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July 24, 2023

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Walking with Tricksters: Coyote Tales in Native American Mythology

Welcome to the inaugural edition of "Living Legends." Today, we journey into the vibrant landscape of Native American mythology, tracing the footsteps of an iconic character: the Coyote. As we navigate the winding trails of ancient tales, we're introduced to a figure celebrated for his cunning yet often caught in the tangle of his own schemes. So, let's embrace the spirit of adventure and unravel the intriguing lore of this legendary trickster.


The Coyote: A Figure of Wit and Chaos

In Native American mythology, the Coyote emerges as a character of contradictions. Revered as a divine messenger, referred to as "God's dog," he is sent to observe humankind. Known as a magician and a trickster, Coyote holds the power to transform people and objects. For the Indigenous peoples of the American West, he plays a role in destiny, and the Plains Indigenous communities credit him with bringing fire and daylight.


However, Coyote also evokes amusement. His plans frequently backfire, his enemies often outsmart him, and his hunting skills leave much to be desired. His tales reflect both his divine origin and his earthly follies, and it's within this intricate dance of divinity and humor that the wisdom of Coyote's stories unfolds.


Coyote Tales: An Exploration

In the book "American Indian Myths and Legends," authors Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz retell some captivating Coyote tales. One narrative from the Caddo community describes how Coyote influenced the nature of death itself. Initially, when life began, death was intended to be temporary, a means to create room for others. However, Coyote proposed that death should be permanent, ensuring abundant resources for the living. Despite protests, he meddled in the natural order of life and death, and from that day forward, death became irreversible.


Another tale from the Karok community illustrates the Coyote's knack for self-sabotage. In an attempt to attain the highest rank among the animals, Coyote tries to stay awake all night to be first in line to receive a bow and arrow, a symbol of power. However, exhaustion overcomes him, and he misses his chance, ending up with nothing. Yet, the tale also portrays the Coyote's resilience. Despite his folly, he is gifted with cunning, providing him a unique edge over other animals.


Coyote Stories Across Cultures

Despite the diversity of Native American cultures, with their distinct languages, traditions, and spiritual beliefs, the Coyote finds a place in many of their stories. For the Navajo, the Coyote is Ma'ii, often shown as a malevolent figure. The Nez Perce honor Coyote as a cultural hero who often falls victim to his overconfidence. In Plains Indigenous tales, the Coyote takes on a more whimsical role, highlighting the humor in his blunders. Although the depiction of Coyote varies across cultures, one thread remains consistent: Coyote is a disruptor, an instigator of change, often achieved through chaotic means.


Coyote and the Creation of the Columbia River

Among the diverse Coyote narratives, one tale from the Sahaptin/Salishan communities, as retold by S. E. Schlosser, paints a vivid picture of how the Columbia River came to be. On a particularly warm day, Coyote yearned for relief from the heat. His initial desire was a mere cloud to shield him from the sun's intensity. But as the tale unfolds, Coyote's demands grow increasingly insistent and grand.


His request for "more clouds" ushers in a stormy sky. Not content, Coyote then calls for rain, which gradually evolves from a sprinkle to a torrential downpour. His thirst for comfort not yet quenched, he yearns for a creek to cool his feet. Obligingly, a creek springs up, but Coyote's aspiration swells further – he wishes for a deeper body of water.


Unknowingly, Coyote's relentless desire summons a force beyond his control. The creek morphs into a raging river, engulfing Coyote in its swirling currents. Nearly drowned and swept away, he is cast ashore, barely escaping the clutches of death and leaving the curious buzzards disappointed. This dramatic tale is said to recount the creation of the Columbia River.


Lessons from the Coyote's Pursuit

This particular Coyote tale highlights the consequence of unbridled desire. Coyote's increasing demands, motivated by his pursuit of comfort, lead to a situation that nearly ends his life. His tale offers a profound lesson about the importance of contentment and the dangers of excess. The Columbia River, a permanent mark on the landscape, serves as a lasting reminder of Coyote's reckless pursuit and the dramatic outcome of his untempered desires.


Beyond the cautionary message, this story also underlines Coyote's power to shape the world – albeit unintentionally. His ability to summon a cloud, command the rain, and create a river demonstrates the transformative potential of his words and thoughts, a theme prevalent in many of his tales. Despite the chaos his actions often generate, Coyote's stories teach us about the potency of our own desires and the indelible impact they can have on our world.


The Wisdom in Mischief and Chaos

At first glance, Coyote's chaotic adventures may appear to offer little more than amusement. But delve deeper, and you'll discover rich layers of wisdom woven into these tales. Coyote's stories underscore the importance of adaptability in a world fraught with unpredictability. They also serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the potential pitfalls of overconfidence and recklessness.


The tales of the Coyote echo the cycles of learning and growth, revealing the sometimes painful, sometimes humorous, but always transformative power of mistakes. For all his recklessness, Coyote embodies the spirit of resilience, ever ready to rise from the ashes of his own chaos, wiser and humbler.


Final Thoughts

Exploring the tales of the Coyote invites us to embrace the uncertain, to find humor amid life's chaos, and to grow from our blunders. As we navigate the intricate dance of life, may we imbibe the spirit of resilience and adaptability that the Coyote exemplifies. In the end, it's not the absence of chaos that makes a journey worthwhile but the wisdom and growth that emerges from it.


In our next edition of "Living Legends," we'll delve into another captivating tale from the world's rich mythological tapestry. Until then, may the wisdom of the Coyote guide you through the unpredictable, lighting your path with lessons of resilience and transformation.

