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July 31, 2023

Home ⇒ July 31, 2023 - Ancient Pathways Witchcraft

A Witch’s Tale: Unraveling the Mystery of ‘Magick’ – Is it Crowley or Century-old?

Hello, my dear readers! I want to share with you a fascinating journey I've embarked upon, one that took me into the depths of language, history, and our shared mystical heritage. Have you ever wondered about the word 'magick'? Yes, that's right, 'magick' with a 'k'. You might have heard this spelling associated with the controversial figure Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), but did you know that its roots run much deeper, far pre-dating Crowley's use?

As a third-generation witch, my connection to the world of witchcraft is both personal and profound. My mother and grandmother were both alive and practicing during Aleister Crowley's time. Their sentiments towards him were far from positive, mirroring the controversy surrounding his teachings today.


Though I don't align myself with Crowley's teachings, I made it a point to study his works, to understand another person's spiritual perspectives. To me, his writings presented him as more of a narcissist than a true believer. There was an unmistakable air of entitlement within his doctrine. Despite this, I can't deny that many individuals saw, and continue to see, value in his work.



Diving into the history of the term 'magick', we find that it has been in use long before Crowley's time. It appears in numerous works, symbolizing the mystical, supernatural, and, of course, the magical.


'Magick' has been in use as early as the 16th century, appearing in various works long before Aleister Crowley even existed. Its use in literature symbolized the mysterious, the supernatural, the mystical, and yes, the magical.


Consider 'In Praise of Folly,' a satirical essay written by Desiderius Erasmus in 1509. Erasmus was a renowned Dutch humanist and scholar, and his work specifically mentions 'magick', stating, "And the Germans are noted for their tall, proper stature, and for their skill in magick."


That same year, English poet Edmund Spenser. Specifically, in his epic poem 'The Faerie Queene', "He to this study goes, and there amiddes. His Magick bookes and artes° of sundry kindes, He seekes out mighty charmes, to trouble sleepy mindes." This is one of 28 examples in the poem. He also sometimes spelled the word, Magicke.

Fast forward to the 17th century, 1682, and we find 'magick' in the works of the English polymath Sir Thomas Browne. In his work, THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS BROWNE VOLUME I, Browne acknowledges the mystical aspects of numerology, saying, "I have often admired the mystical way of Pythagoras, and the secret magick of numbers." He mentions Magick 12 times in one volume.


During the same century, we see the term 'magick' in the 'The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 20, No. 578,' referring to an "excellent scholar, and well seen in the arte of magick."


Even as recently as the 19th century, 'magick' appeared in various contexts. For instance, in James Boswell's 'No Abolition of Slavery,' 'magick' was used instead of 'mighty'—demonstrating its versatility as a term.


Bishop Wilkins, in his work "Mathematical Magick," further illustrates this point. Though Wilkins' work doesn't predate Crowley, it's important to note that 'magick' was used here in a scientific context, broadening its application beyond the mystical realm.


The use of the term 'magick' over centuries illuminates the fact that it's not solely tied to Crowley. Instead, it's a word that has been part of our literary and cultural heritage, continuously evolving and adapting to various contexts.


Adding to the challenge of being a modern witch is the judgment and skepticism our practice often faces. This makes it all the more critical not to fight over something where one person tried to capture ownership over it, 'Magick', like any other term, will change in meaning and use over time. This is the beauty of language - it's living, changing nature.


As we use the term 'magick,' remember that we're not just referring to a concept popularized by Crowley. We are connecting to a rich, historical tapestry that spans centuries. We are casting a spell that's been cast for generations. Whether you're a seasoned witch or a curious novice, embrace 'magick' in your practice. After all, words are our spells, and 'magick' is a spell woven into our history, culture, and personal experiences.


With that, my dear readers, I hope this journey into the history of the word 'magick' has been as enlightening for you as it has been for me. It is a wonderful reminder that words, like people, have deep histories and evolve over time. And in this constant evolution, we find our shared heritage, a fascinating tapestry woven from countless individual threads. Remember, it's okay to use 'magick' – its history is as rich and varied as our own. As we continue our exploration of the mystical and unknown, let's hold on to curiosity and mutual respect, celebrating our diverse perspectives while staying rooted in our shared human experience. Until next time, may your journey be filled with light and magick!


