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Osiris’ Guidance: Tarot Horoscope for Inner Strength and Transformation (08-20-23)

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Osiris Speaks! Unearth Secrets of Transformation with Today’s Tarot Horoscope!


Hello, dear souls and fellow seekers!

Today, as we delve into our tarot insights, we turn to the enlightening wisdom of Osiris, the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead. This mighty deity's name `Osiris' is the Latinized form of the Egyptian Usir which is interpreted as 'powerful' or 'mighty', played a pivotal role in the spiritual fabric of ancient Egypt. Osiris was the son and oldest child of Geb, the Earth deity and Nut, the sky goddess. His wife and sister was Isis, goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility, death, healing, and rebirth. It was said that Osiris and Isis were deeply in love with each other, even in the womb. His tales of betrayal, resurrection, and rebirth are emblematic of life's cyclical nature, teaching us to embrace change and seek clarity amidst chaos. Just as Osiris transitioned through the realms of life, death, and rebirth, we too are reminded of our inner strength and potential for transformation. Let his profound wisdom guide our understanding as we unravel the tarot's messages today.


Thinking - Page of Cups (reversed)

  • Card Lesson: Listen to your inner voice, even when the message is not what you expected.
  • Keywords: Blocked Intuition, Emotional Immaturity, Denial

Picture a budding poet, standing on the edge of the sea with a scroll in hand, waiting for inspiration to strike. Usually, the Page of Cups brings forth messages from the heart, creative insights, and a connection with our intuition. However, when reversed, it's as if the waves are pulling back, keeping their secrets from the shore.


This card suggests that your intuitive channels might be feeling blocked, or perhaps you're resisting the messages coming through. It might also indicate emotional immaturity or an inability to truly connect with your feelings. The lesson here is to dive deeper, to sit in silence, and allow the waves of intuition to come crashing back. Don't let temporary setbacks keep you from the beautiful and transformative power of emotional understanding.


Feeling - VII of Cups


  • Card Lesson: Dream big, but be discerning in the choices you make.
  • Keywords: Illusions, Choices, Daydreaming

Visualize an artist standing before a canvas filled with different images, each more alluring and captivating than the next. This is the essence of the VII of Cups. It represents the myriad of possibilities, dreams, and choices that lay before you, almost like a fantastical mirage.


When the VII of Cups appears in your reading, it beckons you to dream and imagine, but also to ground yourself in reality. It reminds you that not all that glitters is gold. Some cups may hold treasures, while others merely illusions. The challenge is in discerning which is which. Embrace the vast landscape of possibilities, but also remember to trust your intuition and judgment as you navigate this dreamy terrain.


Doing - Queen of Swords (reversed)


  • Card Lesson: Seek clarity by stepping back and observing without judgment.
  • Keywords: Miscommunication, Being Overly Critical, Clouded Judgment

Envision a wise judge, usually known for her clarity and sharp insights, but today, she seems distracted and her judgments are clouded by personal biases. When upright, the Queen of Swords is a beacon of truth, clarity, and insight. However, in her reversed state, she may signify miscommunication or an inability to see things objectively.


This card nudges you to reassess your current situation, to step back and try to view things without letting emotions or personal biases cloud your judgment. It's also a reminder not to be overly critical, both of yourself and others. The lesson here is to strive for balance in thought and communication. Seek out the truth, but approach it with an open heart and mind.


Final Thoughts

Drawing upon the enduring wisdom of Osiris, we see that our tarot cards hold profound messages of introspection, choice, and clarity. Just as Osiris was reborn from the depths of despair, we too can find light in the shadows, make discerning choices, and navigate our paths with renewed vision. Embrace the transformative power of the tarot, and remember that, like Osiris, we all have the strength to rise above and renew.


Thank you, dear reader, for joining me on this enlightening expedition through the world of tarot. Your spirit and curiosity enrich this shared journey. As the day unfolds, may you be blessed with insights, joy, and the comforting embrace of the universe. Shine on!

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