The Alchemy of Crystal Grids: Amplifying Intentions with Sacred Geometry

Welcoming the Wonders of Crystal Magic into Your Life


Since time immemorial, the allure and vibrancy of crystals have captivated humanity. Their dazzling hues, their smooth or rough textures, their complex structures—all of these qualities hint at a world hidden beneath our mundane reality, a world teeming with energy and possibilities. Indeed, crystals are not mere adornments or natural curiosities. They are deeply spiritual entities, charged with the energies of the Earth herself.


Ancient civilizations held crystals in high regard, recognizing their potential to heal, protect, and empower. From the jade amulets of ancient China to the lapis lazuli scarabs of Egypt, crystals were seen as sacred gifts from the Earth, embodying different energies that could enhance spiritual practices, provide healing, and offer protection.


In our contemporary world, we continue this tradition of crystal reverence. But now, we are privy to techniques that our ancestors may have only dreamed of, methods that allow us to harness not just the energy of a single crystal, but a powerful combination of these spiritual stones.


Today, I invite you to explore this fascinating realm of crystal synergy—the art of creating and utilizing crystal grids. Whether you're new to the world of crystals or have been a long-time crystal devotee, this journey into the mystical world of crystal grids offers a novel way of engaging with these earthy wonders. By understanding and employing these crystal combinations, we open ourselves to an amplified energy, enhancing our intentions, and deepening our spiritual practice.


So, sit comfortably, relax your mind, and let's delve into the captivating art of crystal grid creation.


What are Crystal Grids and How Do They Work?

A crystal grid, in its simplest definition, is a symmetrical arrangement of different crystals, each chosen with care, to amplify their collective energies for a specific intention. Imagine each crystal in the grid as a musician in an orchestra, contributing their unique note, yet harmonizing with the whole ensemble. When united by a clear intention, their individual power merges into a dynamic, high-frequency energy flow that reaches out toward your goal with laser-focused precision.


Creating Your Own Crystal Grid

Setting up your own crystal grid can be an exciting and deeply personal journey. And don't worry, it's not about adhering to stringent rules or achieving perfection. In the spiritual realm, you're the architect of your own experience. You might choose to base your crystal grid on sacred geometry symbols like the Seed of Life or Metatron's Cube, but the pattern can vary based on your intuition and preference. The key here is learning to charge your crystals with your intentions and use the grid as a conduit to enhance your spiritual practice.


Essentials for Building a Crystal Grid

  • Crystal Grid: Feel free to pick a specific design that resonates with you or follow your intuition. You could draw or print a grid on paper or wood, creating a foundation for your crystal symphony.
  • Crystals: Your centerpiece, the largest crystal, holds your main intention, while smaller crystals complement it, radiating your intention across the grid.
  • Location: Choose a peaceful corner in your home, free from disruption, as the perfect home for your grid. You might even apply the principles of Feng Shui to enhance its energy.
  • Intention: Scribble your intention on a piece of paper, such as "I aim to clear negative energy from my home", and place it beneath your centerpiece crystal. As you write, immerse yourself in the feelings your intention evokes.
  • (Optional) Candles & Energy Tools: Surround your grid with items that cultivate the right ambiance – be it singing bowls, your favorite scented candle, or incense.


The Combination of Energies

A primary advantage of crystal grids is their ability to combine the energies of various crystals. Each crystal has its own vibrational frequency and healing properties. When these crystals are arranged together in a grid, their energies intermingle and amplify, creating a powerful energy field. For example, a grid for love may include rose quartz for love, amethyst for spiritual growth, and clear quartz to amplify the energies of the other crystals.


Selecting Your Crystals

Choosing crystals for your grid is a mindful process. You could group crystals based on their uses, or correspond them to specific chakras using their colors. Clear quartz points often make excellent centerpiece or connector stones. Here are some crystal combinations to inspire you:

  • Love: Rose quartz to invite love, garnet for sexual attraction, and kunzite to facilitate clear communication of your feelings.
  • Healing: Amethyst to cleanse negative energy, citrine to alleviate depression, and fluorite to promote mental relaxation.
  • Protection: Smoky quartz to absorb and transmute negative energy, black tourmaline to repel negativity, and hematite for grounding.


A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Your Crystal Grid

  1. Purify Yourself & the Grid Space: Start by cleansing your body and energy. This ensures that your aura harmonizes with the energy you're about to channel. Then, focus on the physical and energetic cleansing of the space where you'll place your crystal grid. Whether it's through smudging, a bowl of salt, or a simple soap and water cleansing, setting a clean foundation is crucial.

  2. Cleanse Your Crystals: Just as you cleanse your space, you'll want to cleanse your crystals as well. You can smudge them using sage bundles or palo santo smoke. Alternatively, leave them under the sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to recharge their energy. However, remember that some crystals might fade in direct sunlight, and some (like Selenite crystals) should not be cleansed with water or salt as it may damage them.

  3. Charge or Program Your Crystals: To align your crystals with your intention, hold each stone between your palms, close your eyes, and visualize the energy of your intention flowing into the crystal. It's like imbuing each crystal with a piece of your goal.

  4. Set the Mood & Start: Light a candle or play some soothing music to create the right ambiance. Center yourself, focusing on your intention, then place your written intention in the middle of your grid. This serves as the cornerstone of your crystal grid.

  5. Place Your Crystals on the Grid: Begin arranging your crystals on the grid. You can start from the center and work outwards, or begin from the perimeter and work inwards. Often, a larger crystal point or pyramid makes an excellent centerpiece. If you're using a traditional grid pattern, it will typically suggest specific points to place your crystals. But remember, intuition is key, and maintaining symmetry in your layout is essential, regardless of whether you're following a traditional layout or creating your own pattern.

