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July 5, 2023

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The Mystical Power of Number Three in Celtic Culture

Good day, dear seekers of ancient wisdom! Today, let's take an enlightening journey to the enchanting Celtic realms where mysticism and mythology bloom. The Celtic culture, rich in its mythological tales and spiritual beliefs, holds a treasure trove of wisdom. One such gem is their reverential regard for the number three and its multiples. Let’s unfold the mystical blanket that enshrouds the significance of this sacred number.

A Spiritual Triad: Self-Esteem, Courting, Drunkenness:

The Celts, wise in their ways, believed that high spirits were fostered through a trinity - self-esteem, courting, and a touch of intoxication. This reflects not just the importance of self-confidence and relationships, but also the Celtic love for feasting and merriment.

Why Three?

In Celtic mythology and spirituality, three is considered the epitome of balance and harmony. Their lore is adorned with tales of Triple Goddesses and sacred trios, which manifest the myriad dimensions of existence. Multiples of three were believed to carry the essence of this sacred number and were thus revered.

Three expressions of the Celtic sacred numbers
The Triquerta | The Trefoil | The Nonegram
Three expressions of the Celtic sacred numbers.

Symbols of the Sacred Three:

The Celtic culture has gracefully woven the sacred three into two primary symbols - the trefoil and the inverted triangle, often referred to as the Triangle of Manifestation. The trefoil, resembling the Irish shamrock, and the inverted triangle are akin to a whisper of ancient knowledge passed down through generations.

The Enigmatic Power of Nine:

Delving deeper, we find that the Celts held the number nine - three multiplied by itself - in the highest regard. The nine is a reflection of creative power and perpetual regeneration. Intriguingly, nine was linked to lunar mysteries across various cultures, and the Celts found solace in this association as the number always returns to itself.

A Magical Mathematical Journey:

Embark on a little experiment with me. Choose any number and multiply it by nine. Sum the digits of the product, and voila, you’re back to nine! Take 9 times 5, which equals 45. Add 4 and 5 together, and there you have it – nine again! This cycle symbolizes the unending, cyclical nature of existence.

Incorporating the Sacred Three in Celtic Rituals:

As we step into the realm of rituals, the number three stands as a guardian, guiding the energies. From the candles on the altar to the chants recited, multiples of three are essential in Celtic rituals. In fact, some traditions even insist that the desired results can only be achieved if the number three is woven into the fabric of the ritual.


As we wrap up our mystical journey for today, I encourage you to explore the power of the sacred three in your spiritual practices. May the triad guide you to harmony and wisdom. Whether you’re lighting candles or crafting your own rituals, let the sacred Celtic triad be your guiding light.

Now, dear seeker, carry this wisdom in your heart as you walk the path of the ancients. Until next time, may the sacred triad illuminate your journey!

07-05-2023: Daily Horoscope

Good Morning, celestial explorers! 🌟

Are you curious about what the stars have to say for you today, July 5, 2023? Let's embark on this cosmic journey together and discover the hidden wisdom that the universe has in store for all the zodiac signs.


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Today, Aries, imagine yourself as the ultimate social butterfly 🦋. Your charm and hospitality skills are at their peak. And guess what? Academia is giving you a standing ovation. The coins are clinking as earnings are on the rise! But, be a tad cautious with that street food, it's tempting, but your tummy might not thank you. As for your home, it’s your canvas, let the creativity flow. Vacation calling? Pack those bags!

Love Focus: The love winds are in your favor. Sail smoothly!

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Color: Green


TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Oh Taurus, a fresh start on the fitness front is beckoning. Why not embrace it? A little help at work will go a long way - don't shy away. Remember, moderation is key, especially if you're preparing for something special. The home atmosphere demands a firm but gentle touch today. Pack your laughter and joy for a fun little trip!

Love Focus: Cupid's arrow is poised, and someone special might just take the leap.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Color: Purple


GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Gemini, your stars are shining bright, like diamonds 💎! With a supportive friend by your side, there's nothing you can't achieve. Keep that academic focus laser-sharp. Popularity is your middle name today. New places and faces? Yes, please! Entrepreneurs, get ready to dive into a pile of profits. Family bonding is the secret ingredient for today.

Love Focus: A budding romance is blossoming from the seeds of an old friendship.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Color: Red


CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Cancer, be cautious with your treasure chest today. Don't let pirates get their hooks on it. Take up challenges that you are certain to conquer. Feeling lazy? Shake it off and feel the vitality. There’s a joyous buzz at home. A short journey promises delightful vistas. Property matters need that dash of diplomacy.

