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Runes 101: Ancient Symbols for Modern Divination

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Welcome to another fascinating exploration into the mystic world of divination. Today, we tread the ancient paths of the Norse, as we delve deep into the magical and enigmatic realm of runes. Whether you're a seasoned seer or just starting your journey into the mystical, we invite you to join us in unraveling the mysteries of these ancient symbols.

Runes – the term may evoke an image of a wise ancient seer, sitting before a fire and casting stone tablets marked with enigmatic symbols. These symbols, known as runes, are far more than mere markings. They are an intricate system of symbols that held deep, significant meanings and were used for communication, magick, and divination. Runes carry with them the rich tapestry of history and tradition of the Germanic tribes who first used them, an echo from a time when people sought to understand and influence the world around them through the esoteric and the mystical.


We'll explore their ancient origins, the cultures that used them, and the evolution of the runic alphabets and give you an overview of various runic alphabets such as the Elder Futhark and the witch's runes. Our journey will guide us through the ways runes are prepared and maintained, and how they are applied in modern magick and witchcraft. Whether you're new to the path of rune divination or are looking to deepen your existing knowledge, this comprehensive guide will offer valuable insights into the magickal world of runes.


Historical Background of Runes

Origins of Runes and the Cultures That Used Them

The origin of runes is shrouded in mystery and antiquity, much like the ancient civilizations that used them. Historians and linguists believe that the runes likely originated around 150 CE in what is now Denmark or Norway. Their creation is attributed to the ancient Germanic tribes who inhabited the region. However, their precise genesis remains a topic of debate, with some theories suggesting that runes were influenced by Roman or even Etruscan scripts.


Runes were not confined to a single culture or region. Over time, they spread throughout Europe with the migration of the Germanic tribes, reaching as far as the British Isles in the west and the Volga River in the east. They were used by diverse groups, including the Norse Vikings, the Saxons, the Goths, and the Angles, each adapting and modifying the runic script to their own language and cultural context.


Evolution of the Runic Alphabets

Runic alphabets underwent several transformations over centuries. The Elder Futhark, consisting of 24 runes, is the earliest and most widely known runic alphabet. Named after the first six runes in the sequence (Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz), the Elder Futhark was used from the 2nd to the 8th centuries.


As Germanic languages evolved, so did the runes. The Elder Futhark gave way to the Younger Futhark, also known as the Scandinavian runes, around the 8th century. The number of runes was reduced to 16 to accommodate the phonetic changes in the Old Norse language.


In Anglo-Saxon England, the runic system was expanded into the 33-letter Futhorc (or Anglo-Saxon runes) to accommodate sound changes in the English language. Other runic systems, such as the Medieval runes and Dalecarlian runes, were developed and used in specific regions or periods.


The Role of Runes in Ancient Societies

Runes were far more than just an alphabet; they served multiple purposes and were a significant aspect of Germanic life. They were used for everyday communication, with inscriptions found on stones, metal objects, and wooden artifacts to tell stories, mark territories, commemorate the dead, and record historical events.


Beyond the mundane, runes were believed to possess magickal properties. They were integral to divination and magickal practices of the ancient Germanic and Norse cultures. They were used in spells and incantations, carved into amulets and talismans for protection, prosperity, love, and victory in battle.


Moreover, the act of rune casting was seen as a sacred ritual, a conversation with the divine. It was believed that the runes were revealed to Odin, the All-Father in Norse mythology, who sacrificed himself to gain their wisdom. Thus, runes were not merely symbols, but a bridge between the earthly and the divine, between people and the gods.


The Runic Alphabet

Overview of the Elder Futhark

The Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabets, consists of 24 runes. These are divided into three groups, known as 'aetts', each consisting of eight runes and named after the Norse gods: Freyr/Freyja's aett, Heimdall's aett, and Tyr's aett. The runes are more than simple letters; each symbol represents a word or concept, embodying a specific form of energy or essence.