  6. Activate Your Grid: To activate your grid, imagine an invisible line connecting each crystal, like joining the dots. You can use your finger or another stone to "draw" this line, effectively energizing the entire grid.

  7. Revel in the Energy: After setting up your grid, consider meditating to soak in the energy it emits. You can also use your grid as a focus point for future meditations. For optimal results, leave your crystal grid undisturbed for a minimum of 48 hours and up to 40 days. Every few days, revisit your intentions, reconnect your stones, and meditate to keep the energy fresh and focused.


Selecting the Perfect Grid for Your Intentions

The beauty of crystal grids lies in their versatility. There's a plethora of grid patterns available, each one designed to amplify different energies and cater to unique intentions. Determining your intention before selecting a grid can guide you toward a design that will best amplify your desires.


For instance, if you're seeking protection, a circular grid might be your best option. On the other hand, a square grid can aid in establishing firm boundaries. If manifestation is your focus, consider a grid based on multiples of three. For clarity and direction, a grid designed with multiples of four may serve you well.


Certain grid shapes are traditionally associated with specific intentions. The Tree of Life grid, with its roots deep in Mother Earth and branches reaching towards the heavens, is a powerful tool for healing. The Seed of Life grid, representing the seven stages of creation, is ideal for attracting abundance.


The beauty of crystal grids lies in their versatility. There's a plethora of grid patterns available, each one designed to amplify different energies and cater to unique intentions. Determining your intention before selecting a grid can guide you towards a design that will best amplify your desires. Here are some renowned grid patterns:

  • Seed of Life: This grid, composed of seven overlapping circles, represents the seven stages of creation. It is said to hold the basic blueprint of the universe. Utilizing this grid in your crystal work is especially potent for manifesting and co-creating with the universe.
Seed of Life

  • Tree of Life: The Tree of Life is a potent symbol found in many spiritual traditions. It is said to link the heavens, earth, and the underworld, offering a connection to the divine and the earth. A grid in the shape of the Tree of Life can be particularly useful for healing and grounding work, and for strengthening your connection to the divine.
Tree of Life
  • Merkaba Star Tetrahedron: This three-dimensional shape combines two triangular pyramids into a star tetrahedron. In ancient Egyptian, "Mer" means Light, "Ka" means Spirit, and "Ba" means Body. This grid shape, therefore, embodies the integration of spirit, body, and light, and is often used for spiritual transformation and ascension.
Merkaba Star Tetrahedron
Example Metatron
Example of a Merkaba Star Tetrahedron
Center tower, double terminated "amplifier" stones, and tumbled stones on the outer circle to support the energy. Placed on Metatron's cube, a common grid map.
  • Flower of Life: An extension of the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life consists of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. It is seen as a symbol of sacred geometry, depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. This grid shape is excellent for fostering a deeper understanding of the universe and our interconnectedness within it.
Flower of Life
  • Sri Yantra: This complex grid is composed of nine interlocking triangles, four pointing upwards representing the masculine divine, and five pointing downwards representing the feminine divine. This grid is used in meditation practices and is said to promote clear thought, peace, and spiritual growth.
Sri Yantra

Take some time to explore these grid shapes and others. You might be surprised by the patterns that resonate with you most. Remember, the perfect grid for you is the one that feels right to you, aligning with your intentions and resonating with your energy.


Final Thoughts

In the gentle alchemy of creating crystal grids, we are welcomed into a deeper relationship with Earth's precious gifts. We fuse the potent energies of crystals with the wisdom of sacred geometry, aligning our intentions and desires to this powerful symphony of forces. Regardless of where we stand in our spiritual journey—whether we've trod the crystal-laden path for ages or have only just taken our first step—this artful exploration can be an enlightening and transformative experience.


As we come to the end of this discussion, I wish to express my deep gratitude. Thank you for sharing your time and spiritual curiosity with me. I hope this glimpse into the art of crystal grid creation has sparked a light in your heart that will guide you in your continuing journey.


May the Earth's bounty of crystals infuse your life with their radiant energy, strengthen your intentions, and bring forth a harmonious balance in your spirit. As the crystal grids draw from the collective power of these earthy gems, may your life, too, become a manifestation of interconnected beauty and strength.


In the luminescent glow of the crystal realm, I leave you with a blessing:

May the energy of the crystals always be your guiding light, their symphony of vibrations harmonizing with your life's melody, and their power amplifying the love and light within you.

Navigating the Leo Lunar Leap: Mercury’s Cosmic Dance Unleashed

Fire Meets Intellect: Unleashing Your Inner Lion in Mercury's Leo Transit!


Brace yourselves, celestial enthusiasts! On July 25, 2023, we're in for a powerful cosmic alignment as the planet Mercury - the messenger of the gods and the patron of communication, intellect, and adaptability - sails into the fiery sign of Leo. Mercury, known for its swift movement and sharp mind, meeting with Leo, a sign associated with creativity, passion, and leadership, means we're in for a vibrant dance of intellect and artistry. Let's break down what this celestial synergy will mean for us across various facets of our lives.


Career Advancements with Mercury in Leo

As Mercury pirouettes into Leo, those of us in professional roles will notice a delightful uptick in creativity, enthusiasm, and expressive energy. It's a time to step into the limelight, let your unique skills shine and stride confidently in your career path. The Leo influence encourages ambition and leadership, making it an ideal time for career advancements and recognition.


That said, with the confidence and assertiveness of Leo, you may feel a drive toward professional growth, chasing promotions, negotiating better pay, or even contemplating entrepreneurship. But remember, while Leo brings charisma, it can also introduce impulsivity. Approach decisions carefully, keeping workplace harmony in mind.


