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Scrying is a revered form of divination, tracing back to ancient times. It involves gazing into a reflective or absorbent surface such as a mirror, a crystal ball, water, or even flickering flames. The realm of scrying knows no bounds; one might find insight by staring into the darkness, watching the shifting clouds, observing the unpredictable patterns of ink dropped into water, or even in the darkness behind closed eyes — an intriguing practice known as 'eyelid scrying.'

These perceived images may seem fleeting, blurred, or enigmatic at first, but your intuition helps interpret and bring meaning to these fragmented visions, translating them into something comprehensible.

As a practitioner, you immerse your gaze onto your chosen scrying tool, surrendering your focus to it. This singular concentration assists in decluttering your mind, propelling you into a trance-like state. It's within this receptive state of mind that those endowed with the gift of vision can discern signs, symbols, and images that grant them insights into the knowledge they seek. This sacred practice of scrying is more than just seeing — it's about understanding the unseen.

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