P.S. - As I explored the intricate history and ongoing evolution of 'magick,' it's crucial to acknowledge the invaluable resources that have aided me in this journey. I am profoundly grateful to have Project Gutenberg (, an extraordinary initiative providing free access to a wealth of literature, including many of the works linked in this article. Project Gutenberg, with its vision of encouraging the creation and distribution of eBooks, has been instrumental in preserving our literary heritage. It offers over 60,000 free eBooks, with a large collection of older works for which copyright has expired. Many of these works are priceless primary sources in tracing our historical roots.

Your Numerology Forecast: 31st July – 6th August, 2023!

Find Your Fortune! Weekly Numerology Digits Decoded!


Hey there, beautiful souls! 😊🌼 Get ready for another week filled with numerological insights, from the 31st of July to the 6th August, 2023. Here's what the numbers have to say to you:


Number 1: (Born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month)

Hey, lucky ones!🍀 Your life is cruising on the best phase ever. Everything's under control, so just chill out 😌. Tap into opportunities for growth in personal and professional life, and remember, it's your time to shine. Just keep grinding 💪, and the life you dream of will be yours. This week, let your parents in on your achievements, it'll make them proud and happy. But, don't forget, things can change fast - so tread cautiously in your career. "Give and take" could be your motto for now.


Number 2: (Born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 of any month)

You, lovely souls, are setting great life values! 💖 Your ability to change your attitudes is creating positive vibes all around. Remember, knowing is half the battle won. Make sure you're 100% sure before making decisions. Balance is key this week – make necessary changes to your lifestyle, and don't forget to nurture your professional aspirations. Cherish your loved ones, and find your safe haven with them 🏠.


Number 3: (Born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 of any month)

Stay positive, dear ones! 😊 There may be issues that disturb your peace, but happiness can be found in the smallest of things. Stay cool with relatives – you never know when you'll need their help. At work, your dedication will shine bright 💼, but remember not to burn yourself out. Stay wise with your finances and invest smartly.💰


Number 4: (Born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of any month)

This week is all about discovering the true meaning of life and realizing your potential 🌈. Keep in touch with your family – their guidance could be the key to your success. Work hard and let your sincerity tell your professional story. Your experience might unlock better job opportunities. But, don't forget to build strong relationships with colleagues – a little help can go a long way.


Number 5: (Born on 5, 14, and 23 of any month)

This is a lucky week, friends! 🎉 Your dreams are turning into reality. Family matters are becoming interesting, and your personality is drawing people towards you. But remember, a little discipline at home goes a long way. At work, impress your management with your abilities. If you're a newbie looking for a job, luck might just favor you!


Number 6: (Born on 6, 15, and 24 of any month)

This week, patience is your friend. 🐢 Rushed decisions won't do any good. Your family's support will be your strength during this busy work period. Ignore any negative comments about your current job and keep moving forward. If you're a business owner, now could be a good time to take a calculated risk. 🚀


Number 7: (Born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)

Hang in there, sweet souls! 💪 Challenges may seem overwhelming, but stay positive. Understand the power of solitude and focus on your goals. Good relations with siblings could be beneficial this week. Professionally, it's all about communication with management and building strong relationships.


Number 8: (Born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month)

This week is full of good news! 🎊 Recognize your talents and use them wisely. Spend time with family and keep an eye on how small personal life changes can impact your career. Avoid any personal life troubles that could spill into your professional life. Believe in your abilities and improve your relationship with management. It might be a good time to look for an alternative job.


Number 9: (Born on 9, 18, and 27 of any month)

This week, it's best to sidestep issues in personal and professional life. 🕊️ Present your best self and keep your communication calm. Remember to appreciate your parents for their hard work. In your career, embrace change and see the positives of switching jobs frequently.


Wishing you a week full of love, peace, and growth! 🌸😊🌟

Starry Horoscope Guide: Journeying through the Tale of Cetus (07-31-23)

Celestial Secrets Unveiled: What the Mythical Sea Beast, Cetus, Reveals About Your Destiny!


Greetings, dear readers. Today, let's explore the celestial tale of Cetus, the mythical sea creature in the vast ocean of stars, much like the diverse and extraordinary nature of our lives. Just as Cetus, often portrayed as a sea monster, encompasses the paradox of beauty and fierceness, our experiences, too, hold a similar duality. There is magnificence in the seemingly monstrous challenges we encounter, as they shape our character and help us discover our inner strength.


