The term "Arcana," extracted from the Latin "arcanum," alludes to the mysteries or secrets encompassed within a Tarot deck. This deck is distinctly divided into two halves: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, each replete with its symbolic depth and insightful narratives.

The Fool's Keywords Beginnings, Freedom, Innocence, Originality, Adventure, Idealism, Spontaneity History Oh, what’s in a number? Well, for The Fool, it’s an enigma! In the days of yore, The Fool gallivanted around unnumbered in the decks. But there were those daring few, like the 15th-century... →→ Click for more details ←←) to 21 (The World), each resonating with major life milestones, spiritual lessons, and personal growth phases. These cards, often referred to as 'trumps,' illustrate the archetypal saga known as the Fool's Journey, mirroring our personal voyage from naivety to enlightenment. Within these cards, we encounter symbols embodying universal human experiences and spiritual archetypes, including The Lovers, Death (symbolizing change or transformation), and The Hermit.
The Major Arcana: Unraveling Life's Grand Narrative
The Major Arcana forms the crux of the Tarot, representing the profound journey of life. It comprises 22 individual cards, numbered from 0 (The Fool

The Minor Arcana: Microcosm of Daily Life
While the Major Arcana explores the broader themes of life, the Minor Arcana delves into the intricate details of daily existence. This section of the deck includes 56 suit cards, capturing the routine ebbs and flows that color our lives. The Minor Arcana is subdivided into four suits: Cups, Pentacles (or Coins), Wands (or Staves), and Swords. Each suit corresponds to an element (Water, Earth, Fire, Air), and a sphere of life (emotions, material world, creativity, intellect), taking us on a journey from Ace (the suit's potential) to Ten (the completion of the suit's journey), interspersed with four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King.The Major and Minor Arcana: Inner Reflections
Both the Major and Minor Arcana serve as a reflective pool to our deepest selves. These cards guide us through our life's journey, assist in decrypting our life's enigmas, and facilitate exploration of our subconscious mind's hidden recesses. By developing a deep understanding of these cards and skillfully employing them, we can unlock the profound wisdom of the Tarot, transforming it into an instrument for introspection, informed decision-making, and personal evolution.Major Arcana:
- The Fool (0)
- The Magician (I)
- The High PriestessThe title "High Priestess" is typically granted to a female leader within a coven or a witchcraft tradition. She embodies the divine feminine, intuition, and creativity, and has generally dedicated her life to the Craft, undergoing extensive training and weaving it deeply into her daily... (II)
- The Empress (III)
- The Emperor (IV)
- The Hierophant (V)
- The Lovers (VI)
- The ChariotThe VII The Chariot Keywords Willpower, Success, Control, Ambition, Determination, Self-discipline, Focus Card Lesson: When The Chariot presents itself, it signifies the need for you to forge ahead with your plan in a systematic and well-organized manner. Historical description of the VII The Chariot. ... →→ Click for more details ←← (VII)
- Strength (VIII)
- The Hermit (IX)
- Wheel of Fortune (X)
- Justice (XI)
- The Hanged ManThe Hanged Man Keywords Sacrifice, Letting go, Suspension, Waiting, Uncertainty, Lack of Direction, Perspective, Contemplation Card Lesson: The XII The Hanged Man card embodies the necessity to pause and potentially halt a specific course of action, often leading to a phase characterized by... →→ Click for more details ←← (XII)
- Death (XIII)
- Temperance (XIV)
- The Devil (XV)
- The Tower (XVI)
- The Star (XVII)
- The Moon (XVIII)
- The Sun (XIX)
- JudgementThe XX Judgement Keywords Awakening, Reflection, Rebirth, Self-Evaluation, Renewal, Purpose, Reckoning Card Lesson: Encountering this card suggests that you may be experiencing a transformative phase of enlightenment, stimulated by the practice of introspection and self-examination. Historical description of the XX Judgement. The Last Judgment I... →→ Click for more details ←← (XX)
- The World (XXI)
Minor Arcana:
Cups (Water - Emotions)
- Ace of Cups
- Two of Cups
- Three of Cups
- Four of Cups
- Five of Cups
- Six of Cups
- Seven of Cups
- Eight of Cups
- Nine of Cups
- Ten of Cups
- Page of Cups
- Knight of Cups
- Queen of Cups
- King of Cups
Pentacles (or Coins) (Earth - Material World)
- Ace of PentaclesThe Ace of Pentacles Keywords New Opportunities, Resources, Abundance, Prosperity, Security, Stability, Manifestation Historic Definition A hand issues from a cloud, grasping a sword, the point of which is encircled by a crown. Divinatory Meanings: Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, con- quest, triumph of force. It is a card of great force, in... →→ Click for more details ←←
- Two of Pentacles
- Three of Pentacles
- Four of Pentacles
- Five of Pentacles
- Six of Pentacles
- Seven of Pentacles
- Eight of Pentacles
- Nine of Pentacles
- Ten of Pentacles
- Page of Pentacles
- Knight of Pentacles
- Queen of Pentacles
- King of Pentacles
Wands (or Staves) (Fire - Creativity)
- Ace of Wands
- Two of Wands
- Three of Wands
- Four of Wands
- Five of Wands
- Six of Wands
- Seven of Wands
- Eight of Wands
- Nine of Wands
- Ten of Wands
- Page of Wands
- Knight of Wands
- Queen of WandsUnravel the dynamic energy of the Queen of Wands Tarot card. Representing passion, leadership, and creativity, the Queen of Wands embodies a captivating energy that calls for self-confidence, individuality, and fierce determination. Explore her significance in love, career, and finance readings, and understand how her... →→ Click for more details ←←
- King of Wands
Swords (Air - Intellect)
- Ace of Swords
- Two of Swords
- Three of Swords
- Four of Swords
- Five of Swords
- Six of Swords
- Seven of Swords
- Eight of Swords
- Nine of Swords
- Ten of Swords
- Page of Swords
- Knight of Swords
- Queen of SwordsThe Queen of Swords Keywords Intelligence, Honesty, Independence, Principled, Fair, Constructive Criticism, Objective, Perceptive Card Lesson: The Queen of Swords card encourages you to value the significance of basing your judgments not solely on emotion, but rather on a comprehensive examination of all relevant facts.... →→ Click for more details ←←
- King of Swords