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07-05-2023: Daily Tarot

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Good Morning, wonderful souls! 🌞

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is in the air, but who else secretly wishes to swap that office chair for a cozy hammock? 🙋‍♂️ Nonetheless, let's embrace the day with open hearts. I’m here, all sparkly and ready to share today’s Tarot wisdom with you! 🌌


Thinking - VI of Pentacles

Gracing us with its abundance. This card is often associated with giving and receiving. Instead of plainly stating it, imagine a big oak tree with branches extending far and wide. Each branch has the power to shelter and nourish. In the same manner, when we generously extend our branches to others, the universe often showers us with acorns of gratitude and prosperity. It’s a day to realize that sharing and compassion can be the sunshine that grows the oak.
Keywords:  Charity, Generosity, Sharing
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Element: Earth


Feeling -  III of Wands

This card speaks of actions and their far-reaching consequences. Picture an archer, with bow and arrow aimed towards the horizon. Each action is like releasing an arrow. It carries the power to reach distances we might not even see. The III of Wands is an encouragement to aim high and be conscious of where you release your arrows today. The energy you set in motion now can build bridges to wonderful opportunities and adventures.
Keywords: Looking Ahead, Expansion, Rapid Growth
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Element: Fire


Doing - High Priestess

She is the guardian of deep, inner wisdom. Instead of just urging you to trust your intuition, think of the High Priestess as a wise old owl perched on your shoulder. Her eyes see what is hidden in the shadows, and she guides you through whispers in the wind. Today, take a moment to silence the outside noise and listen. What is your inner owl whispering? There might be precious gems of wisdom hidden in those soft murmurs.
Keywords: Intuition, Unconscious, Inner Voice
Astrology: Moon
Element: Water


So, dear friends, as you venture into your day, let the VI of Pentacles remind you that your kindness can be the shelter for others, the III of Wands encourage you to be conscious of the energy you are releasing, and the High Priestess guide you through the whispers of your inner wisdom.


May your day be wrapped in enchantment and warm coffee!☕️✨


Until next time,

🔮 Your Tarot Companion 🔮

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The analogy of the oak tree for the VI of Pentacles is perfect. It’s a reminder that giving doesn’t deplete us but rather, it’s a cycle of energy that comes back in abundance. Feeling blessed.

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