In ancient mythology, Cetus was sent by Poseidon to ravage the lands of King Cepheus as a punishment for the queen's vanity. Eventually, the hero Perseus saved the day by using the head of Medusa to turn the beast to stone. The tale of Cetus symbolizes the trials we go through in life and the potential triumph that awaits us at the end of the tunnel.


Aries (Western: March 21 - April 19 🐏 | Vedic: Mesha - April 13 - May 14)

Dear Aries, visualize yourself as a diligent bee, busy creating the sweetest honey, as you may find yourself slightly disappointed by the absence of someone at your event. Remember, every flower can't give you nectar, but each one contributes to the beauty of the garden.

  • Consider yourself a determined mountaineer, slowly but surely reaching the peak. Maintain your perseverance in your professional endeavors and the summit of success is yours to conquer. Your diligent efforts are like steady steps towards the mountaintop.
  • Imagine yourself as a clever merchant, who knows the art of turning copper into gold. With careful strategies and mindful decisions, you will soon be able to increase your profits, just like the merchant attracting more wealth.
  • Envision yourself as an excited explorer setting off on an adventure, even if solo. Don't let the lack of companions discourage you from embarking on a thrilling journey that awaits you. Remember, every explorer discovers treasures when they dare to tread the unknown path.
  • On the academic front, see yourself as a student of life, always learning and adapting to new changes. Just as a chameleon adapts to its surroundings, so shall you to your new schedule.
  • Imagine yourself as a phoenix, ready to rise from the ashes. It's time to rekindle the spark in your love life. Reserve a romantic dinner, just for the two of you, and let the flame of love burn brightly.
  • Lucky Number: 4. This number symbolizes stability, reliability, and the four elements that make up our world: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Let this energy anchor your day.
  • Lucky Color: Orange. Symbolic of creativity, enthusiasm, and warmth, incorporating this color into your day can boost your mood and invigorate your spirit.


Taurus (Western: April 20 - May 20 🐂 | Vedic: Vrishabha - May 15 - June 14)

Dear Taurus, picture yourself as a wise investor, confidently placing your bets on a promising piece of land. This is an opportune moment to invest in property for maximum returns. Like a skilled farmer sowing seeds, the time is ripe for you to nurture your investments.

  • See yourself as a dedicated artisan, meticulously carving a piece of precious stone. Your consistent performance at work will help your career graph ascend, just as the artisan's dedication brings out the brilliance of the gem.
  • Visualize yourself as a nurturing tree, providing shade and support to others. Your efforts to assist someone on the academic front will be rewarding, not unlike the tree that is cherished for its shelter.
  • Imagine yourself as an excited voyager, suitcase in hand, ready to embark on a much-anticipated vacation. Just as a vacation brings rejuvenation, your upcoming journey promises to breathe fresh energy into your life.
  • In the realm of work, consider yourself as a seasoned sailor, skillfully steering your vessel through calm seas. The smooth sailing ahead mirrors your work-related tasks.
  • On the move, imagine being a patient traveler who, despite a delay, knows the art of making up for lost time. Just as the traveler doesn't lose hope, stay optimistic about your journey.
  • Picture yourself and your partner as two cups of warm cocoa on a quiet evening, each sip filled with sweetness and warmth. An intimate evening with your loved one is on the horizon, promising comforting conversations and shared smiles.
  • Lucky Number: 7. Resonating with introspection and spiritual wisdom, let the energy of this number guide you through the day, like the North Star leading the way in the night sky.
  • Lucky Color: White. Just like a blank canvas, the color white signifies purity, innocence, and endless possibilities. Incorporating it into your day may inspire new beginnings and bring peace.


Gemini (Western: May 21 - June 20 🌌 | Vedic: Mithuna - June 15 - July 14)

Gemini, imagine yourself as an inspiring performer, captivating the audience with your talent. Just as the performer revels in applause, your skills and expertise are likely to impress significant figures on the professional front.