Love Focus: An enchanting time with your special one awaits.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Color: Orange


LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Oh regal Leo, let the wise counsel of others guide your professional steps today. Entertaining guests will be a delight. Someone might just sing your praises at work. Wise shopping is your superpower today. Keep that exercise routine going! Social engagements are on the horizon.

Love Focus: Love is ready to shower you with delightful surprises.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Color: Pink


VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

Virgo, bank accounts and money matters are your playground today. Fitness calls for some extra hustle. Business ventures? Today is as profitable as a golden goose. Your home is set to be brimming with joy and fulfilling company. An adventurous trip might be on the cards. Inheritance could knock on your door.

Love Focus: Your love life is blossoming like a sunflower in the sun.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Color: Yellow


LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Libra, hard work is your magic wand today. Be ready for unexpected guests, they might just bring joy. Don’t let stress weigh you down; you got this! Your piggy bank is jingling with extra coins today. A professional opportunity from afar is twinkling. Thinking about a home makeover? The stars say go for it!

Love Focus: Love is painting the town red tonight. Get ready!

Lucky Number: 15

Lucky Color: Peach


SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Scorpio, if you feel overlooked, don’t let it cloud your day. The professional front might test your patience. Academically, stay focused and shake off distractions. Your previous investments are ripe and ready to harvest. Domestic help might be scarce. Healthwise, take care.

Love Focus: Love is whispering sweet nothings. Are you listening?

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Color: Cream


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Sagittarius, going the extra mile at work might just line your pockets with extra rewards. Business folks, today’s the day to seize opportunities. Groove to the beat; your health will thank you! Family ties grow stronger with shared experiences. A road trip promises comfort and joy.

Love Focus: Romance is about to sprinkle some magic dust on your day.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Color: White


CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Capricorn, money might come flying at you like a boomerang! Academically, there’s room for improvement. Health calls for tender loving care. Family time is golden; savor it. Work wisely, as haste makes waste. Your kind nature will be the talk of the town.

Love Focus: Love is smooth sailing, but keep an eye on the winds.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Color: Golden


AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

Aquarius, chase your desires with determination today. Your wise words could elevate your standing professionally. Get ready for an adrenaline rush with friends. Family discussions might call for your insights. A home gym is looking like a fabulous idea.

Love Focus: Romance is sizzling; turn up the heat!

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Color: White


PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Pisces, honesty and boldness are your crowning jewels today. Career decisions are clearing up like a fog lifting. Your intellect is your sword and shield in academia. Competitions? You’re the champion. Share your heart with family members. Luxury beckons, and so does social success.

Love Focus: Love is calling you out for a romantic adventure.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Color: Magenta


The stars are whispering secrets; let's listen closely, and make the most of this day. 🌌💫

07-05-2023: Daily Tarot

Good Morning, wonderful souls! 🌞

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is in the air, but who else secretly wishes to swap that office chair for a cozy hammock? 🙋‍♂️ Nonetheless, let's embrace the day with open hearts. I’m here, all sparkly and ready to share today’s Tarot wisdom with you! 🌌


Thinking - VI of Pentacles

Gracing us with its abundance. This card is often associated with giving and receiving. Instead of plainly stating it, imagine a big oak tree with branches extending far and wide. Each branch has the power to shelter and nourish. In the same manner, when we generously extend our branches to others, the universe often showers us with acorns of gratitude and prosperity. It’s a day to realize that sharing and compassion can be the sunshine that grows the oak.
Keywords:  Charity, Generosity, Sharing
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Element: Earth


Feeling -  III of Wands

This card speaks of actions and their far-reaching consequences. Picture an archer, with bow and arrow aimed towards the horizon. Each action is like releasing an arrow. It carries the power to reach distances we might not even see. The III of Wands is an encouragement to aim high and be conscious of where you release your arrows today. The energy you set in motion now can build bridges to wonderful opportunities and adventures.
Keywords: Looking Ahead, Expansion, Rapid Growth
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Element: Fire


Doing - High Priestess

She is the guardian of deep, inner wisdom. Instead of just urging you to trust your intuition, think of the High Priestess as a wise old owl perched on your shoulder. Her eyes see what is hidden in the shadows, and she guides you through whispers in the wind. Today, take a moment to silence the outside noise and listen. What is your inner owl whispering? There might be precious gems of wisdom hidden in those soft murmurs.
Keywords: Intuition, Unconscious, Inner Voice
Astrology: Moon
Element: Water


So, dear friends, as you venture into your day, let the VI of Pentacles remind you that your kindness can be the shelter for others, the III of Wands encourage you to be conscious of the energy you are releasing, and the High Priestess guide you through the whispers of your inner wisdom.


May your day be wrapped in enchantment and warm coffee!☕️✨


Until next time,

🔮 Your Tarot Companion 🔮

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