Unleash the Power of the Harvest: Life-Changing Rituals for a Vibrant Lughnasadh
As we find ourselves at the crossroads of the first harvest, I think it's the perfect time to delve into the many ways we can incorporate Herbs and Oils for LughnasadhLughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is one of the eight sabbats celebrated in the Wheel of the Year. Occurring on the 1st of August, it marks the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This festival is a joyous occasion to acknowledge the... into our personal practices. Let's make this season a special one, filled with abundance and gratitude!
Lughnasadh, also fondly known as Lughnasa or LammasLammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is one of the eight sabbats celebrated in the Wheel of the Year. Occurring on the 1st of August, it marks the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This festival is a joyous occasion to acknowledge the..., stands tall as the First Harvest Festival in the Pagan So, who are Pagans? Pagans are... →→ Click for more details ←← Wheel of the Year.
This festival, which I usually celebrate around August 1st at Sunset (8:34 pm (MDT)), is an ode to the sun cycle and the bounty of the seasons. Though Lammas, meaning Loaf Mass, took on a Christian hue during conversion times, its roots remain deeply tied to our Pagan ancestors.
Tick tock! As Lughnasadh is today! I thought it might be fun to introduce you to some simple Lughnasadh rituals that you can incorporate into your harvest festivities!
Lughnasadh is a time of abundance, a precious midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. As the summer flourishes, we should take a moment to honor nature, reflect on our journeys, and express gratitude for Mother Earth's offerings. It's the perfect time to pause, appreciate, and understand the cycles of life and how they shape our experiences.
The sun shines brilliantly, our crops are bountiful, and the first sheaf of wheat sways, ready to be harvested. Remembering the critical importance of these times to our ancestors, who depended on a successful harvest for winter survival, brings a whole new perspective.
In the spirit of this special season, I'd like to share 3 Simple Lughnasadh Rituals that you can perform right at home. These rituals are designed to help you honor the seasonal shift, kindle a sense of gratitude, and hopefully, welcome a wave of good fortune and abundance into your life.
Herbs for Lughnasadh
Common herbs associated with this festival include some or all of these offerings and incense during Lammas.
- Alder
- Apple
- Cedar
- Daisy
- Frankincense
- Juniper Berry
- Mullein Leaf
- Myrrh Resin
- Oats
- Parsley
- Pine
- Sage
- Sandalwood
- Thyme
- White Oak Bark
Oils for Lughnasadh
When crafting anointing oil blends for Lammas, you might want to consider the following:
- Cedar
- Frankincense
- Juniper
- Myrrh
- Pine
- Sage
- Sandalwood
- Thyme
Feasting for Lughnasadh
When it comes to celebrating, we can't forget about food! Here are some delicious options for your Lughnasadh feast:
- Apples
- Berries
- Various breads
- I love this recipe that I found on the internet: Lammas Bread And Protection Spell
- I love this recipe that I found on the internet: Lammas Bread And Protection Spell
- Potato dishes
- Harvest soups
- Fresh salads
- Garden vegetables
- Seafood
- Fish
- Early meat harvests
Lughnasadh Rituals
Let's dive into the three rituals I promised! Remember, these are just guidelines. Feel free to tweak them to suit your personal practice and goals.
Lughnasadh Ritual #1 – Gratitude Journaling 

Begin by finding a serene spot, one where you feel centered and at peace. This space should be cleansed as per your usual practice, keeping in mind to cultivate positivity while eliminating any negative vibes.
Settle yourself comfortably, take a deep breath, and allow your mind to attain a tranquil state. Ignite a white candle , and breathe in deeply three times, inviting calmness and mindfulness.
Now, it's time to let your pen glide across your journal , jotting down ten things that spark a sense of gratitude within you at this very moment. Allow yourself the space to deeply ponder over each item, immersing yourself in the experiences they bring. Let a warm smile bloom on your face, acknowledging the happiness these simple things invoke.
After listing out the ten things, place your hands gently over your journal, uttering the following words (or a similar affirmation that resonates with you):
"I am brimming with gratitude.
I am bountifully blessed.
Overwhelmed with joy and bliss.
Thank you, Mother Earth, for your endless provisions.
Love and peace are the songs of my existence."
Once you've completed this, you may extinguish your candle. Make it a point to revisit this tranquil space for the next five days, each day lighting your candle and adding a fresh element of gratitude to your list. Feel free to recite the affirmation each day if it feels right for you.
Let this ritual infuse your life with an optimistic outlook and boundless joy . Simply reminding ourselves of our blessings can have a profound effect on our spiritual practices and everyday life.
Lughnasadh Ritual #2 – Crafting an Herb Pouch for Abundance 

