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Queen of Swords

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The Queen of Swords Keywords

Intelligence, Honesty, Independence, Principled, Fair, Constructive Criticism, Objective, Perceptive


Card Lesson:

The Queen of Swords card encourages you to value the significance of basing your judgments not solely on emotion, but rather on a comprehensive examination of all relevant facts. It implores you to sift through every piece of information before arriving at a conclusion.


Historical description of the Queen of Swords. 

Her right hand raises the weapon vertically and the hilt rests on an arm of her royal chair; the left hand is extended, the arm raised; her countenance is severe but chastened; it suggests familiarity with sorrow. It does not represent mercy, and, her sword notwithstanding, she is scarcely a symbol of power.
Divinatory Meanings; Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation. 
(source: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - Arthur Edward Waite)


Understanding the Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords in her upright position is an embodiment of intellect, objectivity, and clarity. As a depiction of an older, wiser feminine intellect, she holds a stern gaze from her high throne, her sword raised towards the sky. The Queen represents the air element, hinting at her place in the realm of intellect and the mind.

She is a figure of authority and stern judgement, with a demeanor that might seem emotionless at first glance. But look closer, and you'll notice her extended hand, reaching out in offering. This gesture signifies that while she prioritizes intellectual understanding and objectivity, she is not devoid of compassion. Her presence calls you to make judgements and decisions based on facts rather than emotions alone.

The Queen of Swords encourages independence in judgement, urging you to rely on unbiased intelligence, to research alternative viewpoints, and to deliberate carefully before making decisions. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining an objective perspective and not allowing emotions to cloud your judgement.

Moreover, the Queen of Swords is about clear communication. She is straightforward, speaking her truth without sugarcoating. This frankness allows her to get her point across unambiguously, eliminating confusion. The Queen values truth above all and has no hesitation in expressing her thoughts, comments, or opinions without dilution. She expects the same level of candor from others, suggesting that in your interactions, you must be crystal clear, even if the truth might be uncomfortable.

The Queen of Swords beckons you to embrace wisdom - a wisdom often borne from past emotional journeys, to adopt honesty in all your dealings, and to embody a sense of independence in thought and judgement. Her message is one of intellectual mastery, clear communication, and an unflinching gaze towards truth.


  1. Wisdom Born from Experience, the Queen of Swords represents the wisdom that often comes from having weathered the storms of life. When this card shows up in a reading, it may be inviting you to tap into your own reservoirs of wisdom and draw upon your past experiences as a source of guidance and insight.
  2. Honesty and Clarity, the Queen of Swords is also a symbol of honesty and clarity. She does not shy away from the truth, no matter how harsh it may be. This card may be a call to confront a situation honestly, without sugarcoating, yet with the wisdom and sensitivity born from experience.
  3. Independence and Self-Reliance, the Queen of Swords embodies independence and self-reliance. She stands firm in her beliefs and decisions, not easily swayed by the opinions of others. This card may suggest a time when you need to stand up for what you believe in and demonstrate your ability to be self-reliant, even when faced with challenges.
  4. Career Implications, in a career context, the Queen of Swords can indicate a time when you need to take charge, make clear decisions, and speak your truth. This card might be indicating that it's time to demonstrate your leadership abilities and assert your ideas and opinions.


Interpretation Extended: Astrology and Beyond

Astrologically, the Queen of Swords is often associated with the air signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These signs are renowned for their intellectual prowess, logical reasoning, and communication skills, qualities that align beautifully with the characteristics embodied by the Queen of Swords. She is a figure of intellectual power, clear judgment, and incisive communication. In some Tarot traditions, she is specifically linked to the latter part of Virgo and the beginning of Libra, a time of year marked by the balancing of light and dark, underscoring her association with clarity and decision-making.


The Queen of Swords also maintains a connection with the planet Venus, a celestial body traditionally associated with love, beauty, and relationships. This association may seem at odds with the Queen's more intellectual and aloof demeanor. Still, it serves to highlight her ability to navigate relationships with wisdom, honesty, and clear-sighted understanding.


In Numerology, the Queen cards of the Tarot deck are often associated with the number 3, symbolizing creativity, growth, and the power of imagination. This association sheds light on the Queen of Swords' ability to perceive the truth in any situation, cutting through deception or ambiguity with the sword of her intellect. Her understanding of truth isn't just intellectual, but also creative and intuitive. She can see through to the heart of complex issues, growing and learning from every interaction.


The connections between the Queen of Swords card and Astrology and Numerology enrich our understanding of this card's profound symbolism. These intersections allow us to explore more deeply the wisdom encapsulated within the Queen of Swords, as she invites us to wield our intellectual power with clarity, honesty, and discernment.

Love Implications

In the context of love, the Queen of Swords can represent a person who is discerning and independent. This person might prefer solitude or the company of a select few, employing their sharp intellect and perceptiveness to maintain their circle. Their determination might seem intimidating to those unfamiliar with their nature, but beneath the veneer of sternness, they can be loving and fiercely loyal.

