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07-04-2023: Daily Tarot

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Good morning, my dear friend! 🎆

A very happy Independence Day to all our readers in the United States. What a vibrant day it is, with fireworks lighting up the skies and a spirit of freedom in the air! Amidst all the celebrations, let's not forget to take a little breather, find our center, and tune in to today’s daily tarot reading.


Imagine we are sitting in a cozy, quiet space, sipping a calming tea, and laying out our cards. The first card we turn over is the Queen of Pentacles. 🌿 Her presence is like a gentle reminder from a wise elder. "Nurture yourself," she whispers. The Queen of Pentacles is all about self-care, which empowers us to be there for others. Is there a little something you can do today to nourish your soul? Whether it’s a short walk in nature or treating yourself to your favorite meal, let’s follow her wise counsel.


Now, as we reveal the second card, it’s The Chariot, but hold on, it’s in reverse. ⛔🐎 Sometimes, things don’t move in the direction we want, and that’s okay. The Chariot reversed reminds us that there’s power in discernment - knowing when to forge ahead and when to let go. As fireworks fill the night, take a moment to reflect - are there any endeavors where you might need to reassess your approach?


Lastly, we have the Two of Wands reversed. 🌍🔃 This card encourages us to dream without limits! Maybe your dreams have been playing hide-and-seek or you’ve felt a bit hesitant about chasing them. But today, give yourself the freedom to dream big, as if the world is your oyster and the possibilities are endless.


Before we part ways for the day, let’s make a pact to take at least one small step towards self-care, reassess where we need to, and let our dreams take flight!


Remember, my lovely friends, I'm here for you. If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to drop a comment below or reach out through the Contact Me form. Let’s explore this beautiful journey together.


Wishing you a day filled with love, freedom, and joy. 🎇🤗💕

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The Chariot reversed hit home. I’ve been feeling like I need to reassess some of my goals, and this was a gentle reminder. Much needed!

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