  • Consider yourself as a savvy entrepreneur, seizing lucrative deals. Showcasing your capabilities will open doors to beneficial offers, just as an entrepreneur's wisdom paves the way for success.
  • Visualize yourself as a prosperous landlord, receiving generous returns from your properties. The financial strength you gain is akin to the landlord's harvest from their lands.
  • Think of yourself as a social reformer, receiving accolades for advocating a cause. Like a reformer, your efforts to make a difference in society are likely to be appreciated.
  • On the fitness front, see yourself as a dedicated athlete, embarking on a journey towards peak physical health. The steps you take today to improve your fitness will bring you closer to your health goals.
  • At home, imagine your family members as notes in a symphony, harmonizing beautifully to create a melodious day. Just like the harmony in a symphony, your domestic front is likely to be filled with joy and harmony.
  • Like a seasoned event planner, you might find yourself organizing a gathering, inviting all your dear ones, and creating wonderful memories together.
  • Picture yourself and your partner as two kites soaring high in the sky, painting a romantic picture against the sunset. Your partner is likely to share deep, romantic feelings and dedicate quality time to you today, enhancing your bond.
  • Lucky Number: 18. This number signifies transformation and spiritual growth. Let it be your guide, lighting the path ahead and leading you towards growth.
  • Lucky Color: Cream. Just as cream adds a subtle richness to a meal, the color cream symbolizes elegance and sophistication. Incorporating this hue into your day may enhance its beauty and charm.


Cancer (Western: June 21 - July 22 🦀 | Vedic: Karka - July 15 - August 14)

Cancer, envision yourself as a towering tree, deeply rooted and resilient, standing strong amidst all storms. Just like the tree, your professional standing is set to solidify further, strengthening your position in your organization.

  • Imagine being an ambitious student, who, against all odds, surprises everyone with their stellar academic performance. This is likely to be your story today, as you excel in exams or competitions.
  • Like an enthusiastic tourist embarking on an adventure, a fun trip could be on your horizon. So, get ready to pack your bags and explore!
  • At home, see yourself as a wise mentor, guiding a family member who follows your advice with trust and respect. Your guidance is likely to pay off, making you proud.
  • As a sociable butterfly, you might find yourself planning a visit to friends or relatives. These interactions are likely to strengthen your bonds.
  • Consider yourself as a connoisseur, who enjoys the finer things in life. You might be planning to invest in a high-end gadget or a new vehicle, amplifying your comfort and convenience.
  • Picture a romantic rendezvous, filled with sparks and enchantment. A date with your lover is quite possible today, so get ready to mesmerize!
  • Lucky Number: 5. This number symbolizes change, adventure, and freedom. Let these energies guide your day, inviting excitement and dynamism.
  • Lucky Color: Light Green. This calming shade represents growth, harmony, and freshness. Incorporating this color into your day might invite peace and tranquility.


Leo (Western: July 23 - August 22 🦁 | Vedic: Simha - August 15 - September 16)

Leo, imagine yourself as a seasoned diplomat, who skillfully navigates challenging situations. If someone insists on assigning a task to you, remember to handle it with grace and tact.

  • Consider yourself as a treasure hunter, who unexpectedly stumbles upon a hidden chest of gold. Your financial worries might be coming to an end, as resources flow in from unexpected sources.
  • Like a seasoned athlete, constantly seeking new victories, resting on your laurels might not impress others. Stay ambitious and strive for new accomplishments.
  • Imagine being an architect, overseeing every detail of a grand project. Your task at hand might require similar attention and engagement for it to flourish.
  • Envision yourself as a skilled mechanic, working diligently to repair a faulty machine. An appliance or vehicle might demand your attention and time today, just like a tricky repair task.
  • At home, visualize a joyous family reunion, brimming with laughter and warmth. Such a gathering might be on your horizon, leaving you happy and invigorated.
  • Think of yourself as an eager traveler, thrilled about an upcoming journey. Pack your bags and let the excitement fuel your adventurous spirit.
  • A blank canvas awaits you, ready to be painted with the vibrant colors of romance. Fill it with your heartfelt emotions and create a masterpiece.
  • Lucky Number: 9. The number nine is symbolic of wisdom, completion, and fulfillment. Let these energies guide your day and embrace the growth they bring.
  • Lucky Color: Magenta. This bold color embodies transformative energies, courage, and determination. Incorporating this hue into your day could lend it an invigorating touch.


Virgo (Western: August 23 - September 22 🌾 | Vedic: Kanya - September 16 - October 17)

Virgo, imagine yourself as a quick-witted playwright, who captures the audience's attention with clever dialogues. Bring out this talent at work today, as it might be the need of the hour.

