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07-10-2023: Daily Tarot

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Good Morning! ☀️

If there's one thing I love about online work, it's the chance to connect with people from all over the world, at any time, without a commute! 🌍 No coffee ☕ stains on the keyboard today, I promise. 😉


Now, let's dive into our daily tarot reading. Hold onto your digital tea cups ☕ as we embark on a mystical journey. The cards 🃏 have spoken and they present an interesting narrative today. 


Thinking -  The Fool 🃏

First up The Fool, this card that represents the innocent wanderer in all of us. This card is a reminder that sometimes, the naivety and the courage to plunge into the unknown are our greatest strengths 💪. Each one of us has the spirit of The Fool within us. Remember the first day of a new job, or moving to a new city? That mix of excitement 🎉, anxiety 😰, and curiosity 🕵️‍♀️ is The Fool's energy. Don't be afraid to tap into this energy and take that leap of faith. After all, every great journey begins with a single step into the unknown.


Feeling - VI of Swords 🗡️

Our next card is the VI of Swords, a card symbolizing moving on from past hurt. This card gently nudges you to step out of an environment that's causing you pain. Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is walk away from a situation that's reopening old wounds. Consider it as leaving behind a turbulent sea 🌊 for calmer waters 🏞️. It might be difficult to navigate this journey initially, but remember that every new dawn 🌅 brings with it renewed hope and possibilities.


Doing - III of Pentacles 🔱

Our final card for today is the III of Pentacles, an emblem of cooperation and teamwork. We are all unique, possessing skills and experiences that others don't. When we combine our forces, that's when real magic happens. Think of a successful project at work or a community initiative, how each individual's unique contribution led to a beautiful result. Let's appreciate the skills and talents others bring to the table and work together to create something truly amazing 🌟.


So, dear reader, as we navigate our day, let's hold the spirit of The Fool within us, embracing the courage to step into the unknown, have the wisdom of the VI of Swords to leave what doesn't serve us behind, and the collective spirit of the III of Pentacles to come together in unity and harmony. 🙏


Remember, tarot readings are a guide, a mystical map. The journey and what we make out of it is entirely up to us. Happy exploring! 🎈🎉

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The VI of Swords spoke directly to my situation. I have been thinking about leaving my current job for a healthier work environment. This reading feels like a sign!

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