If you're looking to win the heart of a person represented by the Queen of Swords, patience is key. This queen isn't one to quickly lower her guard or indulge in grand romantic gestures. Instead, she appreciates slow, steady progress, a meeting of minds, and the establishment of trust.

If the card doesn't signify a person, the Queen of Swords tarot love meaning can imply a time when you're seeking a balance between independence, self-sufficiency, and companionship. Much like the Queen herself, you might be striving to establish your own space and identity within the framework of a partnership.

The Queen of Swords prompts the creation of clear boundaries and expectations within a relationship. She encourages an understanding that love does not equate to losing one's individuality. This card can often represent a phase in a relationship where adjustments need to be made to ensure clarity, mutual respect, and understanding.


Career Implications

In the context of career, the Queen of Swords tarot card could represent either a senior individual or yourself. This figure is known for wisdom, honesty, and providing constructive criticism that can guide you forward in your career path.

Should this card symbolize you, it suggests that you're at a stage where you're earning considerable respect from your peers. You are able to effectively communicate your keen ideas and pair them with an empathetic understanding of others' perspectives. This skill not only earns you a reputable standing among your colleagues but also accentuates your integrity and fair-minded approach to workplace situations.

The Queen of Swords encourages you to value this respect and to use your communication skills and sense of empathy to foster a positive work environment. She signifies a time of intellectual growth and mutual respect in the workplace, a period where your honest and clear communication is highly appreciated and beneficial for career progression.

Financial Implications

When it comes to financial matters, the Queen of Swords tarot card encourages an approach that blends logic, wisdom, and consideration. It advises you to maintain a balance between your head and heart, especially when decisions involve others.

If you find yourself in a situation where you're asked to aid someone else financially, the Queen of Swords urges you to consider things from a balanced viewpoint, respecting both your interests and theirs. This might involve creating a plan that enables you to offer assistance, but with clearly established boundaries. Think along the lines of forming a contract or a payment plan, or setting certain rules.

Representing a keen and perceptive intellect, the Queen of Swords also advises you to pay attention to all the details related to your financial situation. She stands for clarity and objective assessment. Make sure that you're well aware of your financial standing, the potential risks, and the opportunities available to you.

In essence, the Queen of Swords' financial message is about blending compassion with common sense, being wise about your resources, and ensuring that your decisions are based on a thorough and clear understanding of the situation.


The Queen of Swords card carries several traditional connotations, with each interpretation providing a deeper insight into the card's symbolic meaning:

  • Roles and Traits: Historically, the Queen of Swords has often been associated with the roles of a widow, crone, or divorcée. She embodies high standards and has a critical eye toward both herself and others. Her persona is defined by her independent spirit, self-sufficiency, and intelligence, and she is not one to shy away from imposing her terms or defining her boundaries.
  • Feminist Symbolism: In a contemporary context, this card may be seen as a manifestation of positive feminist traits. As Tarot reader and artist Tiffany Lee Brown articulates, the Queen of Swords represents power and autonomy, aspects that have been historically denied to women. In this light, she signifies the ability to create one's own rules and define personal boundaries.
  • Positional Importance: The placement of the Queen of Swords card in a reading can significantly affect its interpretation. For instance, when the card appears in a future position, it may indicate a guidepost or a source of inspiration. Noted Tarot author Mary K. Greer, author of "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card" (Llewellyn, 2008) and other Tarot-related books, emphasizes that practitioners should not restrict themselves to traditional gender roles, meaning that this queen could represent a figure of authority or wisdom, regardless of their gender.


Smith-Rider–Waite Symbolism

The Queen of Swords card from the Smith-Rider–Waite Tarot deck offers a rich tapestry of symbols that bring additional layers of meaning:

  • Hand and Sword: The Queen extends one hand, perhaps in a gesture of offering or seeking, while holding a sword firmly in the other, indicating readiness for self-defense or setting a test for others. These combined symbols hint at her familiarity with sorrow and her resolve to overcome it.
  • Crown and Butterflies: Her crown, adorned with butterflies, signifies the element of air, representing the realm of the mind and symbolizing intellectual freedom.
  • Clouds: The distinction between the pristine white clouds and the darker ones at the bottom right corner symbolizes the dual nature of her thoughts. The darker clouds might indicate past sorrows, while the lighter ones suggest clarity of thought and intellectual prowess.
  • Hand Gesture: Some interpretations view the queen's extended hand as a symbol of transforming thoughts into action. The element of air embodied in the sword cards, as well as the skyscapes, signifies the emotional landscape of the card. The low-lying clouds on the horizon may suggest the advent of new ideas or the start of a new venture.


Final Thoughts

The Queen of Swords is a card of strength, wisdom, and independence. While it may sometimes indicate challenges or tough situations, it also carries the promise of the wisdom and resilience we can develop in the face of these trials. Whether it's a personal matter, a career decision, or a financial situation, the Queen of Swords urges you to wield your sword of clarity, wisdom, and honesty to navigate through.

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