  • Consider yourself as an experienced shopper, savoring every moment of the retail therapy. Such an excursion could be a delightful indulgence.
  • Like a seasoned performer, poised amidst the spotlight, you may successfully handle a challenging situation at work. Stay resilient and let your abilities shine.
  • Visualize your home as a serene sanctuary, offering you the peace and solitude you've been seeking. Revel in this tranquility and let it rejuvenate your spirits.
  • Think of yourself as a dedicated fitness enthusiast, making a robust comeback. The road to wellness might soon unfurl before you, leading you towards improved health.
  • On a journey, imagine yourself accompanied by a congenial companion, making the ride fun-filled and joyous.
  • Envision a key in your hand, opening the door to a property you've acquired. A significant possession might soon become yours.
  • Think of your relationship as a garden that you've painstakingly nurtured. Your efforts are likely to breathe new life into this garden, making love bloom vibrantly.
  • Lucky Number: 3. The number three represents creativity, harmony, and growth. Let these energies permeate your day, inspiring and encouraging you.
  • Lucky Color: Yellow. The color yellow embodies happiness, intellect, and energy. Integrating this color into your day could bring a touch of joy and dynamism.


Libra (Western: September 23 - October 22 ⚖️ | Vedic: Tula - October 17 - November 16)

Libra, imagine yourself as a disciplined health expert, diligently sticking to a nutritional plan. Your commitment to a balanced diet is paving the way towards great health.

  • Picture your finances as a bountiful orchard, indicating fruitful returns. You're about to harvest the ripe fruits of your financial prudence.
  • At work, envision yourself as a skilled juggler, managing multiple tasks seamlessly. This expertise allows you to tackle the accumulated workload efficiently.
  • For those recently wed, think of yourself as a charismatic individual, winning over family and friends alike with your charm.
  • On a train journey, picture yourself comfortably ensconced, enjoying a scenic voyage. A pleasurable travel experience awaits you.
  • Contemplate the joy of unlocking the doors of a new house or property. It's an opportune moment to make this dream a reality.
  • In the social arena, imagine yourself as a bridge, connecting people and drawing the support you need.
  • Picture your romantic journey as a beautiful sonnet, where each line echoes with joy. A love affair is likely to bring immense happiness.
  • Lucky Number: 2. The number two represents harmony, balance, and cooperation. Let these qualities permeate your day and guide your interactions.
  • Lucky Color: Baby Pink. The color baby pink exudes gentleness, love, and warmth. Incorporating this hue in your day could foster a sense of warmth and tenderness.


Scorpio (Western: October 23 - November 21 🦂 | Vedic: Vrishchika - November 17 - December 15)

Scorpio, envision yourself as a savvy chess player, strategically advancing your pieces. Just like a chess game, use your networking skills to keep the doors of competition open for you.

  • Picture the joy of an overseas journey, a voyage that offers a cherished reunion with your loved ones. This exciting journey is potentially on the horizon.
  • Consider the ancestral estate as an old tree bearing ripe fruits. Transforming this legacy into lucrative builder floors might be a wise move.
  • In your professional arena, see yourself as a strong-willed speaker, eloquently expressing your ideas with assertion. To drive your points home, you'll need to harness this assertiveness.
  • On the health front, imagine yourself as an endurance runner, pushing your physical boundaries with each step. Maintaining this relentless pace is bound to yield promising fitness results soon.
  • Newlyweds or fresh lovers, think of your relationship as a serene, moonlit boat ride. You're about to embark on a journey of blissful romance.
  • Lucky Number: 11. This master number signifies inspiration, intuition, and spiritual illumination. Let its high vibration guide you throughout your day.
  • Lucky Color: Pink. The color pink symbolizes love, compassion, and understanding. Incorporating this color into your day can promote feelings of harmony and warmth.


Sagittarius (Western: November 22 - December 21 🏹 | Vedic: Dhanu - December 16 - January 14)

Sagittarius, visualize your career as a scenic hike. The trail has been steep, the climb arduous, but the satisfaction upon reaching the peak is incomparable. This is where you stand now - atop the career mountain.

