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IV of Cups

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The IV of Cups Keywords

Withdrawal, Apathy, Contemplation, Feeling disconnected, Melancholy, Boredom, Indifference, Discontent


Card Lesson:

You're engulfed in a sense of indifference - irrespective of the day's events, whether they lean towards joy or sorrow, their significance seems to elude you.


Historical description of the IV of Cups.

A young man is seated under a tree and contemplates three cups set on the grass before him; an arm issuing from a cloud offers him another cup. His expression notwithstanding is one of discontent with his environment.
Divinatory Meanings: Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety only; another wine, as if a fairy gift, is now offered the wastrel, but he sees no consolation therein. This is also a card of blended pleasure.
(source: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - Arthur Edward Waite)

Understanding the IV of Cups

When the introspective energy of the IV of Cups in its upright position weaves itself into your tarot reading, it narrates a tale of contemplation and deep introspection. Unlike its reversed version, the upright IV of Cups is a signal for a moment of self-reflection, possibly even stirring feelings of discontentment. Through this exploration, we aim to illuminate the profound symbolism of the IV of Cups, a card encouraging us to retreat momentarily, examine our emotional state, and lend an ear to our inner voice.

The IV of Cups is often depicted as a figure sitting beneath a tree, immersed in thoughts while considering three cups presented before them, and simultaneously, a divine hand emerges offering a fourth cup. This image is imbued with rich symbolism, representing contemplation, a sense of dissatisfaction, and a retreat from the external world. The essence of the IV of Cups compels us to introspect about our emotional satisfaction and our life's current trajectory.

Enriching our understanding, the IV of Cups presents us with a solitary figure, seemingly a young man, stationed under a tree atop a mountain, far away from the bustling world. Engrossed in meditation and introspection, he contemplates the three cups placed on the grass before him, while a fourth cup is extended towards him by a disembodied hand. Despite the offering, the man, his arms and legs crossed, his gaze focused downwards on the trio of cups, remains unimpressed and oblivious to the cup reaching out to him.

This depiction captures our human tendency to overlook the blessings we possess, consequently blinding us to the universe's gifts presented to us. Often, solutions to our dilemmas surround us, yet our focus remains fixated on what we lack, preventing us from seeing the answers within our reach.

When the Upright IV of Cups surfaces in your reading, it may suggest a period of feeling disheartened or uninspired. You might be experiencing a sense of stagnation, as if no viable solution or path forward presents itself. Life may seem uneventful, and finding joy or passion becomes a challenge. In this state of apathy, the day's events, whether good or bad, seem insignificant to you. The IV of Cups serves as a prompt for self-evaluation, urging you to change your mindset and free yourself from this emotional stalemate. An escape is within reach – the hand offering you a way out, but to see it, you must break free from mental rigidity and explore new perspectives.

In these moments of introspection, a thorough exploration of your motives, instincts, and thoughts is crucial. This introspective journey will guide you towards reigniting your passion. The essence of the IV of Cups revolves around rediscovering your genuine interests and pursuing them relentlessly. Life is brief and often monotonous, but it's our responsibility to infuse it with meaning. Our individual callings are not just waiting to be discovered, but they are also waiting to be envisioned and chosen by us.


  1. Periods of Reflection and Introspection, when the IV of Cups surfaces in your reading, it often signifies a period of reflection and introspection. This card might be indicative of a time when you are feeling discontented with some aspect of your life and are urged to pause, reflect, and perhaps even withdraw from external influences.
  2. Ignored Opportunities, the divine hand offering a cup that the figure in the card seems to ignore symbolizes overlooked opportunities or emotional fulfillment. It could suggest that due to your current state of introspection or discontent, you might be overlooking opportunities that could lead to your satisfaction and emotional wellbeing.
  3. Contemplation and Withdrawal, the IV of Cups in its upright position often represents a time of contemplation and withdrawal. It's a call to retreat into one's inner self, to reflect on life's offerings, and to contemplate your emotional state. It may also indicate feelings of apathy or dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
  4. Zodiac Affiliation and Elemental Energy, the IV of Cups is deeply connected with the water element, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and relationships. This card is also associated with the moon in Cancer. The moon represents our inner emotions, desires, and dreams, while Cancer, a water sign, is known for its sensitivity, intuition, and emotional depth.
  5. Invitation for Self-Reflection and Mindfulness, the IV of Cups invites you to embrace periods of self-reflection and mindfulness. It calls for recognizing your inner thoughts and feelings and understanding the need to sometimes withdraw and contemplate.

Interpretation Extended: Astrology and Beyond

The IV of Cups in Tarot holds meaningful connections to both Astrology and Numerology. This card is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer, a water sign known for its depth of emotions and introspective nature. This association aligns well with the essence of the IV of Cups, reflecting the card's focus on emotional introspection, contemplation, and the pursuit of inner fulfillment.