Financial Fluency in Mercury's Leo Transit

When it comes to finances, Mercury's journey through Leo also leaves its mark. While Leo's love for luxury may tempt us to indulge, it's important to stay focused on our financial obligations and long-term goals.


Yet, it's not all caution signs and restraint. This cosmic alignment can usher in positive financial prospects. Bold and calculated risks could pay off handsomely, and Leo's entrepreneurial energy might nudge you to explore new financial ventures. Keep in mind, though, to avoid hasty financial commitments and seek expert advice when necessary.


Courageous Ventures: Mercury in Leo

In the business world, Mercury's transit through Leo can spur innovation, boldness, and risk-taking. It's a time when many will feel empowered to chase their creative ideas with unwavering enthusiasm.

Networking and social interactions could lead to significant career progress. However, balancing the bold Leo energy with practical considerations is crucial. Boldness may pay off, but recklessness could backfire. Choose calculated risks over impulsive actions.


Romantic Reverberations of Mercury in Leo

As Mercury traverses Leo, matters of the heart may take center stage. Leo's captivating energy coupled with Mercury's communicative prowess makes it a promising time for romance. Couples might find their love lives revitalized, while singles could attract potential partners.


But, as passion intensifies, conflicts could arise from ego clashes. Keep open lines of communication and avoid dominating tendencies. Lean into Leo's generous, nurturing energy to deepen your emotional bonds.


Family Dynamics in Mercury's Leo Transit

Mercury's voyage through Leo can also affect our home lives. As family members vie for attention and recognition, a spirit of healthy competition may arise. However, avoid clashes over leadership roles and remember to celebrate each other's achievements to strengthen your family ties.

Wellness Watch:

Mercury in Leo Finally, Mercury's transit in Leo may supercharge our vitality and motivation, making it a prime time for pursuing fitness goals and lifestyle changes. But, as Leo's indulgent tendencies come into play, it's key to strike a balance to avoid overexertion or unhealthy indulgences. Keep an eye on moderation to navigate this period successfully.


Zodiac Specifics


Aries, you are already known for your fiery energy, and this transit will only stoke your flames. Your communication will become more confident and assertive, allowing you to express your ideas with great enthusiasm. However, be mindful not to overwhelm others with your zeal.


Taurus, this transit will ignite your creative side, inspiring you to communicate your ideas in new and artistic ways. It's a great time to share your vision and make your voice heard. Stay grounded and resist the urge to splurge on luxuries.


Gemini, your ruling planet Mercury in the confident sign of Leo encourages you to step into the limelight. Use this time to showcase your adaptability and intellect. Be wary of becoming too caught up in your own ideas and respect others' perspectives.


Cancer, Mercury's move into Leo will allow you to express your emotions more boldly and passionately. This can bring fresh energy to your relationships, but be mindful to keep your emotions balanced to avoid overwhelming others.


Leo, with Mercury in your sign, your natural charisma will shine even brighter. This transit will highlight your leadership qualities, but remember to exercise patience and understanding in your interactions with others to avoid unnecessary conflicts.


Virgo, this transit will bring a surge of confidence that will empower you to express your ideas more assertively. Use this period to push your boundaries, but don't lose sight of your practical, analytical nature.


Libra, Mercury in Leo will amplify your diplomatic skills, allowing you to lead conversations with grace and charm. Just be careful not to lose your balance in the fiery energy of Leo.


Scorpio, this transit will encourage you to express your passions more openly. While this can lead to intense, exciting conversations, it's crucial to keep your emotions in check to avoid becoming overly dominating.


Sagittarius, Mercury in Leo will fuel your adventurous spirit, inspiring you to share your visions with infectious enthusiasm. Just be cautious not to overstep boundaries in your excitement.


Capricorn, this transit will bring a welcome dose of creativity and passion to your normally reserved communication style. It's a great time to express your ideas with confidence, but remember to stay practical and grounded.


Aquarius, Mercury in Leo will stimulate your innovative thinking and encourage you to share your unique ideas. Use this period to inspire others with your vision, but don't let Leo's assertive energy push you to be overly confrontational.


Pisces, Mercury's transit through Leo can boost your confidence, empowering you to communicate your dreams and intuition more assertively. Just be sure to balance this bold energy with your natural empathetic and compassionate nature to avoid misunderstandings.


Remember, each zodiac sign will experience the effects of this transit differently, but regardless of your sign, it's a time to harness the energy of confident communication, creativity, and passion, keeping in mind the importance of balance and understanding. Let's ride the cosmic waves and make the most of this vibrant period!

Embracing the Tarot Storm: Lessons from Poseidon (07-24-23)

Poseidon Unleashes Ocean's Wisdom! Navigate Life's Storms Like A Pro


Greetings, dear readers. Today, we find ourselves in the realm of Poseidon, the God of the Sea. In ancient Greek mythology, Poseidon ruled over the vast oceans, a domain teeming with life, mystery, and the unknown. Often depicted as a stern but fair deity, he had a profound understanding of emotional currents and the importance of balance. Poseidon knew when to unleash the turbulent storms and when to allow for calm, serene waters, encapsulating the emotional wisdom of the King of Cups.


Legend tells of a time when Poseidon, observing the mortals, noticed a sailor struggling against an overwhelming storm. The sailor, much like the X of Wands reversed, was burdened, trying to navigate through the turmoil single-handedly. Seeing this, Poseidon calmed the storm, teaching the sailor the crucial lesson of relinquishing unnecessary burdens.


Yet, the trials of the sea were not over. In the calm aftermath of the storm, the sailor, instead of resting, immediately started preparing for the next possible tempest. He was a warrior of the sea, battling fatigue like the reversed IV of Swords. Poseidon, recognizing the need for rest and recuperation, sent a pod of dolphins to surround the boat, encouraging the sailor to pause and marvel at the beauty around him, serving as a reminder that even the strongest warriors need rest.


