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Reversed Tarot and the Wisdom of Quetzalcoatl: Discovering Transformation in Setbacks (08-24-23)

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From Ashes to Stars: Uncover Quetzalcoatl's Secrets in Your Reversed Tarot!


Hello, dear souls on this boundless journey of discovery!


Today, I invite you to traverse time and space as we dive deep into the rich tapestry of Mesoamerican culture, meeting the divine Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent. A deity of wind, air, and learning, Quetzalcoatl has long been revered as a symbol of rebirth, transformation, and the equilibrium of opposing forces. One iconic legend narrates how he sacrificed himself in fire, only to be reborn as the morning star. It's this potent narrative of rebirth and transformation after confronting challenges that mirrors the reversed nature of our Tarot cards today. Just as Quetzalcoatl rose from the ashes, we too can seek guidance from the reversed cards, understanding that every setback hides an invitation to metamorphosis and growth. Let the Feathered Serpent's wisdom guide us in unveiling the concealed messages within our spread.


Thinking - XI Justice (reversed)

  • Card Lesson: Recognize your biases and recalibrate your moral compass.
  • Keywords: Unfairness, Lack of Accountability, Imbalance

Envision a set of scales, the universal symbol of justice. Ideally, they stand perfectly balanced, weighing decisions and actions against the feather of truth. When the XI Justice card appears reversed, however, these scales are tilted, suggesting an imbalance. This card points to a situation in your life where justice may not have been served or where biases might be clouding your judgment.

Like a courtroom where the evidence is overlooked or not taken into account, this card is a nudge to reexamine the facts and approach situations with a clearer, unbiased mindset. It serves as a reminder that true justice starts within, by recognizing our personal prejudices and striving for fairness in all endeavors.


Feeling - IV of Wands (reversed)

  • Card Lesson: Rediscover your foundation and nurture your roots.
  • Keywords: Instability, Home Conflict, Delay in Celebration

Imagine a cornerstone ceremony where the foundational stone is laid for a new building. This act marks the beginning of something new and the anticipation of what it will become. The IV of Wands in its upright position speaks of joy, celebration, and a firm foundation. However, when reversed, it hints at a crack in that cornerstone.

This suggests that there might be some instability or disagreement in what should be a harmonious environment, perhaps at home or in close relationships. The reversed IV of Wands calls you to address these issues and find ways to lay down a stronger, more resilient foundation. While celebrations might be on hold, it's crucial to fortify your base to enjoy future successes and jubilations.


Doing - V of Cups (reversed) 

  • Card Lesson: Transform your perspective; new opportunities are on the horizon.
  • Keywords: Recovery, Acceptance, Looking Forward

Consider an artist gazing at a canvas where a painting has been smeared. Initially, there's a sense of loss for the ruined masterpiece. Yet, upon closer inspection, the smears create a new form, offering a different, unexpected beauty. This is the essence of the V of Cups reversed. It’s an encouragement to shift from mourning over spilled paint to marveling at the new artistry it might inspire.

This card, when reversed, beckons you to step beyond past disappointments. There's a world brimming with potential, and sometimes, it's the unexpected turns that lead to the most breathtaking vistas. Embrace the unforeseen, for it often carries blessings in disguise.


Final Thoughts

Quetzalcoatl's stories serve as a poignant reminder that even in reversal, even in downfall, there lies the promise of resurgence. The lessons from XI Justice reversed encourage us to assess our biases and strive for a just equilibrium. IV of Wands reversed nudges us to strengthen our foundations and values. And V of Cups reversed, echoing Quetzalcoatl's rebirth, prompts us to shift our gaze from past disappointments to budding opportunities. In the dance of life, where balance and transformation are perpetual partners, the tarot and the tales of Quetzalcoatl urge us to embrace both the highs and lows.


Thank you for walking this path of enlightenment with me, for seeking out the lessons tucked away in every shadowed corner. May the Feathered Serpent's spirit of rejuvenation bless your journey, and may your heart remain open to the endless cycle of learning and evolving. Until our paths intertwine again, be well and shine brightly. 🌟

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