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Tarot Patterns: A Comprehensive Review of July 2023’s Cosmic Journey

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Unseen Connections Revealed: Dive into July's Tarot Patterns!


Greetings, dear reader! In this cosmic dance of time and space, it's vital that we take moments to reflect on our journey. The daily Tarot readings serve as waypoints, guiding us along the labyrinth of life. But sometimes, the subtle threads that weave these individual waypoints into a coherent pattern may slip unnoticed. This is why I compile these monthly reviews - to broaden our view, to illuminate these patterns and, perhaps, reveal insights that may have been overlooked during the daily readings.


In our Tarot journey this month, we have traversed through a kaleidoscope of 87 cards spread across 29 days. While the cosmos chose to remain silent on July 2nd and July 31st, the remaining days spoke volumes. We journeyed through realms of emotions, thought, and action, with each card a tale of its own, each suit a universe in itself. Yet, as we take a step back to view the grand tapestry of the month, we see how these individual threads come together, painting a larger picture of our collective journey.


So, let's dive in, shall we? Embrace this opportunity to view the wisdom of the Tarot from a higher perspective, to unearth patterns, and to draw connections that might have been unnoticed. As always, take what resonates and let the rest flow back into the cosmic river. After all, the wisdom of the Tarot is a mirror to our inner selves, reflecting what we need to see, not always what we want to see.


Enjoy this moment of reflection, and may it bring you insight, illumination, and inspiration.


Summary of Cards

Our first graphic depicts the distribution of the Suits that manifested. With the fiery energy of Wands making the most appearances at 24 times, the universe nudges us towards creative pursuits, initiation of projects, and assertive actions. Interestingly, the elements of Pentacles and Swords balance each other at the opposite end, each with 13 appearances, signaling the need for harmony between our material world and intellectual realm.


Thinking - Feeling - Doing vs Upright/Reversed

Our second graphic casts light on the orientation of the cards. In the realm of 'Thinking,' we observed 21 upright and 8 reversed cards, suggesting clarity of thought and the need for deeper introspection at times. Both 'Feeling' and 'Doing' were mirrored in their distributions, with 23 upright and 6 reversed cards each. This reiterates an open-hearted emotional landscape and a positive orientation towards actions but also nudges towards introspection and an inward journey occasionally.


Cards in Thinking - Feeling - Doing Trend

 In the trinity of 'Thinking,' 'Feeling,' and 'Doing,' certain cards appeared more frequently. In 'Thinking,' VI of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, and King of Cups stood upright, signaling material success, practicality, and emotional balance. The Empress graced us both in her upright and reversed form, suggesting nurturing and abundance but also dependence and smothering.


In the 'Feeling' realm, VI of Swords and IX of Cups stood upright, indicating moving away from difficulties and wish fulfillment. The Ace of Pentacles was drawn in both its upright and reversed state, underlining new opportunities and lost chances.


In 'Doing,' Queen of Swords and IX The Hermit were always upright, advocating for clear communication, introspection, and wisdom. The Queen of Wands and IV of Swords manifested in both their upright and reversed states, prompting us to balance between determination, self-confidence, and introspection with periods of rest and withdrawal.



Trends on each card

The frequency of individual cards reveals a unique trend. The Queen of Swords and Queen of Wands appeared four times each, suggesting the dominance of female energy, clear judgment, balanced leadership, and fiery passion in our narrative. The Ace of Pentacles, IV The Emperor, IX of Cups, King of Wands, Knight of Wands, and Eight of Wands were each drawn three times, underlining themes of new beginnings, authority, wish fulfillment, visionary leadership, energetic action, and swift changes.


Final Thoughts

As we conclude this monthly Tarot review, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and companionship on this mystical journey. Remember, the cards do not dictate your path, but they do shine a light on the road ahead, giving insights that can help us make our choices.


May the wisdom of the Tarot guide your steps, bring clarity to your journey, and fill your life with abundance, peace, and joy. Be brave, be bold, and believe in the magic that lies within you and in the stars above.


Until next time, dear reader, may you walk in light and love. May the stars guide you, the moon light your path, and may the universe always be on your side. Blessed be! 

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