The Elder Futhark was predominantly used from the 2nd to the 8th centuries, with its geographical reach extending across Scandinavia to continental Europe and the British Isles. Although the exact meanings of the runes are lost to time, their symbolic and spiritual significance has been pieced together from ancient runic inscriptions, historical context, and comparative linguistics.


Individual Runes and Their Meanings

Each rune in the Elder Futhark carries a unique significance, tied to a concept, deity, or element. Here's a brief overview of a few:

  1. Fehu (ᚠ) - Symbolizing cattle or wealth, this rune signifies prosperity, abundance, and financial security.
  2. Uruz (ᚢ) - Representing the aurochs, a wild ox, it stands for strength, vitality, and tenacity.
  3. Thurisaz (ᚦ) - Associated with Thor, the god of thunder, it embodies protection, destruction, and conflict.
  4. Raidho (ᚱ) - Symbolizing a journey or travel, it signifies movement, evolution, and progress.


These are just a few examples. Each rune has complex layers of meaning, often possessing both positive and negative aspects, and interpretations can vary based on the context of the rune casting.


Other Runic Alphabets

While the Elder Futhark is the most renowned, several other runic alphabets came into use as the language and cultures evolved. The Younger Futhark, also known as Scandinavian runes, surfaced around the 8th century. It consisted of only 16 runes, reflecting changes in the Old Norse language.


In Anglo-Saxon England, the Futhorc emerged, an expanded system consisting of up to 33 runes. It included additional symbols to represent sounds unique to the English language. Both these systems, while derived from the Elder Futhark, had distinct rune forms and phonetic values, attesting to the dynamic and adaptable nature of the runic scripts.


Modern Use of Runes in Divination

Transition from Ancient Use to Modern Divination Practices

While runes initially served as an alphabetic script, their symbolic meanings also lent themselves to magickal and divinatory purposes even in ancient times. As societies evolved and moved away from runic scripts, the use of runes for communication waned, but their mystical aspects persisted.


The revival of interest in runes for divination began in the 17th and 18th centuries during the romanticist movement, which saw a renewed fascination with the cultural heritage of Europe. This interest grew in the 20th century, with many neo-pagan and occult groups incorporating runic divination into their practices. Today, runes serve as a powerful tool in the spiritual toolkit of many modern witches, pagans, and spiritual seekers.


Runes in Magick 

  • Divination. The most popular form of runic magick. Cast them and use your intuition to interpret a message. 
  • Add them to spells. Add a rune or two to your spells for a powerful energy boost. 
  • Bindrunes. Use bindrunes as a form of written magick similar to sigils. 
  • Meditation. Hold a specific rune while you meditate and feel its energy radiate into you. 
  • Wear them. Make talismans and jewelry with the runes to carry their power with you. 
  • Write with them. Use the runic alphabet to hide words and names from others. 


The Process of a Rune Reading

A typical rune reading begins with the querent (the one seeking the reading) formulating a question or defining an area of focus. This intention-setting is a crucial step as it not only directs the energy of the reading but also assists in channeling the intuition of the reader towards the relevant issues.


Next comes the casting or drawing of the runes. The querent can either scatter the runes onto a cloth or mat (casting) or draw them individually from a pouch or bag. The method chosen depends largely on personal preference, and both have their unique strengths. Casting allows for a broader view and brings out intricate interrelations between the runes, while drawing is more focused, offering an in-depth look at a specific issue or question.


The layout or spread used can vary widely from a simple single-rune draw, often used for quick insights or daily guidance, to more complex spreads that assign specific meanings to the positions of the runes. These more intricate spreads are similar to tarot card spreads and can be as involved as a Celtic Cross, a nine-rune grid, or custom spreads designed by the reader or the querent.


Once the runes have been cast or drawn, the interpretation phase begins. This involves decoding the messages of the runes based on their inherent meanings, their orientations (upright or reversed, in traditions that recognize reversed meanings), their positional relationships with each other, and the overall pattern they form on the layout. This interpretation is guided not only by the traditional meanings of the runes but also by the reader's intuition, providing a personalized, dynamic, and context-specific understanding of the reading.


