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III of Swords

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The III of Swords Keywords

Heartbreak, Separation, Sorrow, Sadness, Grief, Sorrow, Upset, Loss, Trauma, Tears


Card Lesson:

There are moments in life where circumstances beyond our control may cause us to falter or fall. However, the power to shape our destiny lies not in the fall, but in the decision to stay down or to stand up once again.


Historical description of the III of Swords. 

Three swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind.
Divinatory Meanings: Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, and all that the design signi- fies naturally, being too simple and obvious to call for specific enumeration.
(source: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - Arthur Edward Waite)


Understanding the III of Swords

The III of Swords tarot card, often met with a wince due to its seemingly daunting depiction: a heart impaled by three swords, set against a backdrop of a tempestuous sky. On the surface, this card primarily resonates with feelings of heartbreak, separation, and sorrow. Yet, it's crucial to remember that it also bears the promise of personal growth that can sprout from such tumultuous experiences.

The image of the III of Swords is indeed arresting and arguably one of the most iconic in the tarot deck. We see a heart hovering in mid-air, brutally pierced by three swords. Above the heart brood heavy, overcast clouds and a downpour relentlessly adds to the gloom. The symbology here is not subtle. The heart, a symbol of warmth, affection, and vitality, is assaulted by the swords, symbols of intellectual prowess and the capacity to inflict pain and suffering. This stark image presents a powerful portrayal of grief, loss, and quite literally, heartbreak. The dark clouds and the unending rain encapsulate the bleakness of the situation. All these symbols collectively impress upon us that the III of Swords signifies a time of profound tribulation in one's life.

When the III of Swords appears upright in a reading, it delivers a sobering message of rejection, betrayal, and deep-seated hurt. In these moments, the intellect, represented by the swords, can be a sanctuary. Rational thought and preparedness can cushion the harsh blow of pain and minimize its lasting impact.

However, it's critical to remember that pain and sorrow are inherent parts of life. They serve to heighten our appreciation of joy and happiness, and they offer valuable lessons. It's through experiencing pain that we learn to sidestep pitfalls that could lead us into danger and subsequent grief. Hence, this pain is a necessary waypoint on life's journey. The III of Swords, therefore, doesn't only depict suffering—it encapsulates the suffering that ultimately empowers us, making us more cautious and alert.

There are instances where life offers no alternatives—we find ourselves fallen. However, what ultimately shapes our destiny isn't the fall, but the choice of whether to stay down or rise again. Each bit of suffering we encounter can be seen as a stepping stone towards finding a deeper meaning in life. This card arrives at a time when you need to brace yourself for this next phase in life. While the grief may be overwhelmingly painful, it offers a unique opportunity for you to leave the past behind and set your sights on the future, remembering that you retain control over your subsequent actions. Rather than dwelling on the source of your turmoil, it's more beneficial to focus on what's forthcoming, for you are the master of your fate.


  1. Embracing Pain and Heartache, the III of Swords doesn't shy away from emotional pain. It tells us that it's okay to feel, to mourn, to cry. Sometimes, to move forward, we must first allow ourselves to fully feel the depth of our emotions, especially the ones that hurt. By acknowledging our pain and understanding its source, we start the healing process.
  2. Separation and Loss, this card frequently appears when a person is dealing with some form of loss or separation, such as a breakup, divorce, or death of a loved one. It signifies the grief associated with such experiences. While this is a tough period, the III of Swords reminds us that it is also a phase that will pass with time.
  3. Personal Growth and Healing Amidst, the pain and heartache, the III of Swords also hints at healing and personal growth. It suggests that our emotional turmoil can be a stepping stone for personal development. It encourages us to learn from our experiences and use them to build emotional resilience.
  4. Zodiac Affiliation and Elemental Energy, the III of Swords is linked with the air element, representing intellect, thoughts, and communication. This card encourages us to use our intellect to process our emotions and navigate our way through pain. It is also associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, known for their intellectual prowess and effective communication.
  5. Coping with Heartache, the III of Swords asks us to face our heartache, not hide from it. While it's uncomfortable, acknowledging our pain and sorrow is the first step towards healing. This card also advises us to be gentle with ourselves during this difficult period and to seek support if needed.