  • In the realm of academia, imagine your qualifications as keys, capable of unlocking any door in your way. Your hard-earned credentials will ease your path.
  • At home, picture yourself as an artist, your canvas being your living space. Delight in this opportunity to redesign your interiors, to paint a fresh aesthetic to your abode.
  • When it comes to vacationing, imagine the thrilling sensation of packing your bags, eager for a new adventure. Such an exciting break could be on the horizon.
  • Financially, visualize a bountiful garden, its lush abundance a testament to your earnings. This prosperity gives you the freedom to indulge a bit, to taste the luxuries of life.
  • Health-wise, consider yourself a skilled sailor navigating through calm waters. Today is an excellent day to focus on your well-being and sail towards optimal health.
  • In romance, imagine your love life as a tranquil lake, filled with the soft whispers of affection from your partner. Their love showers upon you like a gentle summer rain, making your love life truly fulfilling.
  • Lucky Number: 6. Symbolizing balance, harmony, and caretaking, let this number's vibrations bring peace and stability to your day.
  • Lucky Color: Red. Representing passion, energy, and excitement, integrating this vibrant hue into your day may invigorate you and bring a sense of vitality.


Capricorn (Western: December 22 - January 19 🐐 | Vedic: Makara - January 14 - February 12)

Capricorn, imagine standing at a bountiful market, numerous options spread before you, each one more enticing than the last. This mirrors your current job situation - ensure you keep all your choices open before selecting the ripest fruit.

  • On the property front, picture yourself as a skilled treasure hunter, discerning, patient, and diligent. There's a valuable find waiting to be uncovered, so keep your senses sharp.
  • In terms of travel, imagine inviting a close companion on an epic adventure. Their presence would double the joy and the fun, making the journey memorable.
  • At work, see yourself as a seasoned diplomat, navigating complex interactions with grace. A touch of patience and understanding will help manage a difficult subordinate.
  • Regarding finances, think of yourself as a wise budgeter, valuing quality over quantity. Sticking to your financial plan when making a purchase will prove beneficial.
  • For fitness, visualize your routine as a rhythmic dance, growing more elegant and efficient with regular practice. Your commitment to exercising regularly will soon yield visible results.
  • Love Focus: In the realm of romance, consider yourself the favored one of Cupid. The moment you've been secretly yearning for may be at hand - the chance to meet the one you love.
  • Lucky Number: 1. Representing leadership, ambition, and initiative, let this number's essence infuse your day with determination and direction.
  • Lucky Color: Brown. Earthy and solid, this color symbolizes stability and reliability. Incorporating it into your day may help to ground and balance your energies.


Aquarius (Western: January 20 - February 18 🏺 | Vedic: Kumbha - February 13 - March 14)

Aquarius, envision yourself as part of a seasoned duo, ready to face any adversaries together. Just remember, the seeds of triumph take time to germinate, so don't expect immediate victories.

  • Financially, imagine yourself standing at the crossroads of wealth and joy. While you've achieved financial stability, your pursuit now should be the elusive art of happiness.
  • In terms of health, visualize your body as a resilient fortress, gradually regaining its former strength. Any health concerns from the past are bound to improve.
  • On the professional front, think of yourself as a seasoned negotiator at a bustling market, dealing with challenging scenarios with poise and persuasion.
  • In your personal life, remember the importance of balance. While independence is essential, do not neglect your family in favor of solitary pursuits.
  • Picture a wise elder bestowing their blessings and tokens of love upon you - an unexpected financial gift may be coming your way.
  • Imagine taking a refreshing drive through verdant landscapes. A short trip for a breath of fresh air could prove revitalizing.
  • Picture yourself and your partner as two joyful explorers discovering the joyous terrain of love. An enjoyable time is on the horizon for those in love.
  • Lucky Number: 8. This number symbolizes balance, harmony, and prosperity. Let this vibration bring equilibrium and abundance into your day.
  • Lucky Color: Pink. Soft and inviting, this color embodies love and affection. Incorporating it into your day may enhance warmth and positivity.


Pisces (Western: February 19 - March 20 🐟 | Vedic: Meena - March 15 - April 14)

Pisces, imagine yourself as a free spirit, with no other desire than to soak up the joy of the day. Savor each moment, for each day is a gift to be enjoyed.