What you'll need:
- 1Dive into the enigmatic world of Lucky Number 1 in Numerology, the trailblazer of leadership and originality. Explore how this number leads the pack with its qualities of initiation, strength, and the audacity to forge paths. Embrace the energies of independence, ambition, and new beginnings. →→ Click for more details ←← green pouch with a string to seal it
- A mortar and pestle
- A green candle
- 1 tbsp each of dried basil
and dried peppermint
- A cinnamon stick
- A peridot stone
Start off by gathering all your necessary items and finding a calming, serene space to begin. Your kitchen, or your altar, could serve as ideal spots for this magical craft. Take the time to cleanse your space and ground yourself. Once you're settled, light your green candle.
Now, place your dried basil and peppermint into your mortar, crushing them together with your pestle. As you mix these herbs, call upon their energies by saying: "Peppermint, usher in abundance and prosperity. Basil, be the catalyst for success."
Once your herbs are well mixed, carefully spoon them into your green pouch. Add your cinnamon stick to the pouch, invoking its strength by saying: "Cinnamon, channel your strength and success into my life."
Now it's time for the peridot stone. Place it into your pouch and say: "Peridot, embody the energy of the earth and bring wealth."
With all elements inside, tie up your pouch and hold it close to your heart. Close your eyes and recite: "Let me see abundance and prosperity, let me see. Gifts of the Earth, flow freely to me."
To conclude the ritual, let your candle burn out naturally, if it's safe to do so. If not, put out the flame and keep the candle for future abundance rituals.
By crafting this herb pouch, you're not only actively participating in the energy of Lughnasadh, but also inviting prosperity and success into your life.
Lughnasadh Ritual #3 – Crafting a Good Luck Magic Mist 

Here's what you'll need:
- 4 oz spray bottle
- 110 ml of distilled water
- 15 drops of lemon balm essential oil
- 9 drops of sweet orange essential oil
- 6 drops of cinnamon essential oil
- 1 Lavender incense for balance and purification
Start off by purifying your space. Get grounded, find your centre, and light your lavender incense.
Next, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Let go of any stress and visualize what good luck means for you. See the events and occurrences that you desire manifesting into your life. Spend a few quiet moments here, soaking in these positive images.
Now, it's time to add your essential oils to the spray bottle. As you drop each one into the bottle, call upon their energies by saying: "Lemon Balm, bring renewal and happiness. Sweet Orange, attract prosperity and good fortune. Cinnamon, draw in wealth and success."
After adding the oils, pour in your distilled water and secure the top of the bottle. Shake it vigorously for about 30 seconds while saying: "Gifts from the Earth, heed my call, let good luck come to me. I radiate light and love for all to see, let good luck come to me."
Finally, to conclude your ritual, spray your magic mist three times in your space. Do this for the next three days, spraying thrice each day while repeating the final incantation. If you feel a longer duration is necessary, please feel free to extend beyond the three days. Keep using the spray each day until your bottle is empty, maintaining this routine of attracting good luck into your life.
Tailoring the Rituals to You
I often emphasize this, but it certainly deserves to be reiterated. For each of these rituals, feel empowered to infuse them with your own personal elements. Whether that be additional crystals, extra oils or herbs, your own chants, or anything else you feel resonates with your unique practice and objectives.
While I share these posts as a source of inspiration or a guide, it's always beneficial to imbue your own personal flair into your spell work. Remember, you are not obliged to follow my steps or ingredients exactly.
In performing these Lughnasadh rituals, remember there's no "right" or "wrong" way. There's only your way, and your way is perfect just as it is. Feel free to adjust and modify as you see fit!
Wrapping Up the Celebrations
As we embrace the Lughnasadh season and its inherent energies, remember that your connection to these traditions is deeply personal and unique. Whether you're invoking abundance with an herb pouch or crafting a magic mist for good luck, each ritual is a chance to reflect and connect with the vibrancy of life and the richness of the earth. Through these rituals, you're not only celebrating the harvest season but also sowing seeds for your future growth. So, harness this energy, adapt the rituals to your needs, and experience the transformative power of Lughnasadh. Happy celebrations!