Interpretation Extended: Astrology and Beyond

Every tarot card holds a unique vibration that resonates with various elements of astrology and numerology, and the III of Swords is no exception.


From an astrological perspective, the III of Swords is traditionally associated with the planet Saturn, often known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, and the zodiac sign of Libra, the sign of balance and relationships. Saturn's influence typically brings hard lessons and encourages discipline, while Libra's energy focuses on balance, harmony, and fairness, but also carries the potential for conflict and decision-making in relationships. When combined, these influences reflect the III of Swords' themes of heartbreak, challenges, and eventual growth through pain.


Numerologically speaking, the number 'three' in the tarot is a powerful number signifying the creation of something new from two separate entities, often in relation to communication and expression. However, in the case of the III of Swords, this combination can manifest as emotional or mental conflict, hence the card's association with heartbreak and sorrow. It prompts you to use these experiences to communicate and express your pain for better understanding and growth.


By understanding the astrological and numerological links of the III of Swords, we gain a deeper understanding of its challenging but ultimately transformative message. Remember, it encourages us not just to endure pain, but to learn, grow, and build resilience from it.

Love Implications

When the III of Swords surfaces during a love reading, it often heralds a trying period in the realm of the heart. Typically, this card suggests the advent of heartbreak, the turbulence of conflict, or the shattering effects of betrayal within a relationship. Yet, it's important to remember that even amidst this emotional storm, the card carries a silver lining—while the pain might be profound, it will eventually give way to healing and personal growth.

As straightforward as the card's imagery might be, its message resonates with a poignant truth: heartbreak often walks hand in hand with the III of Swords. This period in your love life may be characterized by tears, sorrow, and heartache. If you're currently in a relationship, this card might be signaling a forthcoming breakup, severe conflict, or some form of separation. In the most troubling circumstances, given that this card holds the number three, it could indicate the disruptive influence of a third party within your relationship. Navigating this storm will require you and your partner to confront and resolve challenging issues to maintain your bond. Without open, respectful communication, and a shared commitment to working through this crisis, the relationship might be at risk of reaching its conclusion.

For those who are single, the III of Swords could suggest that remnants of past grief and suffering are hampering your capacity to venture into the dating world anew. The wounds from previous heartbreaks may still need time to heal. It's crucial to honor this process and give yourself the necessary time to heal before embarking on the quest for new love.


Career Implications

When the III of Swords manifests in a career reading, it often signifies a challenging period marked by disappointments, conflicts, or heightened stress levels at the workplace. While these experiences may be difficult to navigate, they offer valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. The card gently nudges us to transform these trials into stepping stones on our career journey.

Your work environment might currently be a hotbed of stress, leading to frustration and emotional turmoil. In the most severe cases, this card could indicate sudden job loss or the unfortunate collapse of a company. More frequently, however, it points to conflicts at work, which may involve colleagues or clients. If you find yourself enmeshed in such circumstances, it's important to engage in open and respectful dialogues with your coworkers. Remember, everyone has unique insights and experiences to share, and there's much to learn from each other.

If you're on the hunt for a new job, or have recently faced a job loss, the search might seem daunting and leave you feeling despondent. But don't let your spirits wane. If your circumstances permit, consider taking a brief respite to recover from this period of distress. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to approach your job search with a positive and hopeful mindset, turning this setback into an opportunity for fresh beginnings.


Financial Implications

With respect to financial matters, the III of Swords can sometimes foreshadow financial loss or disappointment. Yet, it also provides a silver lining, urging us to leverage these experiences to make wiser financial decisions moving forward.

You may find yourself grappling with a significant material loss, or dealing with financial situations that are sources of great stress. The rupture of a relationship, for example, carries not only emotional but also financial ramifications. The sudden need to manage expenses independently or the division of assets during a divorce can be overwhelming. During such times, it is crucial to exercise self-compassion and patience, even as you face the necessity of addressing these fiscal issues.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Reach out for support, whether it's professional financial advice or the comforting presence of a trusted friend or family member. These trials, while arduous, can strengthen your financial management skills and resilience, and remind you that you have the power to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.


Final Thoughts

The III of Swords is a card that speaks of emotional pain and sorrow, but it's also a symbol of healing and personal growth. It encourages us to face our heartache, to accept our pain, and to embark on a healing journey. Remember, it's through weathering storms that we learn how to sail our ship.

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