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07-06-2023: Daily Tarot

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Good Morning, dear souls! 🌞

Sometimes the ink in our pens seems to dry up, especially when our hearts are heavy with concern for our loved ones. It is during these moments that we must remember - our words are not just words, but the gentle strokes that help paint the path to healing. So, as we embark on our journey through today's tarot, let's remember that wisdom is not only shared but also absorbed, providing solace to our spirits.


Now, let's delve into the mystical world of our daily tarot.


Thinking -  V of Cups.

Ah, sweet soul, do you hear the gentle rustling of the leaves as our dreams and expectations dance in the winds of fate? With the V of Cups, the stage is set, and the curtains part to reveal a poignant scene. There are moments, dear friends, when the cups we hold so dear tumble and spill their contents upon the earth. The sweet nectar of our hopes seeps into the ground, and our hearts are heavy with the weight of lost wishes.


But hark, the V of Cups does not merely weep for what is spilled, but it sings a tender lullaby for what remains. Do you see how three cups have been overturned, but two stand tall and proud? They are the guardians of potential, the torchbearers of our dreams. In their upright stance, they whisper that there's still light within the shadows, and the seeds of what we yearn for can yet sprout anew.


Turn your gaze from the spilled wine and behold the ocean that stretches out beyond, dear seeker. An endless expanse of possibilities laps at your feet. The waves are a symphony, and each note is an opportunity waiting to be embraced. Mourn not too long, for the boundless waters beckon, and the upright cups remind you that hope and potential are your companions in this wondrous journey.


Let us dry our tears, and with grace and courage, step into the embrace of the waves, as we create new dreams under the watchful eyes of the stars.

Keywords: Loss, Grief, Disappointment
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Element: Water


Feeling - III of Cups (reversed)

Ah, the III of Cups, like a merry jig in its upright position, celebrates the joyous bonds of community and camaraderie. In its mirthful stance, it is a tapestry woven with the threads of togetherness. But dear friends, when the music slows down and the card tilts on its head, the III of Cups softly beckons us to the silent corner of the room. Here, it invites us to ponder upon the bonds that adorn our lives like precious gems.


Yet, let us not forget that too many sparkling jewels can sometimes weigh heavy upon the soul. Is the treasure trove of relationships and acquaintances cluttering the treasure chest of your heart? Could it be, dear seeker, that instead of a sturdy anchor, your gathering has morphed into a web ensnaring your free spirit? Has your dance of togetherness veered away from the rhythm of your inner song?


Or on the flipside, does your dance floor feel a tad bit deserted? Have you strayed too far from the embracing arms of your group?


Fear not, for within your heart, the doors to a loving community are always ajar, nurturing and steadfast. Sometimes, it’s about finding the perfect balance; fine-tuning our antennas to harmonize with the symphony of love and support that encompasses us. Let us cherish the bonds that uplift, and gently untangle those that restrain, as we waltz to the sweet melody of growth and unity.

Keywords: Herd Mentality, Conformity, Solitude
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Element: Water


Doing - Queen of Wands (reversed)

This enigmatic queen, in all her glory, is the epitome of passion and fiery determination. Yet, with her crown hanging low in her reversed state, she tenderly nudges us and whispers, “Channel your inner light.” Oh, how easily the inner spark gets veiled by shadows. But fret not, dear souls, for the Queen is here not just as a reminder of the passion and determination within us, but also as a gentle guide through the thorny paths. Now, let's gaze into the mirror of our souls. Are we surrounded by a tempest or embodying the storm, where the fierce winds represent the negatives of a bold character? Are the whispers of insecurities causing waves of jealousy, anger, or resentment to crash upon our shores? The Queen of Wands in her reversed grace calls us to gently embrace these emotions, unravel the knots of our insecurities, and reignite the inner flame. Let the harmony of self-awareness and compassion steer the ship, and may the warmth of our spirit be the guiding lighthouse through the storm.
Keywords: Selfishness, Jealousy, Demanding
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Element: Fire


And there you have it - the symphony of today’s tarot! Weaving through the ebbs and flows of life, let’s take this wisdom with us as we navigate the seas of emotions, bonds, and passion.

How do these cards resonate with you today? Share your reflections, and let's embrace the energies together.

Wishing you a day filled with healing and inspiration,

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I’ve always been fascinated by the Tarot, and this reading rekindles that interest. The way you presented the Queen of Wands reversed is both intriguing and insightful. I’m excited to explore my inner light. Fantastic post!

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