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Tarot Whispers: Harnessing The Power of The Chariot, Judgement, and Queen of Swords (07-21-23)

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Navigate Life's Mysteries with The Chariot's Resolve, Judgement's Awakening, and The Queen of Sword's Clarity!


Welcome, dear reader! Do you remember the childhood game of 'connect-the-dots'? The excitement of not knowing what the scattered points would reveal, and the satisfaction once the final line was drawn? Today's tarot reading is just like that - a cosmic version of connect-the-dots. As we weave together the insights of The Chariot

The VII The Chariot Keywords   Willpower, Success, Control, Ambition, Determination, Self-discipline, Focus   Card Lesson: When The Chariot presents itself, it signifies the need for you to forge ahead with your plan in a systematic and well-organized manner. Historical description of the VII The Chariot. ... →→ Click for more details ←←, Judgement, and the Queen of Swords, remember, Tarot is a reflective tool, a mirror to the subtle whispers of your life. So let's embark on this enlightening adventure and see what story unfolds before us, one 'dot' at a time!


Thinking - VII The Chariot

Card Lesson: With clarity and understanding, I know the balance between holding tight with determination and releasing with grace.

Keywords: Willpower, Success, Control

Picture a majestic chariot, pulled by two powerful sphinxes, charging through a battlefield with fierce determination. The driver is you, the sphinxes are your energy, and the battlefield represents your life. This is the essence of The Chariot, it represents willpower, control, and success.


When this card appears in a reading, it is a sign that you have the strength and determination to overcome any obstacles in your path. You are in control of your destiny and with focus, dedication, and hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.



Feeling - XX Judgement

Card Lesson: Embrace your calling, and make peace with your past.

Keywords: Awakening, Reflection, Rebirth

Imagine a trumpet sounding in the skies, the call of the angel awakening the dead. The call is a reminder to rise, to shed the past, and embrace a new beginning. This is the energy of the Judgement card.


When this card appears in your reading, it suggests a time of reflection, a time to assess your past actions and make peace with them. It's a call to wake up, realize your potential, and answer your true calling. It symbolizes rebirth and signals the end of a cycle and the start of a new one.



Doing - Queen of Swords

Card Lesson: Embracing wisdom, I acknowledge it often bears the imprint of emotional journeys past.

Keywords: Intelligence, Honesty, Independence

Picture a queen on her throne, holding a sword up high, her gaze steady and unyielding. This is the Queen of Swords, symbolizing a figure of mature intellect and calm authority.


When this card appears in a reading, it signifies the use of intellect and clear judgment. It urges you to lead with truth, honesty, and clear communication. It’s a reminder that you have the power to cut through the confusion, see the reality of the situation, and communicate your needs and ideas effectively.


Final Thoughts

As we draw today's life game of 'connect-the-dots' to a close, let's pause and absorb the wisdom that has emerged. The Chariot's guidance is clear: Maintain a firm grip on the reins of your willpower and journey forward with resolve. Judgement resonates with a call to embrace our past experiences and awaken to our higher purpose. And the Queen of Swords, our final dot in today's constellation, advises us to wield the sword of truth with discernment and grace.


Like a puzzle gradually revealing its form, our understanding evolves through these intricate interconnections. Remember, these Tarot readings are the landmarks in your journey of self-exploration, not the final destination. In navigating the vast expanse of your personal life, use this as one of many guides, not as the exclusive compass.


While Tarot can provide profound insights, it's not a substitute for professional advice. For personal issues that require expert assistance, always reach out to a trusted professional. This reading is a broad insight, more akin to a weather forecast than a personal consultation. Always use your judegment and seek multiple perspectives when making important life decisions.


So, as you step forward into the rhythm of your daily life, carry these insights with you as sparks of guidance in the boundless dance of existence. And until our paths cross again in the realm of Tarot, may your journey be lit with wisdom, cradled in understanding, and graced with serendipity.



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