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The Triumph, The Turbulence, and The Transition: A Journey Revealed in Today’s Tarot (07-19-23)

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Trials & Triumphs: Unseen Forces Nudge You Towards an Epic Transformation!

Greetings to all our readers! Today’s Tarot reading brings a message of perseverance, success, and moving on. As we delve into the meanings of VIII of Wands (reversed), VI of Wands, and V of Cups (reversed), remember that Tarot cards are guides along your journey, providing insights and advice. The wisdom they hold is yours to interpret and apply in a way that resonates with you.


Thinking - VIII of Wands (reversed)

Card Lesson: Trust the journey, even when the path isn't clear.

Keywords: Delays, Frustration, Resistance

Imagine a skilled archer, who, with a quiver full of arrows, readies himself to let fly. Each arrow is a plan, an idea, or a goal, shot with precision and determination toward its target. This is the energy of the VIII of Wands, it's about swift action and rapid advancement. When this card appears reversed in a reading, it signifies that those arrows, your plans or projects, may have hit some turbulence.

Just like an airplane encountering unexpected wind shear, your plans might be facing unexpected delays or even resistance. However, remember that the turbulence is always temporary. Hold fast to your determination and do not lose sight of your goals. It is just a matter of time before the winds change in your favor.


Feeling - VI of Wands

Card Lesson: Celebrate the victories and acknowledge the journey it took to get there.

Keywords: Recognition, Success, Public Reward

Consider a marathon runner, crossing the finish line after a long, grueling race. The crowd around them cheers in celebration, acknowledging the endurance and hard work it took to get to this point. This is the energy of the VI of Wands.

The VI of Wands is a card of victory, success, and public recognition. When this card appears in your reading, it is a validation of your efforts and a celebration of your success. It's a reminder to take a moment to bask in the applause, to enjoy the fruits of your hard work, and to remember the challenges you've overcome along the way. Success is sweeter when you appreciate the journey it took to get there.


Doing - V of Cups (reversed)

Card Lesson: Let go of regret and focus on the possibilities.

Keywords: Acceptance, Moving On, Finding Peace

Picture a child who has dropped their ice cream cone. They mourn over the fallen treat, completely overlooking the ice cream truck standing just a few steps away. This is the essence of the V of Cups. When upright, this card indicates regret and disappointment, focusing on what has been lost.

However, when this card appears reversed, it is a signal to shift your focus. It’s time to wipe away the tears, look around, and realize that there are more ice cream cones, more opportunities, more chances waiting for you. It's a message of acceptance and moving on. It's an invitation to leave behind the disappointments of the past and open your heart to the possibilities that lie ahead.


Final Thoughts

As we close today's reading, remember that life is full of cycles, much like the spinning of a wheel. There will be times when the path ahead seems unclear and the winds of life may blow against you. There will be times of victory, where your hard work is recognized and celebrated. And yes, there will be times of disappointment. Yet, it's in these moments, when we learn to accept and move on, that we often find the greatest growth.

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields." This Scottish blessing beautifully captures the spirit of today's reading - acknowledging the trials, the victories, and the journey in between. And so, until next time, dear reader, may your journey be filled with insight and your path be illuminated by wisdom.

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