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June 1, 2023

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Connecting with Earth’s Wisdom: A Green Witchcraft Perspective

The essence of green witchcraft revolves around the natural world, its profound wisdom and time-honored traditions. Long before humanity embarked on its scientific explorations, people depended on nature as their guide. They observed celestial bodies for clues to navigate their lives - when to sow seeds, fish, or hibernate. They sought nature's counsel to plan their journeys or strategies to uplift their communities. Even though we seem to have distanced ourselves from these teachings, green witches affirm that these messages persist. Here are various ways nature communicates with us and how we can relearn to listen.

  1. The Quintessence of Elements: These elements aren't chemical compounds but the fundamental energies that constitute the cosmos: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit (or Aether/Ether). Green witches often evoke these energies during magical workings, each offering a unique vibrational frequency. For instance, water, with its emotional resonance, is optimal for love and relationship rituals. It can be integrated into spells as blessed water, aquatic plants, or in the form of a mystical bath.

  2. Cosmic Cadence - The Sun, Moon, & Stars: The cosmos speaks volumes to those ready to listen. Beyond setting our time concept, celestial bodies, via astrology, provide deep insights into human behaviors and history. Lunar phases connect us with emotional transitions, seasons, and enhance our understanding of humanity. Paying attention to the solar movement can instruct us about everything from navigation to the life cycles of flora and fauna.

  3. The Language of Weather: Though often reduced to small talk, weather reveals so much about a location or season, signaling when something's amiss. As in stories, where weather often mirrors characters' emotions or plot development, reality is often influenced by it. Weather can illuminate possibilities, constraints, and guide our actions.

  4. The Lore of Plants & Flowers: Plants and flowers transmit messages via their scent, shape, color, life cycles, taste, and their interaction with wildlife. Plants can be saviors or executioners; they can bless us with prosperity or curse us with famine. They can also serve as friends, sources of inspiration, and communication tools.

  5. Animal Companions: A close, respectful bond with animals is vital in many green witches' practices. Local fauna educate us about natural cycles, supernatural phenomena, magic, and the unseen world. Animals, with their keen instincts and psychic sensitivity, can detect shifts in energy, impending danger, and even spirits or supernatural entities.

  6. The Sacredness of Food: Our relationship with food is significant, personal, and often culturally rooted. Many witches employ mindfulness and intuition in their dietary choices, using food as a conduit to stay connected with their bodies, local environment, or ancestral lineage.

  7. The Elders - Minerals & Crystals: Minerals and crystals, unique to each location and ancient, connect us across eras and spaces. They play a crucial role in today's interconnected world; quartz is a vital component of modern technology. Hence, minerals and crystals are often revered as 'Elders' or 'Record Keepers'.

  8. Mother Earth: To commune with the Earth, sometimes all it takes is an open heart and mind. Simply sit outdoors, welcome her presence, and await her response.

Our magical practices may evolve as we move or travel to new locations. Regions have their distinctive magical practices, influenced by local cultures, climates, flora, fauna, environment, and even regulations. Stay open to learning and exploring the magic within your natural surroundings.

While green witchcraft doesn't necessitate worshiping deities, personifying the mysterious has always brought comfort and understanding to humanity. Ancient gods and goddesses explained natural phenomena; sun god ensured the sun's rise, volcano goddess created lands, and Earth herself was revered as the goddess of life and abundance. Today, these tales continue to inspire and remind us of a time when magic was an integral part of life.

Mother Nature is often seen as the embodiment of the Earth and nature's forces, invoked during sudden storms. Almost every ancient culture and religion worldwide has moon-associated goddesses, acknowledging the moon's significant impact on Earth. Faeries, often seen as nature spirits or demigods in some legends, are another representation of elemental energy and nature. Some witches build faery houses in their gardens to attract these spirits, hoping their presence will help their plants thrive.

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