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Balancing Cosmic Harmony: A Tarot Journey with Ma’at (07-29-23)

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Find Cosmic Harmony: Embrace the Wisdom of Ma'at in Today's Tarot Spread


Greetings, cosmic voyagers! Today, we journey into the ancient Egyptian pantheon and find ourselves under the watchful gaze of Ma'at, the goddess of truth, balance, and order. Ma'at, with her grand feathered headdress, embodies the equilibrium of the universe, and her teachings of harmony, truth, and justice resonate beautifully with our cards today.


Ma'at, unlike other deities, was born when the world came into existence, representing the fundamental order of the cosmos. Her tale tells of the importance of maintaining cosmic balance and the necessity of truth and fairness. Her name literally means 'truth' in ancient Egyptian.


Thinking - V of Wands (reversed)

  • Card Lesson: Embrace cooperation over conflict, channel your energy into harmonious collaboration.
  • Keywords: Resolution, Agreement, Harmony

Imagine a vibrant marketplace, bustling with vendors passionately arguing about the best prices and products. This competitive environment, filled with noise and discord, is the essence of the V of Wands. When this card appears upright, it represents conflicts, disagreements, and competition.


However, when drawn in its reversed position, the tumultuous marketplace evolves into a vibrant, collaborative community. Vendors are now working together, enhancing each other's strengths, and benefiting from shared knowledge. This card suggests that the period of conflict or competition you have been experiencing is reaching a resolution. This is a time for reconciliation and agreement, where competing interests find common ground and work together harmoniously. Remember, the loudest marketplace can become the most thriving community when competition transforms into collaboration.


Much like how Ma'at used her wisdom to resolve conflicts between the gods and establish harmony, this card invites us to rise above discord, lean into cooperation and foster a spirit of reconciliation. Ma'at teaches us that resolution comes from understanding and respect for each other's truths.


Feeling - III of Pentacles

  • Card Lesson: Acknowledge the power of teamwork, and appreciate the magick of collective creation.
  • Keywords: Collaboration, Teamwork, Skill

Visualize a grand cathedral being built. Every craftsman, from the stone masons to the stained-glass artisans, contributes their unique skills to the collective masterpiece. This is the energy of the III of Pentacles—it's about collaboration, shared goals, and the power of teamwork.


When this card appears in your reading, it is a reminder of the profound magick that can occur when individuals come together to work towards a common goal. It represents the blend of diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences that result in a creation far more remarkable than any one person could produce alone. Celebrate the strength of collaboration and the shared achievements it brings.


Echoing the wisdom of Ma'at, illustrating the magick of collaboration. Ma'at, in her role of maintaining cosmic balance, knew that every god and goddess had a role to play. She acknowledged that collective creation is a powerful force. And so, like the builders of the pyramids, we must come together, combine our skills, and create something remarkable.


Doing - Queen of Swords

  • Card Lesson: Embrace the power of clear, unbiased judgment and honest communication.
  • Keywords: Clarity, Independence, Communication

Consider a seasoned judge, known for her ability to cut through noise and confusion, delivering verdicts with wisdom and integrity. This is the energy of the Queen of Swords—a symbol of intellectual independence, clear judgment, and honest communication.


When this card appears in your reading, it encourages you to be like the wise judge. Harness the power of clear thought and unbiased assessment. Let your mind be sharp, your judgment sound, and your communication honest. Do not shy away from the truth, even if it may seem harsh. Stand tall in your intellectual independence and lead with fairness and integrity, just like the Queen of Swords would.


Much like Ma'at, who weighed the hearts of the deceased against her feather to determine their fate in the afterlife, the Queen of Swords calls for unbiased assessment and transparent communication. She asks us to embrace our intellectual independence and articulate our truth with wisdom and fairness.


Final Thoughts

As we close our tarot journey today, let us remember Ma'at's divine wisdom. The world was said to end if Ma'at's feather and the heart of the deceased didn't balance. In her spirit, we must strive for balance in our lives, deal justly with others, and uphold the truth. When conflict arises, let's remember the power of reconciliation. In our undertakings, let's honor the strength of collaboration. And, in our communication, let's embody the clarity and honesty that the Queen of Swords and Ma'at herself represent.


Thank you for joining me on this divine journey through the cosmos. May the wisdom of the tarot and the divine truth of Ma'at guide you on your path today. Go forth with clarity, cooperation, and a heart as light as a feather.


Blessings for your day.

P.S.: I had the joy of trying out a new tarot deck today, brought to us by the Witchy Cauldron. It's tailored for those just beginning their journey into tarot, featuring all guide information right on the card, replete with imagery reminiscent of the Rider Waite deck.

Entitled "Witchy Cauldron Beginner Tarot", is an exquisite launchpad for newcomers seeking to unveil their inner mystic and traverse the universe's secrets. It provides a comprehensive landscape for card interpretation, from keywords, meanings, chakras, planets, zodiac signs, and elements to yes-or-no responses. This bounty of information aids in skill development and deepens your connection with the tarot.

The deck doesn't just score high on functionality but also on aesthetics. Its unique design, woven with the spirit of witchcraft and spirituality, is indeed eye-catching, making it a stellar addition to any tarot collection.

The Witchy Cauldron Tarot Deck is not just a tool, but a pathway. It encourages you to tune into your intuition, unlock your boundless potential, and embark on a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It's truly an invaluable companion for anyone venturing into the realm of tarot!

I give it four cauldrons. Cauldron EmoticonCauldron EmoticonCauldron EmoticonCauldron Emoticon 

Note: I purchased the deck on Amazon, there is no affiliation with Witchy Cauldron to share this information.

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