The ruling planet of Cancer is the Moon, representing our emotions, instincts, and unconscious. The Moon's influence on the IV of Cups brings a profound sense of introspection, echoing the card's call for internal exploration and assessment. This connection underscores the card's message of deeply examining your emotional landscape and your satisfaction levels within various areas of life.


In Numerology, the number 4 symbolizes stability, practicality, and a strong foundation. It's a number associated with reliability, hard work, and diligence. In the context of the IV of Cups, this suggests a stable emotional state, which can facilitate deeper introspection and understanding.


Yet, as a counterpoint, the solidity of the number 4 can sometimes signify stagnation or the feeling of being 'stuck'. In the IV of Cups, this can be seen as a feeling of emotional stagnation, or dissatisfaction, prompting the need for inner reflection and a potential realignment of emotional priorities.


These astrological and numerical connections offer additional layers of meaning to the IV of Cups, enriching your understanding of the card and its guidance.

Love Implications

In the realm of love, the IV of Cups hints at a phase of emotional retreat or deep introspection regarding one's relationship. If you're unattached, it signifies a necessary period of self-reflection before embarking on a new romantic journey. Conversely, for those already committed, it could indicate a growing sense of dissatisfaction, or a need for personal space to self-reflect and reassess.

When you find yourself single, the IV of Cups may suggest a state of emotional ennui or indifference towards your love life. This sentiment can naturally occur following a breakup. However, it's essential to ensure this emotional disinterest doesn't stem from an unconscious defense mechanism, a protective shell built to prevent potential pain or heartache that past romantic involvements might have brought. Opportunities for love flourish when your heart is open to receiving them, and currently, it appears as if you're simply uninterested.

For those immersed in a relationship, the IV of Cups points to an emerging sense of apathy and fatigue. The initial spark of excitement has dimmed, and you may find yourselves functioning more as roommates than as passionate lovers. This situation calls for exploration, openness to new experiences, and a willingness to experiment. Without mutual effort from both partners, the relationship may be approaching a crossroads. It's crucial to recognize this signal and work collaboratively to rekindle the passion and deepen the bond, lest the relationship might find itself nearing its conclusion.


Career Implications

From a career perspective, the IV of Cups could hint at feelings of discontent or dissatisfaction with your current profession or the direction your career is taking. It signals a time for introspection and thoughtful consideration, encouraging you to ponder whether your present job aligns with your deepest desires and emotional needs.

With the appearance of the IV of Cups in a career-focused tarot reading, it's possible you're feeling emotionally detached and distracted in your work environment. Concentrating on the tasks at hand or finding enthusiasm for ongoing projects could be challenging. This sense of ennui could also be negatively affecting your mood, causing you to doubt yourself and thereby hindering your productivity. This disconnection and lack of motivation are likely exacerbated by a stifling sense of stagnation, which could very well be at the heart of your troubles. The monotony of feeling like you're getting nowhere can certainly hamper your ability to focus and stay engaged.

In order to tackle these feelings and make a change for the better, it's necessary to take some time out to unravel this complex knot of emotions. You need to engage in sincere self-reflection and discern what exactly is the source of your unhappiness. By identifying and addressing these internal issues, you can take meaningful steps towards a more fulfilling professional life. Remember, the IV of Cups isn't just about recognizing the problem, it's also about urging you to take action and seek the change you desire.


Financial Implications

When it comes to financial matters, the IV of Cups signals a time for introspection and reevaluation. This period calls for a reflective examination of your financial goals and priorities. Additionally, the card may suggest feelings of discontent or a sense of dissatisfaction with your current monetary standing.

Seeing the IV of Cups in a financial context might indicate that you're feeling sidetracked or preoccupied. Are you so absorbed in envy of others' financial success that you're overlooking the wealth you already possess? You might find yourself persistently contrasting your financial situation with that of others, and this envy could be impeding your ability to appreciate and leverage what you already have.

Embracing a more grateful attitude can provide you with a clearer perspective, enabling you to see more efficient ways to improve your financial status. This shift in attitude can also make you feel more secure when considering financial risks. If you remain fixated on what you lack, you may very well miss out on the opportunities that would enable you to achieve that which you desire.

At times, the IV of Cups may even signify a broader disillusionment with material wealth and the overarching financial systems. This could indicate a deeper need for a shift in perspective about money and its role in your life. Remember, the IV of Cups invites you to meditate on your values and priorities, and to seek satisfaction beyond purely material gains.


Final Thoughts

The IV of Cups is a powerful messenger of introspection, contemplation, and emotional withdrawal. Its presence invites you to retreat into your inner self, to reflect on your desires and needs, and to not overlook the opportunities for emotional fulfillment that may come your way. Let the profound energy of the IV of Cups guide you through your journey of self-discovery and emotional awareness.

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