Also, it's worth noting that every rune reading is a unique experience. Even if the same question is asked or the same runes appear in different readings, the messages will invariably be influenced by the current energies, the querent's state of mind, and the reader's evolving intuitive insights. Thus, rune reading is a dynamic, intuitive art that provides fresh insights and guidance with each new reading.


Quick Notes

  • Storage  - Protect your runes from external energy by Keeping them in a fabric pouch or padded box. Traditional rune sets come with designated pouches that work wonderfully. 
  • Rune cloths  - While not necessary, rune cloths help us to create a sacred area for rune readings. They also help to protect your runes from damage on hard surfaces. 
  • Cleaning and charging  - Much like any other tool in witchcraft, runes need to be cleansed and charged on occasion. Cleanse when you first acquire your set, when they come in contact with negative energy, or whenever you feel it is necessary.  Charge your set after cleansing, between readings, or when you feel a lack of energy in your set. 
  • Making your own - If you can't afford a pre-made set of runes or find a set that sits right with you, make your own!  Many witches create rune sets out of stones, clay, or wood. This is great for beginners because you can customize and bond with your runes while you make them. 
  • Common methods of rune divination
    • Pick from a pouch - Close your eyes, focus on your question, then choose a rune from it s pouch. 
    • Toss them - Concentrate on your question, then gently toss all your runes from their bag onto a soft surface. Find the runes that stand out or are facing up. 
    • Lay them out - Lay out all your runes and pass your dominant band over them while focusing on your question. Feel for the runes that feel right or call to you. 
    • Use a spread - Much like tarot cards, many spreads for runes are available online and in books. Find one that suits your needs. 
  • Odin's Rune - Most rune sets include a blank rune. This rune is sometimes called "Odin's Rune," and whether you include it in readings is up to you. Generally, pulling Odin's Rune means something is not yet known. 
Dragon Rune Spread

The Importance of Intuition in Rune Reading

Despite the wealth of historical context and meanings associated with each rune, perhaps the most crucial aspect of rune reading is intuition. The reader's intuitive connection to the runes forms the very heart of the divination process. While traditional interpretations provide a starting point, it is the intuitive insights of the reader that breathe life into the runes, offering depth, personal relevance, and a tailored narrative to each reading.


Each rune, while embodying a certain concept, also has a myriad of potential connotations. Their interpretation can shift based on the context of the question, the energies at play, the mindset of the querent, and the unique intuitive perspective of the reader. This flexibility allows the reader to explore beyond the surface-level meanings and delve into a more profound, personalized understanding of the runes and the messages they carry.

Not Like Tarot

While tarot cards usually have some imagery or a guidebook to give you a starting point, the runes require a more intimate knowledge of their meanings to understand them. The runes paint big pictures and reveal truths - they don't give exact answers or tell you the future.
It's important to understand that the runes constitute a complete system of magic. It may be helpful to visualize the runes in a circle, with Fehu and Othala marking the beginning and end. Similar to The Fool's journey through the Major Arcana in tarot, we must journey through each rune to truly gain wisdom. 


Practical Guide to Using Runes

Getting Started with Runes

Embarking on the journey of rune divination begins with selecting a rune set. While the Elder Futhark is most commonly used, you may feel drawn to other systems such as the Younger Futhark or the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. Rune sets can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, stone, and metal, so choose a set that resonates with you on a personal level. The connection to your tools enhances the authenticity of your readings.


Once you have your rune set, dedicate time to learning the symbols and their meanings. Each rune is a storehouse of wisdom, encapsulating various aspects of life, nature, and the human experience. Begin by understanding the basic meaning of each rune and gradually dive deeper into the subtleties and interconnectedness of their symbolism. Keeping a rune journal can be beneficial for recording your progress, insights, and personal interpretations



Bindrunes are symbols that combine two or more runes to create a sort of sigil with a specific purpose. These weren't common among early Germanic people, but there are a few famous examples from Iceland around the 1600's such as the Helm of Awe and the Vegvisir. Try researching Galdrasfafir for historical examples of bindrunes and staves. 
Making a Bindrune
  1. Have a clear intention or goal. Keep it simple and concise. 
  2. Select 2 or 3 runes that best fit your intention. You can use more than three once you have some experience making bindrunes. 
  3. Create the bindrune. Create a symbol with your selected runes - be sure you don't accidentally draw in other runes or reversed runes that could alter the overall meaning. 
  4. Put it somewhere relevant. Keep the bindrune until it has served its purpose. 