Thinking - King of Cups

Card Lesson: Embrace emotional maturity and balance.

Keywords: Emotional Balance, Compassion, Diplomacy

Imagine a seasoned sea captain, who, despite the turbulent waves around him, maintains a steady hand on the wheel and a calm demeanor. He embodies the energy of the King of Cups. This card symbolizes emotional maturity, understanding, and the ability to stay balanced amidst the ebb and flow of our feelings.


When the King of Cups sails into your reading, it's a signal to anchor yourself in empathy and compassion, not only towards others but also towards yourself. Harness your emotional intelligence to navigate any storms life might throw at you, and don’t be afraid to use your heart's compass to guide your way.


Feeling - X of Wands (reversed)

Card Lesson: Release the burdens that hinder your progress.

Keywords: Overwhelm, Burnout, Release

Envision a mountaineer, his backpack overloaded with equipment, struggling to ascend the steep slope. His progress is slow, and every step is a challenge. This mirrors the energy of the X of Wands. When upright, this card signifies carrying heavy responsibilities and burdens.


When reversed, the X of Wands is a clear sign that it's time to stop, reassess your load, and let go of the burdens that are slowing your progress. Maybe you're trying to do too much at once or holding onto tasks that others could handle. The mountain's peak is within reach, but only if you lighten your load.


Doing - IV of Swords (reversed)

Card Lesson: Listen to your body and mind, seeking rest when needed.

Keywords: Restlessness, Burnout, Recovery

Think of a warrior, after countless battles, trying to stay awake and alert but struggling to keep his eyes open. This is the energy of the IV of Swords. When upright, this card signifies a much-needed pause, a time for rest and rejuvenation.


When the IV of Swords appears reversed, it's a wake-up call, not to action, but to rest. Your body and mind might be screaming for a break, yet you keep pushing on. This card is a reminder that rest is not a luxury but a necessity. To continue the fight, you must first replenish your strength. Recognize your need for respite, and give yourself permission to rest. Tomorrow, you will be stronger for it.


Final Thoughts

The story of Poseidon and the sailor beautifully embodies the lessons of today's spread. Like the sailor, we may find ourselves in a storm of emotions or burdens, but we should remember to release what we can and prioritize rest when our bodies and minds call for it. Just as the sea is vast and deep, so too are our lives, filled with experiences and emotions that require understanding, patience, and self-care.


Thank you, dear readers, for embarking on this journey with me today. Like the sailor under Poseidon's watchful eye, may you navigate your own seas with wisdom and grace. Remember to trust in your inner King of Cups, relinquish the burdens that are too heavy to carry, and always honor your need for rest. In the words of Poseidon, "May the sea be your guide, the storm your teacher, and the calm your reward." Until we meet again, be well and blessed be.

The Antique Anatomy Tarot
by Claire Goodchild

Cosmic Cadence: Horoscope Unfoldings Shaped by Ursa Major’s Dance (07-24-23)

Unleash Your Inner Beast with Ursa Major's Astrological Revelations!

Greetings, fellow cosmic explorers! Ever heard the ancient story of Ursa Major, the Great Bear of the star-studded sky? An immortal figure from Greek mythology, this majestic creature eternally roams the celestial expanse, captivating stargazers with its grandeur. As Ursa Major perpetually circles the North Star, it symbolizes resilience and steadfastness amidst life's ceaseless cycles. The tales told by the stars serve not only as beautiful narratives but also as guiding lights illuminating our earthly paths. So, let's embark on our astrological journey and discover what the cosmic dance has choreographed for us today!


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20) - 🐏

  • Imagine standing at the peak of a mountain, arms wide open to the world below – such is the feeling of wealth and recognition you are likely to encounter, Aries.
  • When it comes to your health, you'll spring back with the force of a resilient tree sprouting fresh leaves after a harsh winter.
  • On the professional front, a playful competition unfolds before you, resembling a lively dance where each participant strives to outdo the other in grace and style.
  • At home, envisage being embraced by a familiar warmth as you find a willing ear to your personal concerns, much like a lighthouse providing solace amidst a turbulent sea.
  • A sudden journey may await you, akin to a wild horse galloping freely across unexplored landscapes. Embrace this unexpected excursion with enthusiasm.
  • Property matters favor you now, imagine the thrill of unlocking the door to a new home, the promise of new beginnings in every corner.
  • On the academic front, see yourself as an eagle, soaring high and focusing sharply on your goals. Your performance will reflect this vision.
  • In the realm of romance, picture a hidden glen where you and your beloved share heartfelt moments, nourishing the garden of your love.
  • Lucky Number: 5. In numerology, five signifies freedom, adventure, and dynamic change. Embrace this energy to navigate through your day.
  • Lucky Color: Purple. The color of intuition, imagination, and spirituality. Incorporating this hue into your life may enhance your visionary capabilities.


TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20) - 🐂

  • Imagine strolling through an art gallery, Taurus, finally discovering the perfect masterpiece to adorn your living space. Such a pleasurable purchase is likely to add an extra touch of charm to your home today.
  • As you explore the realm of wellness, think of yourself as a warrior, bravely instituting new health measures. This fierce dedication will pave the way for robust health and vitality.
  • In your professional or academic endeavors, visualize a smoothly running machine, gears interlocking perfectly to ensure steady progress. This is how things are set to unfold for you, with each effort fitting neatly into your grand plan.
  • The warmth and support of family wrap around you like a soft, comforting blanket on a chilly evening. Know that your loved ones stand with you, ready to lend a hand or a listening ear.
  • In terms of travel, picture a merry band of explorers setting off on an adventurous journey. A fun-filled trip with friends awaits, ready to etch delightful memories in your heart.
  • On the property front, visualize negotiating a deal with the skill of a seasoned diplomat, leading to a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • When it comes to aiding someone on the academic front, imagine the deep satisfaction of a teacher watching their student excel. Your guidance will bring immense fulfillment as you contribute to someone else's success.
  • In the sphere of romance, envision a serene, secluded spot where you and your partner bask in each other's company, strengthening the bonds of love and intimacy.
  • Lucky Number: 1. Known as the primal force in numerology, the number one signifies leadership, independence, and individuality. Embrace this energy as you carve your unique path.
  • Lucky Color: Red. This vibrant color stands for passion, determination, and courage. Incorporating this hue into your life may infuse it with a dynamic, energizing vibe.


GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21) - 👯

  • Imagine, Gemini, you are a wise squirrel, storing away acorns in preparation for a long winter. This reflects your current approach toward finances, as you meticulously save for a significant future event.
  • For health, picture the vibrant energy of a hummingbird in flight. As you keep yourself active, you'll find a renewed sense of vitality and zest for life, making you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
  • On the business front, envision an open door leading to a path adorned with opportunities. As a businessperson, such promising avenues are likely to present themselves to you, much like a treasure map leading to hidden riches.
  • At home, consider yourself the captain of the ship, skillfully navigating through the day's tasks and taking control of situations. You're likely to have the reins, ensuring the smooth functioning of your household.
  • In terms of travel, imagine yourself as a triumphant adventurer, successfully reaching the desired destination. Your journey, undertaken with a specific goal in mind, will bear fruitful results.
  • On the property front, think of this day as the perfect time to plant your seeds, metaphorically speaking. Like a patient gardener tending to his plot, you'll find success in handling property matters.
  • In the realm of romance, envision your love interest as a tantalizing mystery, sparking your intrigue. They may seem elusive, like a beautiful butterfly that's hard to catch, but your determination and perseverance will undoubtedly make headway.
  • Lucky Number: 17. In numerology, 17 resonates with insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, and compassion. Harness this powerful energy as you navigate through your day.
  • Lucky Color: Blue. This calming color represents peace, wisdom, and confidence. Embrace the soothing energy of blue to maintain equilibrium in your life.


CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22) - 🦀

  • Cancer, picture yourself joyously indulging in a shopping spree, perhaps buying gifts for loved ones or splurging on a few luxuries. You might spend a little more than usual, but your wise financial planning ensures it won't impact your financial stability.
  • When it comes to health, envision the vitality of a sprightly gazelle bounding across the savannah. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you'll keep yourself as energetic and fit as this graceful creature.
  • On the professional front, imagine yourself as a dedicated sculptor, tirelessly chiseling away at a block of marble to create a masterpiece. A little more effort on your part will significantly enhance your performance, just as the sculptor's painstaking work eventually reveals the beauty hidden within the stone.
  • At home, you may be caught up in the infectious spirit of festivity. Picture yourself as an interior decorator, transforming a blank canvas into a vibrant celebration of color and joy. It's the perfect time to spruce up your nest and create an ambiance that resonates with the festive mood.
  • In terms of travel, a delightful short trip with your loved ones awaits you. Imagine the scene of a heartwarming family picnic in a picturesque locale, filled with laughter, shared stories, and unforgettable memories.
  • On the property front, a house renovation might be on the cards, akin to a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis. Look forward to your home's transformation, enhancing its appeal and functionality.
  • As for romance, visualize a smooth sailing ship on tranquil waters. Your love life is expected to flourish, with plans with your significant other proceeding seamlessly, much like this peaceful voyage.
  • Lucky Number: 18. Numerology views 18 as a number symbolizing humanitarianism, tolerance, and efficiency. Harness these qualities as you navigate the day.
  • Lucky Color: Maroon. This deep, rich color exudes a sense of warmth, courage, and strength. Incorporate it into your day for a boost of confidence and comfort.


LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23) - 🦁

  • Leo, picture yourself as a generous monarch, magnanimously bestowing gifts upon your subjects. Today, you may find yourself in a position to indulge in items you've been holding back on, much like a king treating his kingdom to grand festivities.
  • In terms of health, imagine the serene glow of a lantern casting its warm, soothing light around, fending off the darkness. With a steadfast focus on wellness, you're set to maintain your fitness, mirroring the constant light from the lantern.
  • On the career front, think of your exceptional performance as a dazzling comet streaking across the night sky, capturing the attention of those who matter, just as the comet leaves stargazers in awe.
  • Within the family, an elder may seem to be more like a seasoned oak tree, standing tall but less supportive than you expected. Yet, remember that the oak tree, while rigid, still provides shade and stability.
  • As for travel, visualize an ornate antique globe, its surface traced by your fingers as you finalize plans for an overseas trip. Pack your bags, for a thrilling international adventure awaits!
  • In the realm of academics, consider your success as the brilliant light of a lighthouse guiding you toward your chosen path, just as it directs ships to safe harbor.
  • When it comes to love, picture a beautiful red rose in full bloom. Today is the perfect day to express your feelings for that special someone, as you present them with this symbolic token of affection.
  • Lucky Number: 9. This number, according to numerology, signifies wisdom, responsibility, and a broad worldview. Carry these energies into your day.
  • Lucky Color: Golden. This color symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success. Wear it today to channel a sense of abundance and optimism.


VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23) - 🌾

  • Virgo, visualize a gold medal being placed around your neck, representing the lucrative job opportunity you're likely to secure through campus recruitment. Like a champion standing on the podium, you're set to begin an exciting new chapter in your career journey.
  • In terms of health, picture a vintage film reel rolling back, playing the scene of your dedicated exercise routine. You're about to press 'play' on this forgotten scene to reclaim your fitness.
  • On the achievement front, envision a cascade of colorful confetti falling upon you, symbolizing the accolades and congratulations you're bound to receive. Like a grand parade celebrating your success, the cheers and well wishes will uplift your spirits.
  • In the realm of family, think of a vibrant dreamcatcher, turning nightmares into dreams. Similarly, your family's unwavering support will help transform your dreams into reality.
  • For those embarking on a long journey, imagine a calming forest bath, its tranquility soaking into your soul. This journey will prove therapeutic, helping you unwind and rejuvenate.
  • In property matters, think of a magnifying glass carefully examining a map's intricate details. Ensure you read between the lines before you sign any property deal, much like a careful explorer planning a route.
  • On the love front, picture a blissful picnic under a canopy of blossoming cherry trees. Your romantic outing promises to be fulfilling, filling your love story with more beautiful moments.
  • Lucky Number: 8. In numerology, this number signifies balance, wealth, and power. Harness this energy to enhance your day.
  • Lucky Color: Grey. This color represents neutrality and stability. Incorporating it into your day could help you maintain a balanced approach in all your undertakings.


LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23) - ⚖️

  • Libra, imagine a blossoming money plant, each new leaf representing a fresh avenue for financial growth. Much like the plant's lush growth, your financial situation is set to strengthen, bringing a sense of abundance and prosperity.
  • In health matters, picture a refreshing morning dew softly settling on a leaf, symbolizing your full recovery. As a new day replaces the darkness of night, so will your good health replace any previous ailments.
  • Professionally, envision a spider weaving its intricate web, with each thread symbolizing a connection. Your networking skills will work in the same way, pulling you closer to your professional goals, one connection at a time.
  • On the family front, think of a warm, comforting quilt. Just like this quilt, a family elder's understanding, and supportive nature will envelop you, providing you the comfort and confidence to venture into your pursuits.
  • If a trip is on the horizon, visualize an exciting roller-coaster ride filled with twists and turns, but ultimately enjoyable. Similarly, your journey promises to be a memorable adventure.
  • In case you're considering shifting residences, imagine turning a new leaf in a book. This fresh page represents the new chapter you're about to start in your life.
  • On the academic front, think of a steaming locomotive steadfastly following its tracks. Just like this train, you'll remain on course, moving towards your goals with unwavering determination.
  • In the realm of romance, picture a delicate butterfly landing on a beautiful flower. You may find yourself romantically attracted to someone, much like a butterfly drawn to a blooming flower's allure.
  • Lucky Number: 2. This number is often associated with harmony, balance, and cooperation. Use this energy to enhance your day.
  • Lucky Color: Pink. This hue exudes feelings of affection, harmony, and inner peace. Incorporating it into your day may add a gentle, loving energy to your interactions.


SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22) - 🦂

  • Scorpio, picture a fortified castle standing tall amidst a bustling marketplace. This castle symbolizes your financial plan - solid, well-thought-out, and designed to keep you financially secure in the bustling market of life.
  • On the health front, imagine a snowfall gently covering the landscape, making everything pure and untouched. Just like the snow heals the land, your ailment is set to disappear, making you feel renewed and vibrant again.
  • Professionally, envision an artist standing back to admire their masterpiece, recognition reflecting in their eyes. Similarly, you're likely to receive full credit for your good performance at work, much like the artist receiving accolades for their creation.
  • At home, picture an unexpected but pleasant surprise - like a loved one suddenly appearing on your doorstep. This is the kind of joy you can anticipate when someone close to you comes over.
  • In matters of travel, visualize a fork in the road. You might find someone insisting to join you on your journey. This crossroads moment will require you to make a decision, so follow your instincts.
  • As you turn the pages of your property diary, think of adding a new entry - perhaps a sketch of a house or land. Acquiring new property could be on your cards, ready to make its way into your book of life.
  • In the realm of love, picture a workplace romance blossoming, akin to finding a rare blooming flower amid a concrete jungle. You're likely to find love in the most unexpected place - your work front.
  • Lucky Number: 11. Known as a 'master number' in numerology, it signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. Let this vibration guide you today.
  • Lucky Color: Silver. The color of the moon, silver represents intuition, reflection, and femininity. Incorporating this color into your day may help you tap into your intuitive and reflective side.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21) - 🏹

  • Sagittarius, imagine a flourishing tree, bountiful with fruits, signifying your increased earnings that are all set to enhance your quality of life. Just as the tree sustains life around it, your financial growth will help nourish your dreams and aspirations.
  • In terms of health, picture yourself standing atop a mountain, feeling the strength of the wind and the warmth of the sun. This is symbolic of your current health status - strong, vibrant, and at its peak.
  • As you forge ahead in your professional or academic ventures, imagine yourself as a skilled sculptor, chiseling away with precision, creating a beautiful masterpiece. This captures your potential to excel in your current endeavors.
  • On the home front, visualize your parents as guiding stars, providing you with unwavering support and helping you fulfill your deepest desires. They are ready to go the extra mile for you, just as the stars brighten the darkest night.
  • Envision a joyful journey, filled with laughter and shared stories, akin to an engaging narrative that keeps you captivated. This is the kind of delightful travel you may experience.
  • In property matters, picture an ancient scroll filled with hieroglyphs. Just as decoding the scroll requires careful analysis, dealing with an ancestral property may bring some complexities.
  • On the career front, imagine a door opening into a bustling marketplace, offering you an array of opportunities. Campus recruitment might just be that door for you, leading to a profitable job offer.
  • In love, think of two hearts drawn in the sand by the shore, untouched by the waves. This indicates the quality time you're likely to spend with your loved one, enjoying the tranquility of shared moments.
  • Lucky Number: 7. In numerology, it's the number of introspection and inner wisdom. Use this energy to make insightful decisions.
  • Lucky Color: Brown. This earthy color symbolizes stability, reliability, and wholesomeness. Incorporating this hue into your day may bring grounding and comforting energies.


CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21) - 🐐

  • Capricorn, imagine a river cutting through mountains, persistent and unstoppable, much like the financial help you are likely to receive for your dream project. This aid can be compared to the life-giving river, fuelling the growth of your ambitious plans.
  • Visualize a Zen monk in his tranquil garden, depicting the self-discipline you need to remain healthy. The monk's disciplined life is a lesson in how regimentation can lead to wellbeing.
  • In your professional sphere, imagine yourself as a seasoned diplomat, skillfully navigating complex negotiations. You'll handle any people management issues with similar tact and diplomacy.
  • When it comes to support for your dreams, picture a group of friends and family around a bonfire, their faces lit up with anticipation and joy. They are your cheerleaders, ready to lend a hand when you need it.
  • On the academic front, think of a marathon where you're keeping pace with other runners, matching them stride for stride. Your intellectual prowess will help you stay competitive in your academic pursuits.
  • For beneficial advice, envision a wise sage imparting pearls of wisdom under an ancient tree. Following the guidance of others will greatly benefit you, much like the sage's words enlighten the seekers.
  • In the realm of romance, picture a bright lantern in the midst of darkness, attracting many to its glow. You may find yourself being the center of attention, garnering interest from potential suitors, and lighting up your love life.
  • Lucky Number: 22. As the 'Master Builder' number in numerology, it represents the ability to turn ambitious dreams into reality. Use this powerful energy to propel your aspirations forward.
  • Lucky Color: Orange. This vibrant color represents enthusiasm, happiness, and creativity. Embrace this hue to infuse your day with spirited and joyful energy.


AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19) - 🏺

  • Aquarius, think of an ancient treasure chest that, upon opening, reveals fewer riches than expected. Similarly, an investment made in the past might not yield the returns you had hoped for. This situation is akin to finding pearls instead of diamonds - still valuable, but perhaps not as dazzling.
  • For health, visualize a well-tended garden, filled with vibrant blooms and lush foliage. It's a reminder not to take your health for granted - nourish and nurture it, just as a gardener would with their plants.
  • In your professional journey, imagine a guiding star leading you to an influential individual. This person can significantly aid your career growth, much like the star guides travelers to their destination.
  • As for your home, picture a fresh canvas ready for a masterpiece. Today is an excellent day to start something new, just as an artist would embark on a fresh work of art with enthusiasm.
  • Traveling may bring to mind a satisfying reunion. Consider it as a bird flying across miles to reunite with its kin. Your journey to meet an out-of-town relative or friend will be equally gratifying.
  • When it comes to gaining popularity, envision a shining beacon drawing people toward you. Your charm and magnetism are sure to attract admiration on the social front.
  • In the realm of love, imagine a cozy evening by the fireplace, radiating warmth and comfort. This image symbolizes the blissful togetherness you are likely to enjoy with your loved one today.
  • Lucky Number: 3. In numerology, this number symbolizes creativity, sociability, and self-expression. Harness this energy to make the most of your day.
  • Lucky Color: White. This color represents purity, innocence, and wholeness. Incorporate this hue into your life today for a sense of completeness and peace.


PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20) - 🐠

  • Pisces, imagine a stream, flowing steadily and gathering tiny pebbles on its journey. Like the stream, your efforts to conserve money are likely to yield positive results, gradually building up your financial strength.
  • For those dealing with health issues, picture a delicate seedling that requires extra nurturing to grow into a sturdy tree. Just like the seedling, those who are unwell may need additional care and attention to recover.
  • In terms of work, imagine a fruitful orchard where each tree is laden with ripe fruits. Those working on a commission basis may find the day to be similarly profitable, with every effort bearing fruit.
  • At home, envision a tranquil lake, it's surface perfectly calm and serene. This symbolizes the peaceful existence you're likely to enjoy on the home front.
  • As for travel, think of an ant making its way across a vast landscape. The journey may be slow, and delays can occur, much like the ant's path, so ensure to have enough buffer time to reach your destination.
  • In the academic field, imagine a cheering crowd, full of well-wishers, supporting a marathon runner. Just as the runner draws strength from their support, you too are likely to receive all the backing you need to succeed academically.
  • Love, in your case, can be compared to a flourishing garden, with each romantic endeavor blossoming beautifully, promising positive outcomes.
  • Lucky Number: 4. This number stands for stability, practicality, and hard work in numerology. Embrace this energy to steadily achieve your goals.
  • Lucky Color: Green. This color signifies growth, harmony, and freshness. Integrating this hue into your life today can bring a sense of calm and rejuvenation.


As I draw the curtains on our astrological voyage today, let's muse on the tale of Ursa Major. Just as the Great Bear remains resolute in its celestial path, our life's journey too is shaped by our resolve, actions, and choices. Astrology, this enticing blend of science and spirituality, offers guidance, painting possible pathways and potential outcomes. However, it is not a rulebook dictating our every step, but a compass to be wisely used along with other vital information when making significant life decisions.

Thank you for joining me on this cosmic journey, and I look forward to guiding you again through tomorrow's stellar ballet. Until then, let the stars spark your imagination, but remember to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground of reality!

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