursue your love goals, The Chariot also cautions about the need for balance. The two horses depicted on the card symbolize two opposing forces that may attempt to pull you in different directions. Your task, as the charioteer of your life, is to rein in these forces and navigate a clear path ahead. This card prompts you to reflect on your choices and their equilibrium; has your work-life balance tilted to the point where your relationship is bearing the brunt? Or, in contrast, have you sacrificed too much of your individuality in the pursuit of your relationship?

The Chariot calls us to reclaim control of our lives, encouraging us to steer our destiny with steadfast determination. In doing so, we can ensure that our journey of love aligns with our broader life goals and personal identity. Find your balance, take the reins, and let The Chariot guide you towards a love that's both fulfilling and harmonious with your individuality.


Career Implications

Within the professional sphere, The Chariot card emerges as an encouraging beacon, promising success, evolution, and accomplishment. It typically signifies a phase where you're making considerable strides in your career, propelled by your relentless ambition and unwavering determination.

Let's delve deeper into the profound symbolism of The Chariot in relation to career. Your ambition, akin to a finely tuned compass, guides you towards your ultimate professional destination. The Chariot, in a career tarot reading, signals that this ambition coupled with your clear understanding of your career goals, will pave the path towards those goals. You'll likely find yourself brimming with motivation at work, a catalyst sparking the discipline, drive, and self-control vital for your journey to success.

If your career aspirations involve transitioning to a new role or ascending to a senior position in your current organization, The Chariot's potent energy encourages you to forge ahead with full force. However, this card also counsels maintaining clarity amidst potential distractions that may dot your professional landscape. These distractions might manifest as office politics or rivals - factors that can potentially disrupt your focus. Yet, The Chariot reminds us of the power of sustained concentration on the task at hand.

The essence of The Chariot in your career life is a blend of ambitious drive, clear goal-setting, and a balanced approach, enabling you to triumph over challenges and advance on your professional path. Keep your focus sharp and your drive strong, and let The Chariot guide you towards the career success you envision.


Financial Implications

In the realm of finance, The Chariot signals a period where you're firmly in the driver's seat, controlling your monetary circumstances. It often denotes financial stability, a fruit born from your toil and astute planning.

Let's extend our understanding of The Chariot's implications within the financial sphere. This mighty card is a beacon of strength, suggesting that now might be an opportune moment to address and overcome any financial hurdles that have been impeding your path towards material stability. Empowered by The Chariot, you find the necessary motivation, focus, and determination to vanquish these financial challenges.

The Chariot doesn't just herald the onset of overcoming financial obstacles, but it also serves as a testament to your self-discipline. With enough self-control and perseverance, comfort with your financial situation becomes more than an aspiration, it becomes your reality. The Chariot's message, in this context, reinforces that through discipline and a proactive approach, you can successfully navigate the path of financial stability, steering your monetary circumstances towards a secure future.


Final Thoughts

In the realm of finance, The Chariot signals a period where you're firmly in the driver's seat, controlling your monetary circumstances. It often denotes financial stability, a fruit born from your toil and astute planning. Let's extend our understanding of The Chariot's implications within the financial sphere. This mighty card is a beacon of strength, suggesting that now might be an opportune moment to address and overcome any financial hurdles that have been impeding your path towards material stability. Empowered by The Chariot, you find the necessary motivation, focus, and determination to vanquish these financial challenges.

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