Conducting a Rune Reading

For an effective rune reading, create a calm and serene environment. You may wish to light candles, incense, or use sound instruments like bells or singing bowls to cleanse the space and invite positive energies. It's essential to approach the reading with a clear mind and open heart, so consider incorporating a few moments of meditation or deep breathing exercises before you start.


When formulating your question or area of focus, be as clear and specific as possible. Remember, the runes respond to the energy and intention you put forth. Therefore, a well-defined question will yield more pointed and relevant insights. However, avoid overly narrow or binary questions (like yes/no queries), as runes work best when exploring complex situations and guiding personal growth.


Once you're ready, cast or draw your runes, interpreting them according to your chosen spread or layout. Trust your intuition during this process, allowing it to guide you towards a deeper understanding of the messages the runes are conveying.


Further Study and Practice

The world of runes is vast and filled with layers of meaning and wisdom. As you become more comfortable with your rune set and start conducting regular readings, consider deepening your knowledge through further study. There are many books, online resources, and even courses available to help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of runes, their history, and their use in divination.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to rune divination. The more you work with your runes, the more attuned you will become to their energy and messages. Use them regularly, even if just for daily guidance or reflection.


Don't be afraid to make your rune practice your own. Whether that's creating your own rune spreads, incorporating other spiritual practices, or even creating your own rune set. This journey is deeply personal and unique to you. Embrace the adventure and let the runes guide you on your path to self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Final Thoughts

With this foundational knowledge, you're well-equipped to explore the enchanting world of runes in your own divination practices. Remember, divination is a deeply personal endeavor. It's about connecting with the symbolic language of the universe and using it to navigate your life with wisdom and clarity.


Runes offer a profound means to tap into this wisdom, and they patiently await those willing to learn their ancient language. Whether you choose to use them for reflection, guidance, or as part of your magickal practices, their potent energy is bound to enrich your spiritual journey.


Dive in, allow yourself to connect with the runes, and let their ancient wisdom unfold in your life. As you do, you'll discover not only the powerful insights they offer but also deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Trust in the process, embrace the mystery, and let the journey of rune divination begin.



Suggested Books, Websites, or Other Resources for Further Learning

  1. "The Book of Runes" by Ralph H. Blum: A well-regarded introduction to runes that includes a set of rune stones.
  2. "Taking Up the Runes" by Diana Paxson: This comprehensive guide offers a deep dive into rune meanings and their uses in ritual and magick.
  3. "Rudiments of Runelore" by Stephen Pollington: A scholarly approach to the history and application of runes.
  4. The Rune Site ( A free online resource for beginners and advanced students alike. The website offers a wealth of information on various rune sets and their meanings, history, and usage. The owner hasn't updated since 2013, but the information is still solid.
  5. Asatru and Heathenry Reddit communities: These online forums have regular discussions about runes and their use in modern practices. 

Citations of Any Sources Used in the Article

  1. Page, R.I. (2006). An Introduction to English Runes. Boydell Press.
  2. Paxson, D. L. (2005). Taking Up the Runes: A Complete Guide to Using Runes in Spells, Rituals, Divination, and Magic. Weiser Books.
  3. Flowers, S. (1986). Runes and Magic: Magical Formulaic Elements in the Elder Tradition. Peter Lang.

Note: Always make sure to check the credibility of your sources, especially online forums, and websites, as there can be a lot of misinformation about runes and their uses. Use discernment, cross-reference information, and, most importantly, trust your intuition.

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