  • In your family, imagine a child or sibling standing proud on a podium, basking in the glory of their academic achievement. Such a moment of distinction could be just around the corner.
  • At work, think of yourself as a seasoned captain considering the weight of a new responsibility. Weigh your options carefully before committing.
  • When traveling, picture yourself navigating through a dense forest. Avoid the tempting shortcuts, for they may lead to unforeseen difficulties.
  • On the health front, see yourself as a triumphant athlete, your consistent efforts leading you to the pinnacle of fitness.
  • Imagine your finances as a blossoming garden, an investment option could promise lucrative returns, much like a fruitful tree.
  • Picture yourself standing on the edge of a sparkling lake, ready to dive into the refreshing waters of romance. The chances of falling in love appear quite bright.
  • Lucky Number: 22. This master number signifies intuition, dreams, and balance. Let these elements guide you through the day.
  • Lucky Color: Grey. Symbolizing neutrality and wisdom, incorporating this hue into your day can bring balance and understanding.


Final Thoughts

As I bid adieu for the day, let's take a moment to reflect on the story of Cetus. Each trial it brought to the kingdom was an opportunity for growth, and each hardship led to eventual triumph. Life, too, often operates in a similar fashion. The challenges we face are but stepping stones that prepare us for the glory that awaits. Remember, no sea monster is invincible when faced with courage and resilience.


Thank you for joining me on this astrological journey through the stars and stories. May your day be as bright as a constellation on a clear night, and may you navigate the waters of life with the bravery of Perseus. Until we meet again under the night sky, we wish you harmony, wisdom, and a touch of celestial magic. Blessings to you all.

Embracing Wisdom with Brigid: A Tarot Perspective (07-31-23)

Turn Disappointments into Possibilities with Brigid's Flame!


Greetings, dear readers! Today, as we sift through the intricate tapestry of life's experiences, we draw inspiration from the resplendent Celtic goddess, Brigid. Known as the keeper of the sacred flame, Brigid illuminates our path with her wisdom. She guides us through traditions, reassures us through our disappointments, and nurtures our emotional selves, aligning perfectly with the energy of our cards today.


Thinking - V The Hierophant

  • Card Lesson: Seek wisdom from traditions and established systems.
  • Keywords: Conformity, Tradition, Belief Systems

Picture an ancient sage, an authoritative figure within a sacred temple. Surrounded by ancient texts and holy symbols, he imparts wisdom and guidance based on established traditions and belief systems. This is the energy of The Hierophant, it's about learning from conventional wisdom and respecting established structures.


The Hierophant, who echoes Brigid's dedication to preserving tradition and ancient wisdom. As the goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing, Brigid encourages us to learn from well-established sources and to respect the wisdom of the past, just as The Hierophant does.


Feeling - V of Cups

  • Card Lesson: Accept your disappointments and learn to move on.
  • Keywords: Loss, Grief, Disappointment

Imagine an artist who has poured his heart and soul into a masterpiece, only to have it criticized or overlooked. His focus is so consumed by this setback that he neglects to see the numerous canvases around him, ready for him to start anew. This is the essence of the V of Cups. It symbolizes a time of loss, grief, or disappointment.


The V of Cups, a card that resonates deeply with one aspect of Brigid's story. When her son Ruadan was killed in battle, Brigid's sorrow was so profound that her wails were heard across the lands. However, she took her grief and transformed it into compassion for others, becoming a symbol of solace and healing. In a similar vein, the V of Cups calls upon us to face our disappointments, to feel them, and then to move on, opening our hearts to the new possibilities around us.


Doing - Queen of Cups

  • Card Lesson: Nurture your emotional self and use your intuition.
  • Keywords: Compassion, Emotional Stability, Intuition

Think of a caring mother, who not only tends to the physical needs of her children but also intuitively understands their emotional needs. She is empathetic, caring, and insightful. She is the embodiment of the Queen of Cups.

The Queen of Cups connects seamlessly with Brigid's nurturing and intuitive nature. As the goddess who tends to the eternal flame, Brigid invites us to acknowledge our emotional selves, listen to our intuitive voices, and extend our compassion to those around us, much like the message conveyed by the Queen of Cups.


Final Thoughts

In closing, may Brigid's sacred flame light your way, her wisdom guide your steps, and her nurturing heart fill you with love and compassion. Thank you, dear readers, for joining me on this enlightening journey today. May the wisdom of the Tarot continue to guide you, and may you find solace and strength in its messages. I am grateful for your presence and extend our warmest blessings to you. May your day be as extraordinary as you are!

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